Adding MapiCalendar to PST in PHP
Aspose.Email - Adding MapiCalendar to PST
To Add MapiCalendar to PST using Aspose.Email Java for PHP, simply invoke AddMapiCalendarToPST module. Here you can see example code.
PHP Code
# Create the appointment
$appointment =new MapiCalendar(
"This is a very important meeting :)",
new Date(2012, 10, 2),
new Date(2012, 10, 2, 14, 0, 0));
\# Create the meeting
$attendees = new MapiRecipientCollection();
$mapiRecipientType=new MapiRecipientType();
$attendees->add("", "Renee A. Jones", $mapiRecipientType->MAPI_TO);
$attendees->add("", "Szollosy Liza", $mapiRecipientType->MAPI_TO);
$meeting = new MapiCalendar(
"Meeting Room 3 at Office Headquarters",
"Please confirm your availability.",
new Date(2012, 10, 2, 13, 0, 0),
new Date(2012, 10, 2, 14, 0, 0),
$personalStorage=new PersonalStorage();
$fileFormatVersion=new FileFormatVersion();
$standardIpmFolder=new StandardIpmFolder();
$pst = $personalStorage->create($dataDir . "MapiCalendarToPST1.pst", $fileFormatVersion->Unicode);
$calendar_folder = $pst->createPredefinedFolder("Calendar", $standardIpmFolder->Appointments);
print "Added MapiCalendar Successfully.".PHP_EOL;
Download Running Code
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