Saving a printable form and recognition pattern

After the template has been successfully generated, you can save it to disk in the preferred format.

The saved results consist of several files:

  • Printable form as an image or PDF document.
  • A recognition pattern used by Aspose.OMR recognition engine, in a special .OMR format. This file is required for mapping optical marks to form elements and is necessary for recognizing filled forms!

Saving form to a file

The printable form can be saved in one or more images (one image per page) or in one PDF document. Regardless of the chosen format, the recognition pattern file is always saved to the save folder.

Saving form as an image

Call Save method of of the GenerationResult object returned by GenerateTemplate or GenerateJSONTemplate methods. The method takes the following arguments:

  • Target directory name, either absolute or relative to your application’s working directory. Provide an empty string to save files into the working directory.
  • File name (without extension) for printable form pages and the recognition pattern. Each page is always saved as a separate file. If multiple pages are generated, the suffix “Page{NUMBER}” will be added to each file; for example, “OMR-FormPage1.png”.

Printable pages are saved as PNG images. Their dimensions match the provided paper size and orientation.

Saving form as a PDF document

Call SaveAsPdf method of of the GenerationResult object returned by GenerateTemplate or GenerateJSONTemplate methods. The method takes the following arguments:

  • Target directory name, either absolute or relative to your application’s working directory. Provide an empty string to save files into the working directory.
  • File name (without extension) for a printable form and the recognition pattern. All pages are saved to a single PDF document.

Generating form to a memory stream

If you do not have direct access to storage (for example, when building web applications), you can generate the form into memory.

To enable in-memory form generation, convert the object returned by GenerateTemplate or GenerateJSONTemplate methods to MemoryGenerationResult object:

Aspose.OMR.Api.OmrEngine omrEngine = new Aspose.OMR.Api.OmrEngine();
Aspose.OMR.Generation.GenerationResult generationResult = omrEngine.GenerateTemplate("source.txt");
if(generationResult.ErrorCode != 0)
	return generationResult.ErrorCode;
Aspose.OMR.Generation.MemoryGenerationResult memoryGenerationResult = new Aspose.OMR.Generation.MemoryGenerationResult(generationResult);

Getting form pages as images

Call GetImages method of the MemoryGenerationResult object. All pages of the OMR form are returned as a collection of MemoryStream objects containing bitmap images of form pages.

IEnumerable<MemoryStream> pages = memoryGenerationResult.GetImages();
foreach(var page in pages)
	byte[] pageImageBytes = page.ToArray();

Getting form as PDF document

Call GetPDF method of the MemoryGenerationResult object. All pages of the OMR form are returned as a MemoryStream object containing a PDF document.

MemoryStream form = memoryGenerationResult.GetPDF();
byte[] formBytes = form.ToArray();

Getting recognition pattern

Call GetOmr method of the MemoryGenerationResult object. The recognition pattern is returned as a MemoryStream object.

MemoryStream omr = memoryGenerationResult.GetOmr();
byte[] recognitionPattern = omr.ToArray();

Iterating through pages

GenerationResult object returned by GenerateTemplate or GenerateJSONTemplate methods also contains a collection of all generated printable pages (as System.Drawing.Bitmap objects). You can manually iterate through this list and save the pages in different formats if necessary.


Aspose.OMR.Api.OmrEngine omrEngine = new Aspose.OMR.Api.OmrEngine();
Aspose.OMR.Generation.GenerationResult generationResult = omrEngine.GenerateTemplate("source.txt");
if(generationResult.ErrorCode != 0)
	return generationResult.ErrorCode;
int i = 1;
foreach(System.Drawing.Bitmap bitmap in generationResult.MultipageTemplateImages)