Open PDF Document using C++

Open existing PDF document

There are several ways to open a document. The easiest is to specify a file name.

void OpenDocument()
    String fileName("C:\\Samples\\sample.pdf");
    auto document = MakeObject<Document>(fileName);

    int countPages = document->get_Pages()->get_Count();

    std::cout << "Pages " << countPages << std::endl;

Open existing PDF document from stream

void OpenDocumentStream()
    String fileName("C:\\Samples\\sample.pdf");
    System::SharedPtr<System::IO::MemoryStream> stream;
    auto document = MakeObject<Document>(System::IO::File::OpenRead(fileName));

    int countPages = document->get_Pages()->get_Count();

    std::cout << "Pages " << countPages << std::endl;

Open encrypted PDF document

void BasicOperations::OpenDocumentWithPassword()
    String fileName("C:\\Samples\\sample-pswd.pdf");
    String password("Aspose2020");
        auto document = MakeObject<Document>(fileName, password);
        int countPages = document->get_Pages()->get_Count();

        std::cout << "Pages " << countPages << std::endl;
    catch (InvalidPasswordException e)
        std::cerr << e.what();

Open PDF document from memory buffer

#include <system/io/memory_stream.h>
#include <system/buffer.h>

#include <Aspose.PDF.Cpp/Document.h>
#include <Aspose.PDF.Cpp/Page.h>

// ...

void OpenDocumentMemory(const uint8_t *buffer, int size) {

    auto arr = MakeArray<uint8_t>(size);
    Buffer::BlockCopy(buffer, 0, arr->data_ptr(), 0, size);

    auto document = MakeObject<Document>(MakeObject<System::IO::MemoryStream>(arr));

    int countPages = document->get_Pages()->get_Count();

    std::cout << "Pages " << countPages << std::endl;