Trend Line

Add Trend Line

Aspose.Slides for C++ provides a simple API for managing different chart Trend Lines:

  1. Create an instance of the Presentation class.
  2. Obtain a slide’s reference by its index.
  3. Add a chart with default data along with the any of desired type (this example uses ChartType.ClusteredColumn).
  4. Adding the exponential trend line for chart series 1.
  5. Adding a linear trend line for chart series 1.
  6. Adding a logarithmic trend line for chart series 2.
  7. Adding moving average trend line for chart series 2.
  8. Adding a polynomial trend line for chart series 3.
  9. Adding a power trend line for chart series 3.
  10. Write the modified presentation to a PPTX file.

The following code is used to create a chart with Trend Lines.

Add Custom Line

Aspose.Slides for C++ provides a simple API to add custom lines in a chart. To add a simple plain line to a selected slide of the presentation, please follow the steps below:

  • Create an instance of Presentation class
  • Obtain the reference of a slide by using its Index
  • Create a new chart using AddChart method exposed by Shapes object
  • Add an AutoShape of Line type using AddAutoShape method exposed by Shapes object
  • Set the Color of the shape lines.
  • Write the modified presentation as a PPTX file

The following code is used to create a chart with Custom Lines.