Create a New Diagram in VSTO and Aspose.Diagram


VSTO lets you program with Microsoft Visio files. To create a new diagram:

  1. Create a Visio application object.
  2. Make the application object invisible.
  3. Create an empty diagram.
  4. Add shapes from Visio masters (stencils).
  5. Save the file as VDX.
 Visio.Application vdxApp = null;

Visio.Document vdxDoc = null;



	//Create Visio Application Object

	vdxApp = Application;

	//Make Visio Application Invisible

	vdxApp.Visible = false;

	//Create a new diagram

	vdxDoc = vdxApp.Documents.Add("Drawing.vsd");

	//Load Visio Stencil

	Visio.Documents visioDocs = vdxApp.Documents;


	Visio.Document visioStencil = visioDocs.OpenEx("sample.vss",


	//Set active page

	Visio.Page visioPage = vdxApp.ActivePage;

	//Add a new rectangle shape

	Visio.Master visioRectMaster = visioStencil.Masters.get_ItemU(@"Rectangle");

	Visio.Shape visioRectShape = visioPage.Drop(visioRectMaster, 4.25, 5.5);

	visioRectShape.Text = @"Rectangle text.";

	//Add a new star shape

	Visio.Master visioStarMaster = visioStencil.Masters.get_ItemU(@"Star 7");

	Visio.Shape visioStarShape = visioPage.Drop(visioStarMaster, 2.0, 5.5);

	visioStarShape.Text = @"Star text.";

	//Add a new hexagon shape

	Visio.Master visioHexagonMaster = visioStencil.Masters.get_ItemU(@"Hexagon");

	Visio.Shape visioHexagonShape = visioPage.Drop(visioHexagonMaster, 7.0, 5.5);

	visioHexagonShape.Text = @"Hexagon text.";

	//Save diagram as VDX



catch (Exception ex)






	//Close active document and quit





When programming with Aspose.Diagram, you do not need Microsoft Visio on the machine, and you can work independently of Microsoft Office Automation. To create a new diagram:

  1. Create an empty diagram.
  2. Add shapes from Visio masters (stencils).
  3. Save the file as VDX.
 string visioStencil ="sample.vss";

// Create a new diagram

Diagram diagram = new Diagram(visioStencil);

//Add a new rectangle shape

long shapeId = diagram.AddShape(

	4.25, 5.5, 2, 1, @"Rectangle", 0);

Shape shape = diagram.Pages[0].Shapes.GetShape(shapeId);

shape.Text.Value.Add(new Txt(@"Rectangle text."));

//Add a new star shape

shapeId = diagram.AddShape(

	2.0, 5.5, 2, 2, @"Star 7", 0);

shape = diagram.Pages[0].Shapes.GetShape(shapeId);

shape.Text.Value.Add(new Txt(@"Star text."));

//Add a new hexagon shape

shapeId = diagram.AddShape(

7.0, 5.5, 2, 2, @"Hexagon", 0);

shape = diagram.Pages[0].Shapes.GetShape(shapeId);

shape.Text.Value.Add(new Txt(@"Hexagon text."));

//Save the new diagram

diagram.Save("Drawing1.vdx", SaveFileFormat.VDX);

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