Smart Object Update and Export using Aspose.PSD for С#


Updating and Exporting Smart Object Layers in PSD Files using Aspose.PSD for C#

Smart Object Layers in PSD files allow you to embed and manipulate external images within your Photoshop designs. With Aspose.PSD for C#, you can easily update and export Smart Object Layers, providing powerful capabilities for image editing and manipulation.

This article walks through a step-by-step guide on how to update and export Smart Object Layers using Aspose.PSD for C#.

Example Scenario: Let’s assume we have a PSD file named “new_panama-papers-8-trans4.psd” that contains a Smart Object Layer. We want to update the content of the Smart Object Layer by inverting the image and then export the modified PSD file.


  1. Load the PSD File: Load the PSD file using the Image.Load method from the Aspose.PSD library. This gives access to the layers within the PSD file.

  2. Export the Content of the Smart Object Layer: Use the ExportContents method of the SmartObjectLayer class to save the embedded image as a separate file.

  3. Manipulate the Smart Object Layer: Manipulate the content of the Smart Object Layer. For example, invert the image using an appropriate function.

  4. Update the Modified Content: After manipulating the Smart Object Layer, update the modified content using the UpdateAllModifiedContent method of the SmartObjectProvider class. This ensures the changes are applied to the respective layers.

  5. Save the Modified PSD File: Save the modified PSD file with the updated Smart Object Layer using the Save method and specifying the PsdOptions for the desired format and options.


This article explained how to update and export Smart Object Layers in PSD files using Aspose.PSD for C#. By following these steps, you can easily manipulate and export the content of Smart Object Layers, enabling a wide range of possibilities for image editing and customization.

Aspose.PSD for C# provides a comprehensive set of features and APIs for working with PSD files, making it a powerful tool for any C# developer working with Photoshop designs.

To learn more about Aspose.PSD for C# and explore its capabilities, please refer to the official documentation and API reference.


For more detailed information and examples, please visit the Aspose.PSD for C# documentation.