公共 API Aspose.Cells 8.7.0 的变化

添加的 API

支持 VBA 项目数字签名、检测和提取

此版本 Aspose.Cells for .NET 公开了一些新的属性和方法来帮助用户完成诸如对 VBA 项目进行数字签名、检测 VBA 项目是否已签名和有效等任务。此外,新的 API 允许从工作簿中的数字签名 VBA 项目中提取证书作为原始数据。

对 VBA 项目进行数字签名

Aspose.Cells for .NET 8.7.0公开了VbaProject.Sign方法,可用于对工作簿中的 VBA 项目进行数字签名.所述方法接受驻留在 Aspose.Cells.DigitalSignatures 命名空间中的 DigitalSignature 类的实例。



 //Create an instance of Workbook

//Optionally load an existing spreadsheet

var book = new Workbook();

//Access the VbaProject from the Workbook

var vbaProject = book.VbaProject;

//Sign the VbaProject using the X509Certificate

vbaProject.Sign(new DigitalSignature(new System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2(cert), "Comments", DateTime.Now));
检测数字签名的 VBA 项目

新公开的 VbaProject.IsSigned 属性可用于检测工作簿中的 VBA 项目是否经过数字签名VbaProject.IsSigned 属性属于布尔类型,如果 VBA 项目经过数字签名,则返回 true,反之亦然。



 //Create an instance of Workbook and load an existing spreadsheet

var book = new Workbook(inFilePath);

//Access the VbaProject from the Workbook

var vbaProject = book.VbaProject;

//Check if VbaProject is digitally signed

if (vbaProject.IsSigned)


    Console.WriteLine("VbaProject is digitally signed");




    Console.WriteLine("VbaProject is not digitally signed");

从 VBA 项目中提取数字签名

API 的此修订版还公开了 VbaProject.CertRawData 属性,该属性允许从 VBA 项目中提取数字证书的原始数据VbaProject.CertRawData 属性是字节数组类型,如果 VBA 项目经过数字签名,它将包含原始证书数据,否则该属性将为空。



 //Create an instance of Workbook and load an existing spreadsheet

var book = new Workbook(inFilePath);

//Access the VbaProject from the Workbook

var vbaProject = book.VbaProject;

//Extract digital signature in an array of bytes

var cert = vbaProject.CertRawData;
验证 VBA 项目的数字签名

公共 API 的另一个补充是 VbaProject.IsValidSigned 属性,它可能对验证 VBA 项目的数字签名.如果数字签名有效,则该属性返回 true,如果签名无效,则返回 false。



 //Create an instance of Workbook and load an existing spreadsheet

var book = new Workbook(inFilePath);

//Access the VbaProject from the Workbook

var vbaProject = book.VbaProject;

//Check if VbaProject is digitally signed

if (vbaProject.IsSigned)


    //Check if signature is valid

    if (vbaProject.IsValidSigned)


        Console.WriteLine("VbaProject is digitally signed & signature is valid");



方法 Protection.VerifyPassword 添加

Aspose.Cells for .NET 8.7.0暴露了Protection.VerifyPassword方法,可以用来验证用于保护工作表的密码.此方法接受字符串实例作为参数,如果指定的密码与用于保护工作表的密码匹配,则返回 true。



 //Create an instance of Workbook and load an existing spreadsheet

var book = new Workbook(inFilePath);

//Access the desired Worksheet via its index or name

var sheet = book.Worksheets[0];

//Access Protection module of desired Worksheet

var protection = sheet.Protection;

//Verify the password for Worksheet

if (protection.VerifyPassword(password))


    Console.WriteLine("Password has matched");




    Console.WriteLine("Password did not match");


属性保护.IsProtectedWithPassword 添加

此版本 Aspose.Cells for .NET API 还公开了 Protection.IsProtectedWithPassword 属性,可用于检测工作表是否受密码保护.



