关键 摘要 类别
PSDNET-133 添加对填充图层:模式的支持 功能
PSDNET-138 支持PtFlResource 功能
PSDNET-129 为PSD文件实现正确的裁剪方法 功能
PSDNET-140 支持VsmsResource 功能
PSDNET-121 可见文件夹中的可见子文件夹中的可见图层会被呈现,但不应该 错误
PSDNET-119 PSD(RGB模式每通道16位)未正确转换为JPG 错误





PSDNET-133. 添加对填充图层:模式的支持

 // Add support of Fill layers: Pattern

    string sourceFileName = "PatternFillLayer.psd";

    string exportPath = "PatternFillLayer_Edited.psd";

    double tolerance = 0.0001;

    var im = (PsdImage)Image.Load(sourceFileName);

    using (im)


         foreach (var layer in im.Layers)


             if (layer is FillLayer)


                  FillLayer fillLayer = (FillLayer)layer;

                  PatternFillSettings fillSettings = (PatternFillSettings)fillLayer.FillSettings;

                  if (fillSettings.HorizontalOffset != -46 || 

                      fillSettings.VerticalOffset != -45 || 

                      fillSettings.PatternId != "a6818df2-7532-494e-9615-8fdd6b7f38e5"||

                      fillSettings.PatternName != "$$$/Presets/Patterns/OpticalSquares=Optical Squares" ||

                      fillSettings.AlignWithLayer != true ||

                      fillSettings.Linked != true ||

                      fillSettings.PatternHeight != 64 ||

                      fillSettings.PatternWidth != 64 ||

                      fillSettings.PatternData.Length != 4096 ||

                      Math.Abs(fillSettings.Scale - 50) > tolerance) 


                          throw new Exception("PSD Image was read wrong");


                  // Editing 

                  fillSettings.Scale = 300;

                  fillSettings.HorizontalOffset = 2;

                  fillSettings.VerticalOffset = -20;

                  fillSettings.PatternData = new int[]


                       Color.Red.ToArgb(), Color.Blue.ToArgb(),  Color.Blue.ToArgb(),

                       Color.Blue.ToArgb(), Color.Red.ToArgb(),  Color.Blue.ToArgb(),

                       Color.Blue.ToArgb(), Color.Blue.ToArgb(),  Color.Red.ToArgb()


                  fillSettings.PatternHeight = 3;

                  fillSettings.PatternWidth = 3;

                  fillSettings.AlignWithLayer = false;

                  fillSettings.Linked = false;

                  fillSettings.PatternId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();







PSDNET-138. 支持PtFlResource

  // Support of PtFlResource

    string sourceFileName = "PatternFillLayer.psd";

    string exportPath = "PtFlResource_Edited.psd";

    double tolerance = 0.0001;

    var im = (PsdImage)Image.Load(sourceFileName);

    using (im)


         foreach (var layer in im.Layers)


             if (layer is FillLayer)


                var fillLayer = (FillLayer)layer;

                var resources = fillLayer.Resources;

                foreach (var res in resources)


                    if (res is PtFlResource)


                        // Reading

                        PtFlResource resource = (PtFlResource)res;

                        if (

                            resource.Offset.X != -46 || 

                            resource.Offset.Y != -45 || 

                            resource.PatternId != "a6818df2-7532-494e-9615-8fdd6b7f38e5\0" ||

                            resource.PatternName != "$$$/Presets/Patterns/OpticalSquares=Optical Squares\0" ||

                            resource.AlignWithLayer != true ||

                            resource.IsLinkedWithLayer != true ||

                            !(Math.Abs(resource.Scale - 50) < tolerance)) {

                                throw new Exception("PtFl Resource was read incorrect");


                        // Editing

                        resource.Offset = new Point(-11, 13);

                        resource.Scale = 200;

                        resource.AlignWithLayer = false;

                        resource.IsLinkedWithLayer = false;

                        fillLayer.Resources = fillLayer.Resources;

                        // We haven't pattern data in PattResource, so we can add it.

