开发人员可以添加不同的绘图对象,如文本框、复选框、单选按钮、组合框、标签、按钮、直线、矩形、弧线、椭圆、微调控件、滚动条、分组框等。Aspose.Cells 提供了 Aspose.Cells.Drawing 命名空间,其中包含所有的绘图对象。但是,目前还不支持一些绘图对象或形状。可以在 Microsoft Excel 中创建这些绘图对象,并将设计好的电子表格导入到 Aspose.Cells 中。Aspose.Cells 允许从设计好的电子表格加载这些绘图对象,然后将它们写入生成的文件中。
在报告中强调重要信息的一种方式是使用文本框。例如,添加文本以突出公司名称或指示销售额最高的地理区域等。Aspose.Cells 提供了 TextBoxes 类,用于向集合中添加新的文本框。还有另一个类,TextBox,表示用于定义各种设置的文本框。它具有一些重要成员:
- getTextFrame 方法返回用于调整文本框内容的 MsoTextFrame 对象。
- setPlacement 方法指定放置类型。
- setFont 方法指定字体属性。
- addHyperlink 方法为文本框添加超链接。
- FillFormat 属性返回用于设置文本框填充格式的 MsoFillFormat 对象。
- LineFormat 属性返回用于设置文本框线条样式和粗细的 MsoLineFormat 对象。
- setText 方法指定文本框的输入文本。
// For complete examples and data files, please go to https://github.com/aspose-cells/Aspose.Cells-for-Java | |
// The path to the documents directory. | |
String dataDir = Utils.getSharedDataDir(AddingTextBoxControl.class) + "DrawingObjects/"; | |
// Instantiate a new Workbook. | |
Workbook workbook = new Workbook(); | |
// Get the first worksheet in the book. | |
Worksheet worksheet = workbook.getWorksheets().get(0); | |
// Get the textbox object. | |
int textboxIndex = worksheet.getTextBoxes().add(2, 1, 160, 200); | |
TextBox textbox0 = worksheet.getTextBoxes().get(textboxIndex); | |
// Fill the text. | |
textbox0.setText("ASPOSE______The .NET & JAVA Component Publisher!"); | |
// Set the placement. | |
textbox0.setPlacement(PlacementType.FREE_FLOATING); | |
// Set the font color. | |
textbox0.getFont().setColor(Color.getBlue()); | |
// Set the font to bold. | |
textbox0.getFont().setBold(true); | |
// Set the font size. | |
textbox0.getFont().setSize(14); | |
// Set font attribute to italic. | |
textbox0.getFont().setItalic(true); | |
// Add a hyperlink to the textbox. | |
textbox0.addHyperlink("http://www.aspose.com/"); | |
// Get the filformat of the textbox. | |
FillFormat fillformat = textbox0.getFill(); | |
// Set the fillcolor. | |
fillformat.setOneColorGradient(Color.getSilver(), 1, GradientStyleType.HORIZONTAL, 1); | |
// Get the lineformat type of the textbox. | |
LineFormat lineformat = textbox0.getLine(); | |
// Set the line style. | |
lineformat.setDashStyle(MsoLineStyle.THIN_THICK); | |
// Set the line weight. | |
lineformat.setWeight(6); | |
// Set the dash style to squaredot. | |
lineformat.setDashStyle(MsoLineDashStyle.SQUARE_DOT); | |
// Get the second textbox. | |
TextBox textbox1 = (com.aspose.cells.TextBox) worksheet.getShapes().addShape(MsoDrawingType.TEXT_BOX, 15, 0, 4, | |
0, 85, 120); | |
// Input some text to it. | |
textbox1.setText("This is another simple text box"); | |
// Set the placement type as the textbox will move and resize with cells. | |
textbox1.setPlacement(PlacementType.MOVE_AND_SIZE); | |
// Save the excel file. | |
workbook.save(dataDir + "AddingTextBoxControl_out.xls"); |
下面的例子使用我们在上面的例子中创建的Microsoft Excel文件 - tsttextboxes.xls。它获取两个文本框的文本字符串并更改第二个文本框的文本以保存文件。