 //Create an instance of Workbook and load an existing spreadsheet

var book = new Workbook(inFilePath);

//Access the desired Worksheet via its index or name

var sheet = book.Worksheets[0];

//Access Protection module of desired Worksheet

var protection = sheet.Protection;

//Check if Worksheet is password protected

if (protection.IsProtectedWithPassword)


    Console.WriteLine("Worksheet is password protected");




    Console.WriteLine("Worksheet is not password protected");


属性 ColorScale.Is3ColorScale 添加

Aspose.Cells for .NET 8.7.0 公开了可用于创建 2 色阶条件格式的 ColorScale.Is3ColorScale 属性。所述属性为布尔类型,默认值为 true,这意味着条件格式默认为 3-Color Scale。但是,将 ColorScale.Is3ColorScale 属性切换为 false 将生成 2-Color Scale 条件格式.



 //Create an instance of Workbook

//Optionally load an existing spreadsheet

var book = new Workbook();

//Access the Worksheet to which conditional formatting rule has to be added

var sheet = book.Worksheets[0];

//Add FormatConditions to the collection

int index = sheet.ConditionalFormattings.Add();

//Access newly added formatConditionCollection via its index

var formatConditionCollection = sheet.ConditionalFormattings[index];

//Create a CellArea on which conditional formatting rule will be applied

var cellArea = CellArea.CreateCellArea("A1", "A5");

//Add conditional formatted cell range


//Add format condition of type ColorScale

index = formatConditionCollection.AddCondition(FormatConditionType.ColorScale);

//Access newly added format condition via its index

var formatCondition = formatConditionCollection[index];

//Set Is3ColorScale to false in order to generate a 2-Color Scale format

formatCondition.ColorScale.Is3ColorScale = false;

//Set other necessary properties

添加了属性 TxtLoadOptions.HasFormula

Aspose.Cells for .NET 8.7.0 已经支持在加载具有分隔纯数据的 CSV/TXT 文件时识别和解析公式.新公开的 TxtLoadOptions.HasFormula 属性在设置为 true 时指示 API 从输入分隔文件中解析公式并将它们设置到相关单元格,而无需任何额外处理。



 //Create an instance of TxtLoadOptions

var options = new TxtLoadOptions();

//Set HasFormula property to true

options.HasFormula = true;

//Set the Separator property as desired

options.Separator = ',';

//Load the CSV/TXT file using the instance of TxtLoadOptions

var book = new Workbook(inFilePath, options);

//Calculate formulas in order to get the calculated values of formula in CSV


//Write result in any of the supported formats


已添加属性 DataLabels.IsResizeShapeToFitText

Aspose.Cells for .NET 8.7.0 公开的另一个有用的功能是 DataLabels.IsResizeShapeToFitText 属性,它可以启用调整形状以适合文本图表数据标签的 Excel 应用程序功能。



 //Create an instance of Workbook containing the Chart

var book = new Workbook(inFilePath);

//Access the Worksheet that contains the Chart

var sheet = book.Worksheets[0];

//Access the desired Chart via its index or name

var chart = sheet.Charts[0];

//Access the DataLabels of desired NSeries

var labels = chart.NSeries[0].DataLabels;

//Set ResizeShapeToFitText property to true

labels.IsResizeShapeToFitText = true;

//Calculate Chart


已添加属性 PdfSaveOptions.OptimizationType

Aspose.Cells for .NET 8.7.0 公开了 PdfSaveOptions.OptimizationType 属性以及 PdfOptimizationType 枚举,以方便用户在将电子表格导出为 PDF 格式时选择所需的优化算法PdfSaveOptions.OptimizationType 属性有 2 个可能的值,如下所述。

  1. PdfOptimizationType.MinimumSize:质量因生成的文件大小而受到影响。
  2. PdfOptimizationType.Standard:质量不会受到影响,因此生成的文件会很大。



 //Create an instance of PdfSaveOptions

var pdfSaveOptions = new PdfSaveOptions();

//Set the OptimizationType property to desired value

pdfSaveOptions.OptimizationType = PdfOptimizationType.MinimumSize;

//Create an instance of Workbook

//Optionally load an existing spreadsheet

var book = new Workbook(inFilePath);

//Save the spreadsheet in PDF format while passing the instance of PdfSaveOptions

book.Save(outFilePath, pdfSaveOptions);

删除的 API

属性 Workbook.SaveOptions 已删除

Workbook.SaveOptions 属性在一段时间前被标记为已废弃。在此版本中,它已从公共 API 中完全删除,因此建议使用 Workbook.Save(Stream, SaveOptions) 或 Workbook.Save(string, SaveOptions) 方法作为替代方法。