Aspose.Slides for Java 22.8 Release Notes

KeySummaryCategoryRelated Documentation
SLIDESNET-40604Rendering presentation to pure HTML without SVG parent tagFeature
SLIDESNET-43244Failed to check “Transitions / Advance Slide / After” flagEnhancement
SLIDESNET-42740Changing slide number does not workEnhancement
SLIDESNET-36907Support to set slide show settingsFeature
SLIDESNET-35994Add support of 3-D Surface chart typeFeature
SLIDESNET-42752Extracting audio file from slide timelineFeature
SLIDESNET-43269Incorrect layouting of text lines when converting PPT slides to JPG/SVGEnhancement
SLIDESNET-43261Supporting “Slide Show” / “Set Up Show” settingsFeature
SLIDESJAVA-38288Use Aspose.Slides for Net 22.8 featuresEnhancement
SLIDESJAVA-38698Chart.validateChartLayout method throws exceptions depending on data cell valueBug
SLIDESJAVA-38854Fill color of shapes is changed when loading and saving PPT fileBug
SLIDESJAVA-35060Support to set slide show settingsFeature
SLIDESJAVA-38828Part of HTML content is ignored when added into presentationBug
SLIDESJAVA-38835SlideShowSettings class is missing in new versions of Aspose.SlidesFeature
SLIDESJAVA-38590Extracting audio file from slide timelineFeature
SLIDESJAVA-38805Failed to check “Transitions / Advance Slide / After” flagEnhancement
SLIDESJAVA-38811Image is upside down when converting PPTX to PDFBug
SLIDESJAVA-387163D chart is not displayed when converting a slide to imageBug
SLIDESJAVA-34566Missing chart contents in generated PDF fileBug
SLIDESJAVA-38852Loading a presentation throws PptxReadException: LoadAnnotationElementDataBug
SLIDESJAVA-38856Shape background colors are not consistent but values are equalBug
SLIDESJAVA-34423Support for exporting animations and slide transitions in generated HTMLFeature
SLIDESJAVA-35704Converting presentation to Html5Feature
SLIDESJAVA-38878Using effect classes without AutoShape objectInvestigation
SLIDESJAVA-34567Chart axis are not showing properly in generated PDF fileBug

Public API Changes

Presentation Slide Show Setup Settings support

We implemented support for Presentation Slide Show Settings.

Slide Show Settings

These are the relevant classes and properties:

This Java code shows you how to set the Presented by a speaker parameter for a slide show:

Presentation pres = new Presentation();
try {
    pres.getSlideShowSettings().setSlideShowType(new PresentedBySpeaker());"pres.pptx", SaveFormat.Pptx);
} finally {
    if (pres != null) pres.dispose();

Browsed by individual parameter:

Presentation pres = new Presentation();
try {
    BrowsedByIndividual browsedByIndividual = new BrowsedByIndividual();
    pres.getSlideShowSettings().setSlideShowType(browsedByIndividual);"pres.pptx", SaveFormat.Pptx);
} finally {
    if (pres != null) pres.dispose();

Animation Effect.Sound property added

Support for Embedded sound effect has been implemented through Effect.getSound() and Effect.setSound() methods.

Presentation presentation = new Presentation("demo.pptx");
try {
    ISlide slide = presentation.getSlides().get_Item(0);

    // Gets the effects sequence for the slide
    ISequence effectsSequence = slide.getTimeline().getMainSequence();

    for (IEffect effect : effectsSequence)
        if (effect.getSound() == null)

        // Extracts the effect sound in byte array
        byte[] audio = effect.getSound().getBinaryData();
} finally {
    if (presentation != null) presentation.dispose();