                        var fillSettings = (PatternFillSettings)fillLayer.FillSettings;

                        fillSettings.PatternData = new int[]







                        fillSettings.PatternHeight = 1;

                        fillSettings.PatternWidth = 4;

                        fillSettings.PatternName = "$$$/Presets/Patterns/VerticalLine=Vertical Line New\0";

                        fillSettings.PatternId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + "\0";










PSDNET-129. 为PSD文件实现正确的裁剪方法

             // Implement correct Crop method for PSD files.

            string sourceFileName = "1.psd";

            string exportPathPsd = "CropTest.psd";

            string exportPathPng = "CropTest.png";

            using (RasterImage image = Image.Load(sourceFileName) as RasterImage)


                image.Crop(new Rectangle(10, 30, 100, 100));

                image.Save(exportPathPsd, new PsdOptions());

                image.Save(exportPathPng, new PngOptions() { ColorType = PngColorType.TruecolorWithAlpha });


PSDNET-140. 支持VsmsResource

 // VsmsResource Support

        static void ExampleOfVsmsResourceSupport()


            string sourceFileName = "EmptyRectangle.psd";

            string exportPath = "EmptyRectangle_changed.psd";

            var im = (PsdImage)Image.Load(sourceFileName);

            using (im)


                var resource = GetVsmsResource(im);

                // Reading

                if (resource.IsDisabled != false ||

                    resource.IsInverted != false ||

                    resource.IsNotLinked != false ||

                    resource.Paths.Length != 7 ||

                    resource.Paths[0].Type != VectorPathType.PathFillRuleRecord ||

                    resource.Paths[1].Type != VectorPathType.InitialFillRuleRecord ||

                    resource.Paths[2].Type != VectorPathType.ClosedSubpathLengthRecord ||

                    resource.Paths[3].Type != VectorPathType.ClosedSubpathBezierKnotUnlinked ||

                    resource.Paths[4].Type != VectorPathType.ClosedSubpathBezierKnotUnlinked ||

                    resource.Paths[5].Type != VectorPathType.ClosedSubpathBezierKnotUnlinked||

                    resource.Paths[6].Type != VectorPathType.ClosedSubpathBezierKnotUnlinked)


                        throw new Exception("VsmsResource was read wrong");


                var pathFillRule = (PathFillRuleRecord)resource.Paths[0];

                var initialFillRule = (InitialFillRuleRecord)resource.Paths[1];

                var subpathLength = (LengthRecord)resource.Paths[2];

                // Path fill rule doesn't contain any additional information

                if (pathFillRule.Type != VectorPathType.PathFillRuleRecord || 

                initialFillRule.Type != VectorPathType.InitialFillRuleRecord ||

                initialFillRule.IsFillStartsWithAllPixels != false ||

                subpathLength.Type != VectorPathType.ClosedSubpathLengthRecord ||

                subpathLength.IsClosed != true ||

                subpathLength.IsOpen != false) 


                    throw new Exception("VsmsResource paths were read wrong");


                // Editing

                resource.IsDisabled = true;

                resource.IsInverted = true;

                resource.IsNotLinked = true;

                var bezierKnot = (BezierKnotRecord)resource.Paths[3];

                bezierKnot.Points[0] = new Point(0, 0);

                bezierKnot = (BezierKnotRecord)resource.Paths[4];

                bezierKnot.Points[0] = new Point(8039798, 10905191);

                initialFillRule.IsFillStartsWithAllPixels = true;

                subpathLength.IsClosed = false;




        static VsmsResource GetVsmsResource(PsdImage image)


            var layer = image.Layers[1];

            VsmsResource resource = null;

            var resources = layer.Resources;

            for (int i = 0; i < resources.Length; i++)


                if (resources[i] is VsmsResource)


                    resource = (VsmsResource)resources[i];




            if (resource == null)


                throw new Exception("VsmsResource not found");


            return resource;


PSDNET-121: 可见文件夹中的可见子文件夹中的可见图层会被呈现,但不应该

 // Visible Layers in Visible SubFolder in Invisible Folder are rendered, but shouldn't

            string sourceFileName = "ALotOfFolders.psd.psd";

            string outputFilePathJpg = "outALotOfFolders.jpg";

            string outputFilePathPsd = "outALotOfFolders.psd";

            var options = new PsdLoadOptions();

            using (PsdImage image = (PsdImage)Image.Load(sourceFileName, options))


                image.Save(outputFilePathPsd, new PsdOptions(image));

                image.Save(outputFilePathJpg, new JpegOptions() { Quality = 100 });


PSDNET-119. PSD(RGB模式每通道16位)未正确转换为JPG

  // Psd not properly converted to jpg

            string sourceFileName = "in.psd";

            string exportPath = "outRgb.jpg";

            var options = new PsdLoadOptions();

            using (PsdImage image = (PsdImage)Image.Load(sourceFileName, options))


                image.Save(exportPath, new JpegOptions() { Quality = 100 });