// For complete examples and data files, please go to https://github.com/aspose-cells/Aspose.Cells-for-Java | |
// The path to the documents directory. | |
String dataDir = Utils.getDataDir(ManipulatingTextBoxControls.class); | |
// Instantiate a new Workbook. | |
Workbook workbook = new Workbook(dataDir + "book1.xls"); | |
// Get the first worksheet in the book. | |
Worksheet worksheet = workbook.getWorksheets().get(0); | |
// Get the first textbox object. | |
com.aspose.cells.TextBox textbox0 = worksheet.getTextBoxes().get(0); | |
// Obtain the text in the first textbox. | |
String text0 = textbox0.getText(); | |
System.out.println(text0); | |
// Get the second textbox object. | |
com.aspose.cells.TextBox textbox1 = worksheet.getTextBoxes().get(1); | |
// Obtain the text in the second textbox. | |
String text1 = textbox1.getText(); | |
// Change the text of the second textbox. | |
textbox1.setText("This is an alternative text"); | |
// Save the excel file. | |
workbook.save(dataDir + "tsttextboxes1.xls"); |
使用Microsoft Excel
- 确保显示“表单”工具栏。
- 单击“表单”工具栏上的复选框工具。
- 在工作表区域,单击并拖动以定义容纳复选框和复选框旁边标签的矩形。
- 放置复选框后,将鼠标光标移至标签区域并更改标签。
- 在单元格链接字段中,指定应链接到该复选框的单元格地址。
- 单击确定。
- 方法setLinkedCell指定与复选框关联的单元格。
- 方法setText指定与复选框关联的文本字符串。这是复选框的标签。
- 方法setValue指定复选框是否被选择。
// For complete examples and data files, please go to https://github.com/aspose-cells/Aspose.Cells-for-Java | |
// The path to the documents directory. | |
String dataDir = Utils.getDataDir(AddingCheckBoxControl.class); | |
// Instantiate a new Workbook. | |
Workbook workbook = new Workbook(); | |
// Get the first worksheet in the book. | |
Worksheet worksheet = workbook.getWorksheets().get(0); | |
// Add a checkbox to the first worksheet in the workbook. | |
int checkBoxIndex = worksheet.getCheckBoxes().add(5, 5, 100, 120); | |
CheckBox checkBox = worksheet.getCheckBoxes().get(checkBoxIndex); | |
// Set its text string. | |
checkBox.setText("Check it!"); | |
// Put a value into B1 cell. | |
worksheet.getCells().get("B1").setValue("LnkCell"); | |
// Set B1 cell as a linked cell for the checkbox. | |
checkBox.setLinkedCell("=B1"); | |
// Save the excel file. | |
workbook.save(dataDir + "tstcheckboxes.xls"); |
使用Microsoft Excel
- 确保表单工具栏已显示。
- 单击 选项按钮 工具。
- 在工作表中,单击并拖动以定义将容纳选项按钮和选项按钮旁边标签的矩形。
- 一旦单选按钮放置在工作表中,将鼠标光标移入标签区域并更改标签。
- 在 单元格链接 字段中,指定应与此单选按钮链接的单元格的地址。
- 点击确定。
ShapeCollection 类提供了一个名为 addShape 的方法,可以用来向工作表添加单选按钮控件。该方法可能会返回一个 RadioButton 对象。RadioButton 类表示一个选项按钮。它具有一些重要成员:
- setLinkedCell 方法指定与单选按钮关联的单元格。
- setText 方法指定与单选按钮关联的文本字符串。它是单选按钮的标签。
- Checked 属性指定单选按钮是否被选中。
- setFillFormat 方法指定单选按钮的填充格式。
- setLineFormat 方法指定选项按钮的线条格式样式。
使用Microsoft Excel
- 确保表单工具栏已显示。
- 单击 组合框 工具。
- 在您的工作表区域,单击并拖动以定义将容纳组合框的矩形。
- 一旦组合框放置在工作表中,请右键单击控件,选择设置控件格式并指定输入范围。
- 在单元格链接字段中,指定应链接到该组合框的单元格地址。
- 单击确定。
- setLinkedCell方法指定与组合框链接的单元格。
- setInputRange方法指定用于填充组合框的工作表单元范围。
- setDropDownLines方法指定下拉式组合框部分显示的列表行数。
- setShadow方法指示组合框是否具有3D阴影。
