Update and Save an Email in PHP

Aspose.Email - Update and Save an Email

To Update and Save an Email using Aspose.Email Java for PHP, simply invoke UpdateEmail module. Here you can see example code.

PHP Code

 # Initialize and Load an existing MSG file by specifying the MessageFormat

$mailMessage=new MailMessage();

$email = $mailMessage->load($dataDir . "Message.msg");

\# Initialize a String variable to get the Email Subject

$subject = $email->getSubject();

\# Set the Email Subject

$email->setSubject('This text is added to the existing subject');

\# Initialize a String variable to get the Email's HTML Body

$body = $email->getHtmlBody();

\# Apppend some more information to the Body variable

$body = $body . "<br> This text is added to the existing body".PHP_EOL;

\# Set the Email Body


\# Initialize MailAddressCollection object

$contacts = new MailAddressCollection();

\# Retrieve Email's TO list

$contacts = $email->getTo();

\# Add another email address to collection


\# Set the collection as Email's TO list


\# Initialize MailAddressCollection

$contacts = new MailAddressCollection();

\# Retrieve Email's CC list

$contacts = $email->getCC();

\# Add another email address to collection


\# Set the collection as Email's CC list


\# Save the Email message to disk by specifying the MessageFormat

$mailMessageSaveType=new MailMessageSaveType();

$email->save($dataDir . "UpdateMessage.msg", $mailMessageSaveType->getOutlookMessageFormat());

\# Display Status

print "Updated email message Successfully.".PHP_EOL;

Download Running Code

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