Get Warning Information while Saving Visio File

Possible Usage Scenarios

Sometimes the user tries to save the diagram which contains text that does not have a local font. In such case, Aspose.Diagram throws warnings while saving the diagram. You can catch these warnings by implementing the IWarningCallback interface and setting SaveOptions.WarningCallback property.

Get Warnings while Saving Visio File

The following sample code explains how to get warnings while saving visio file. The code convert the sample visio file which throws FontSubstitution warning on saving. This warning is then caught by IWarningCallback.Warning() method that prints the warning messages on the console. Please also check the console output of the code given below for more understanding.

Sample Code

Console Output

Here is the console output of the above code when executed with the provided sample visio file.

Font substitution: Font [ Athene Logos ] has been substituted by Font[Times New Roman]