// For complete examples and data files, please go to https://github.com/aspose-cells/Aspose.Cells-for-Java | |
// The path to the documents directory. | |
String dataDir = Utils.getDataDir(AddingComboBoxControl.class); | |
// Create a new Workbook. | |
Workbook workbook = new Workbook(); | |
// Get the first worksheet. | |
Worksheet sheet = workbook.getWorksheets().get(0); | |
// Get the worksheet cells collection. | |
Cells cells = sheet.getCells(); | |
// Input a value. | |
cells.get("B3").setValue("Employee:"); | |
Style style = cells.get("B3").getStyle(); | |
style.getFont().setBold(true); | |
// Set it bold. | |
cells.get("B3").setStyle(style); | |
// Input some values that denote the input range for the combo box. | |
cells.get("A2").setValue("Emp001"); | |
cells.get("A3").setValue("Emp002"); | |
cells.get("A4").setValue("Emp003"); | |
cells.get("A5").setValue("Emp004"); | |
cells.get("A6").setValue("Emp005"); | |
cells.get("A7").setValue("Emp006"); | |
// Add a new combo box. | |
com.aspose.cells.ComboBox comboBox = (com.aspose.cells.ComboBox) sheet.getShapes() | |
.addShape(MsoDrawingType.COMBO_BOX, 3, 0, 1, 0, 20, 100); | |
// Set the linked cell; | |
comboBox.setLinkedCell("A1"); | |
// Set the input range. | |
comboBox.setInputRange("=A2:A7"); | |
// Set no. of list lines displayed in the combo box's list portion. | |
comboBox.setDropDownLines(5); | |
// Set the combo box with 3-D shading. | |
comboBox.setShadow(true); | |
// AutoFit Columns | |
sheet.autoFitColumns(); | |
// Saves the file. | |
workbook.save(dataDir + "tstcombobox.xls"); |
- setText方法指定标签的标题字符串。
- setPlacement方法指定PlacementType,即标签连接到工作表中的单元格的方式。
// For complete examples and data files, please go to https://github.com/aspose-cells/Aspose.Cells-for-Java | |
// The path to the documents directory. | |
String dataDir = Utils.getSharedDataDir(AddingLabelControl.class) + "DrawingObjects/"; | |
// Create a new Workbook. | |
Workbook workbook = new Workbook(); | |
// Get the first worksheet. | |
Worksheet sheet = workbook.getWorksheets().get(0); | |
// Add a new label to the worksheet. | |
com.aspose.cells.Label label = (com.aspose.cells.Label) sheet.getShapes().addShape(MsoDrawingType.LABEL, 2, 2, | |
2, 0, 60, 120); | |
// Set the caption of the label. | |
label.setText("This is a Label"); | |
// Set the Placement Type, the way the label is attached to the cells. | |
label.setPlacement(PlacementType.FREE_FLOATING); | |
// Set the fill color of the label. | |
label.getFill().setOneColorGradient(Color.getYellow(), 1, GradientStyleType.HORIZONTAL, 1); | |
// Saves the file. | |
workbook.save(dataDir + "AddingLabelControl_out.xls"); |
使用Microsoft Excel
- 确保表单工具栏已显示。
- 点击列表框工具。
- 在工作表区域,单击并拖动以定义将容纳列表框的矩形。
- 将列表框放置在工作表中后,右键单击控件,然后点击格式控件,并指定输入范围。
- 在单元格链接字段中,指定应将该列表框链接到的单元格地址,并设置选择类型(单选,多选,扩展)属性
- 点击确定。
- setLinkedCell方法指定与列表框链接的单元格。
- setInputRange方法指定用于填充列表框的工作表单元格范围。
- setSelectionType方法指定列表框的选择模式。
- setShadow方法指示列表框是否具有3D阴影。
