Create Organization Chart

** Create a Organization Chart**

This section explains how to create a organization chart using Aspose.Diagram for Java.

Create a CompactTree style Organization Chart

The Layout method of the Page class auto layout the shapes and connectors in the page as a CompactTree style Organization Chart.

The code below shows how to:

  1. Create a diagram from stencil.
  2. Add organization node shapes to page.
  3. Add connectors to page to connect shape and its parent.
  4. Auto layout by invoking Layout mothod
  5. save diagram

Create a CompactTree style Organization Chart Programming Sample

Use the following code to Create a CompactTree style Organization Chart using Aspose.Diagram for Java.


Create a FlowChart style Organization Chart

The Layout method of the Page class auto layout the shapes and connectors in the page as a FlowChart style Organization Chart.

The code below shows how to:

  1. Create a diagram from stencil.
  2. Add organization node shapes to page.
  3. Add connectors to page to connect shape and its parent.
  4. Auto layout by invoking Layout mothod
  5. save diagram

Create a FlowChart style Organization Chart Programming Sample

Use the following code to Create a FlowChart style Organization Chart using Aspose.Diagram for Java.