// For complete examples and data files, please go to https://github.com/aspose-cells/Aspose.Cells-for-Java | |
// The path to the documents directory. | |
String dataDir = Utils.getDataDir(AddingListBoxControl.class); | |
// Create a new Workbook. | |
Workbook workbook = new Workbook(); | |
// Get the first worksheet. | |
Worksheet sheet = workbook.getWorksheets().get(0); | |
// Get the worksheet cells collection. | |
Cells cells = sheet.getCells(); | |
// Input a value. | |
cells.get("B3").setValue("Choose Dept:"); | |
Style style = cells.get("B3").getStyle(); | |
style.getFont().setBold(true); | |
// Set it bold. | |
cells.get("B3").setStyle(style); | |
// Input some values that denote the input range for the combo box. | |
cells.get("A2").setValue("Sales"); | |
cells.get("A3").setValue("Finance"); | |
cells.get("A4").setValue("MIS"); | |
cells.get("A5").setValue("R&D"); | |
cells.get("A6").setValue("Marketing"); | |
cells.get("A7").setValue("HRA"); | |
// Add a new list box. | |
com.aspose.cells.ListBox listBox = (com.aspose.cells.ListBox) sheet.getShapes() | |
.addShape(MsoDrawingType.LIST_BOX, 3, 3, 1, 0, 100, 122); | |
// Set the linked cell; | |
listBox.setLinkedCell("A1"); | |
// Set the input range. | |
listBox.setInputRange("=A2:A7"); | |
// Set the Placement Type, the way the list box is attached to the cells. | |
listBox.setPlacement(PlacementType.FREE_FLOATING); | |
// Set the list box with 3-D shading. | |
listBox.setShadow(true); | |
// Set the selection type. | |
listBox.setSelectionType(SelectionType.SINGLE); | |
// AutoFit Columns | |
sheet.autoFitColumns(); | |
// Saves the file. | |
workbook.save(dataDir + "tstlistbox.xls"); |
使用Microsoft Excel
- 确保表单工具栏已显示。
- 单击按钮工具。
- 在工作表区域,单击并拖动以定义将容纳按钮的矩形。
- 将按钮放置在工作表中后,右键单击控件并选择格式控件,然后指定VBA宏和相关字体、对齐、大小、边距等属性。
- 单击确定。
类 ShapeCollection 提供了一个名为 addShape 的方法,用于将按钮控件添加到工作表中。该方法可能会返回一个 Button 对象。Button 类代表一个按钮。它有一些重要的成员:
- setText 方法指定按钮的标题。
- setPlacement 方法指定了 PlacementType,即按钮附加到工作表单元格的方式。
- addHyperlink 方法为按钮控件添加超链接。单击按钮将导航到相关的 URL。
Aspose.Cells 允许您在工作表中绘制自选图形。您可以轻松地创建一条线,并允许您格式化该线。例如,您可以更改线的颜色、指定线的粗细和样式。
使用Microsoft Excel
- 在 绘图 工具栏上,单击 自选图形,指向 线条,然后选择所需的线条样式。
- 拖动以绘制线条。
- 执行以下操作中的一个或两个:
- 要限制线条以与起点呈15度角的方式绘制,请在拖动时按住 SHIFT 键。
- 要使线条从第一个端点向相反方向延伸,请在拖动时按住 CTRL 键。
类 ShapeCollection 提供了一个名为 addShape 的方法,用于向工作表中添加一条线形状。该方法可能会返回一个 LineShape 对象。LineShape 类代表一条线。它有一些重要的成员:
- setDashStyle 方法指定了线条的格式。
- setPlacement 方法指定了 PlacementType,即线条附加到工作表单元格的方式。
// For complete examples and data files, please go to https://github.com/aspose-cells/Aspose.Cells-for-Java | |
// The path to the documents directory. | |
String dataDir = Utils.getSharedDataDir(AddingLineControl.class) + "DrawingObjects/"; | |
//Instantiate a new Workbook. | |
Workbook workbook = new Workbook(); | |
//Get the first worksheet in the book. | |
Worksheet worksheet = workbook.getWorksheets().get(0); | |
//Add a new line to the worksheet. | |
LineShape line1 = (LineShape)worksheet.getShapes().addShape(MsoDrawingType.LINE,5, 1,0,0, 0, 250); | |
line1.setHasLine(true); | |
//Set the line dash style | |
LineFormat shapeline = line1.getLine(); | |
shapeline.setDashStyle(MsoLineDashStyle.SOLID); | |
//Set the placement. | |
line1.setPlacement(PlacementType.FREE_FLOATING); | |
//Add another line to the worksheet. | |
LineShape line2 = (LineShape) worksheet.getShapes().addShape(MsoDrawingType.LINE, 7, 1,0,0, 85, 250); | |
line2.setHasLine(true); | |
//Set the line dash style. | |
shapeline = line2.getLine(); | |
shapeline.setDashStyle(MsoLineDashStyle.DASH_LONG_DASH); | |
shapeline.setWeight(4); | |
//Set the placement. | |
line2.setPlacement(PlacementType.FREE_FLOATING); | |
//Add the third line to the worksheet. | |
LineShape line3 = (LineShape)worksheet.getShapes().addShape(MsoDrawingType.LINE, 13, 1,0,0, 0, 250); | |
line3.setHasLine(true); | |
//Set the line dash style | |
shapeline = line1.getLine(); | |
shapeline.setDashStyle(MsoLineDashStyle.SOLID); | |
//Set the placement. | |
line3.setPlacement(PlacementType.FREE_FLOATING); | |
//Save the excel file. | |
workbook.save(dataDir + "tstlines.xls"); |
Aspose.Cells 还允许您绘制箭头线条。您可以向一条线条添加箭头,并格式化该线。例如,您可以更改线条的颜色,或指定线条的粗细和样式。
// For complete examples and data files, please go to https://github.com/aspose-cells/Aspose.Cells-for-Java | |
// The path to the documents directory. | |
String dataDir = Utils.getSharedDataDir(AddinganArrowHead.class) + "DrawingObjects/"; | |
//Instantiate a new Workbook. | |
Workbook workbook = new Workbook(); | |
//Get the first worksheet in the book. | |
Worksheet worksheet = workbook.getWorksheets().get(0); | |
//Add a line to the worksheet | |
LineShape line2 = (LineShape) worksheet.getShapes().addShape(MsoDrawingType.LINE, 7, 0, 1, 0, 85, 250); | |
//Set the line color | |
line2.getLine().setFillType(FillType.SOLID); | |
line2.getLine().getSolidFill().setColor(Color.getRed()); | |
//Set the weight of the line. | |
line2.getLine().setWeight(3); | |
//Set the placement. | |
line2.setPlacement(PlacementType.FREE_FLOATING); | |
//Set the line arrows. | |
line2.getLine().setEndArrowheadWidth(MsoArrowheadWidth.MEDIUM); | |
line2.getLine().setEndArrowheadStyle(MsoArrowheadStyle.ARROW); | |
line2.getLine().setEndArrowheadLength(MsoArrowheadLength.MEDIUM); | |
line2.getLine().setBeginArrowheadStyle(MsoArrowheadStyle.ARROW_DIAMOND); | |
line2.getLine().setBeginArrowheadLength(MsoArrowheadLength.MEDIUM); | |
//Make the gridlines invisible in the first worksheet. | |
workbook.getWorksheets().get(0).setGridlinesVisible(false); | |
//Save the excel file. | |
workbook.save(dataDir + "AddinganArrowHead_out.xlsx"); |
使用Microsoft Excel
- 在绘图工具栏上,单击矩形。
- 拖动绘制矩形。
- 执行以下操作中的一个或两个:
- 若要从起点绘制正方形并约束矩形,请按住SHIFT键并拖动。
- 若要从中心点绘制矩形,请按住CTRL键并拖动。
- setLineFormat方法指定矩形的线条格式属性。
- setPlacement方法指定PlacementType,即矩形附加到工作表单元格的方式。
- FillFormat属性指定矩形的填充格式样式。
// For complete examples and data files, please go to https://github.com/aspose-cells/Aspose.Cells-for-Java | |
// The path to the documents directory. | |
String dataDir = Utils.getSharedDataDir(AddingRectangleControl.class) + "DrawingObjects/"; | |
// Instantiate a new Workbook. | |
Workbook excelbook = new Workbook(); | |
// Add a rectangle control. | |
com.aspose.cells.RectangleShape rectangle = (com.aspose.cells.RectangleShape) excelbook.getWorksheets().get(0) | |
.getShapes().addShape(MsoDrawingType.RECTANGLE, 3, 2, 0, 0, 70, 130); | |
// Set the placement of the rectangle. | |
rectangle.setPlacement(PlacementType.FREE_FLOATING); | |
// Set the fill format. | |
FillFormat fillformat = rectangle.getFill(); | |
fillformat.setOneColorGradient(Color.getOlive(), 1, GradientStyleType.HORIZONTAL, 1); | |
// Set the line style. | |
LineFormat linestyle = rectangle.getLine(); | |
linestyle.setDashStyle(MsoLineStyle.THICK_THIN); | |
// Set the line weight. | |
linestyle.setWeight(4); | |
// Set the color of the line. | |
linestyle.setOneColorGradient(Color.getBlue(), 1, GradientStyleType.HORIZONTAL, 1); | |
// Set the dash style of the rectangle. | |
linestyle.setDashStyle(MsoLineDashStyle.SOLID); | |
// Save the excel file. | |
excelbook.save(dataDir + "AddingRectangleControl_out.xls"); |
使用Microsoft Excel
- 在绘图工具栏上,单击AutoShapes中的弧形。
- 拖动绘制弧形。
- setLineFormat方法指定弧形形状的线条格式属性。
- setPlacement方法指定PlacementType,弧形附加到工作表单元格的方式。
- FillFormat属性指定了形状的填充格式样式。
// For complete examples and data files, please go to https://github.com/aspose-cells/Aspose.Cells-for-Java | |
// The path to the documents directory. | |
String dataDir = Utils.getSharedDataDir(AddingArcControl.class) + "DrawingObjects/"; | |
// Instantiate a new Workbook. | |
Workbook excelbook = new Workbook(); | |
// Add an arc shape. | |
com.aspose.cells.ArcShape arc1 = (com.aspose.cells.ArcShape) excelbook.getWorksheets().get(0).getShapes() | |
.addShape(MsoDrawingType.ARC, 2, 2, 0, 0, 130, 130); | |
// Set the placement of the arc. | |
arc1.setPlacement(PlacementType.FREE_FLOATING); | |
// Set the fill format. | |
FillFormat fillformat = arc1.getFill();// getFillFormat(); | |
fillformat.setOneColorGradient(Color.getLime(), 1, GradientStyleType.HORIZONTAL, 1); | |
//setForeColor(Color.getBlue()); | |
// Set the line style. | |
LineFormat lineformat = arc1.getLine();// getLineFormat(); | |
lineformat.setDashStyle(MsoLineStyle.SINGLE); //setStyle(MsoLineStyle.SINGLE); | |
// Set the line weight. | |
lineformat.setWeight(1); | |
// Set the color of the arc line. | |
lineformat.setOneColorGradient(Color.getLime(), 1, GradientStyleType.HORIZONTAL, 1); //setForeColor(Color.getBlue()); | |
// Set the dash style of the arc. | |
lineformat.setDashStyle(MsoLineDashStyle.SOLID); | |
// Add another arc shape. | |
com.aspose.cells.ArcShape arc2 = (com.aspose.cells.ArcShape) excelbook.getWorksheets().get(0).getShapes() | |
.addShape(MsoDrawingType.ARC, 9, 2, 0, 0, 130, 130); | |
// Set the placement of the arc. | |
arc2.setPlacement(PlacementType.FREE_FLOATING); | |
// Set the line style. | |
LineFormat lineformat1 = arc2.getLine(); //getLineFormat(); | |
lineformat1.setDashStyle(MsoLineStyle.SINGLE); | |
// Set the line weight. | |
lineformat1.setWeight(1); | |
// Set the color of the arc line. | |
lineformat1.setOneColorGradient(Color.getLime(), 1, GradientStyleType.HORIZONTAL, 1);//setForeColor(Color.getBlue()); | |
// Set the dash style of the arc. | |
lineformat1.setDashStyle(MsoLineDashStyle.SOLID); | |
// Save the excel file. | |
excelbook.save(dataDir + "AddingArcControl_out.xls"); |
使用Microsoft Excel
- 在绘图工具栏上,单击椭圆。
- 拖动以绘制椭圆。
- 执行以下操作中的一个或两个:
- 要将椭圆约束为从其起始点绘制圆,请在拖动时按住SHIFT。
- 要从中心点绘制椭圆,请在拖动时按住CTRL。
- setLineFormat方法指定椭圆形状的线格式属性。
- setPlacement方法指定了PlacementType,即椭圆附加到工作表中的单元格的方式。
- FillFormat属性指定了形状的填充格式样式。
// For complete examples and data files, please go to https://github.com/aspose-cells/Aspose.Cells-for-Java | |
// The path to the documents directory. | |
String dataDir = Utils.getSharedDataDir(AddinganOvalControl.class) + "DrawingObjects/"; | |
// Instantiate a new Workbook. | |
Workbook excelbook = new Workbook(); | |
// Add an oval shape. | |
Oval oval1 = (com.aspose.cells.Oval) excelbook.getWorksheets().get(0).getShapes().addShape(MsoDrawingType.OVAL, | |
2, 2, 0, 0, 130, 130); | |
// Set the placement of the oval. | |
oval1.setPlacement(PlacementType.FREE_FLOATING); | |
// Set the fill format. | |
FillFormat fillformat = oval1.getFill();// getFillFormat(); | |
fillformat.setOneColorGradient(Color.getNavy(), 1, GradientStyleType.HORIZONTAL, 1); | |
// Set the line style. | |
LineFormat lineformat = oval1.getLine();// getLineFormat(); | |
lineformat.setDashStyle(MsoLineStyle.SINGLE); //setStyle(MsoLineStyle.SINGLE); | |
// Set the line weight. | |
lineformat.setWeight(1); | |
// Set the color of the oval line. | |
lineformat.setOneColorGradient(Color.getGreen(), 1, GradientStyleType.HORIZONTAL, 1); | |
// Set the dash style of the oval. | |
lineformat.setDashStyle(MsoLineDashStyle.SOLID); | |
// Add another arc shape. | |
Oval oval2 = (com.aspose.cells.Oval) excelbook.getWorksheets().get(0).getShapes().addShape(MsoDrawingType.OVAL, | |
9, 2, 0, 0, 130, 130); | |
// Set the placement of the oval. | |
oval2.setPlacement(PlacementType.FREE_FLOATING); | |
// Set the line style. | |
LineFormat lineformat1 = oval2.getLine(); | |
lineformat.setDashStyle(MsoLineStyle.SINGLE); //setStyle(MsoLineStyle.SINGLE); | |
// Set the line weight. | |
lineformat1.setWeight(1); | |
// Set the color of the oval line. | |
lineformat1.setOneColorGradient(Color.getBlue(),1, GradientStyleType.HORIZONTAL, 1); | |
// Set the dash style of the oval. | |
lineformat1.setDashStyle(MsoLineDashStyle.SOLID); | |
// Save the excel file. | |
excelbook.save(dataDir + "AddinganOvalControl_out.xls"); |