Hello World Presentation in Aspose.Slides vs pptx4j

Aspose.Slides - Hello World Presentation

Below sample shows how new presentation is created and saved after adding simple text using Aspose.Slides.


 // Instantiate Presentation class that represents the PPTX

Presentation pres = new Presentation();

//Get the first slide

ISlide sld = (ISlide)pres.getSlides().get_Item(0);

//Add an AutoShape of Rectangle type

IAutoShape ashp = sld.getShapes().addAutoShape(ShapeType.Rectangle, 150, 75, 150, 50);

//Add ITextFrame to the Rectangle

ashp.addTextFrame("Hello World");

pptx4j - Hello World Presentation

Below sample shows how new presentation is created and saved after adding simple text using pptx4j.


 // Where will we save our new .ppxt?

String outputfilepath = dataDir + "Pptx4jHelloWorld.pptx";

if (MACRO_ENABLE) outputfilepath += "m";

// Create skeletal package, including a MainPresentationPart and a SlideLayoutPart

PresentationMLPackage presentationMLPackage = PresentationMLPackage.createPackage();


	ContentTypeManager ctm = presentationMLPackage.getContentTypeManager();

	ctm.removeContentType(new PartName("/ppt/presentation.xml") );

	ctm.addOverrideContentType(new URI("/ppt/presentation.xml"), ContentTypes.PRESENTATIONML_MACROENABLED);


// Need references to these parts to create a slide

// Please note that these parts *already exist* - they are

// created by createPackage() above.  See that method

// for instruction on how to create and add a part.

MainPresentationPart pp = (MainPresentationPart)presentationMLPackage.getParts().getParts().get(

		new PartName("/ppt/presentation.xml"));

SlideLayoutPart layoutPart = (SlideLayoutPart)presentationMLPackage.getParts().getParts().get(

		new PartName("/ppt/slideLayouts/slideLayout1.xml"));

// OK, now we can create a slide

SlidePart slidePart = new SlidePart(new PartName("/ppt/slides/slide1.xml"));

slidePart.setContents( SlidePart.createSld() );

pp.addSlide(0, slidePart);

// Slide layout part


// Create and add shape

Shape sample = ((Shape)XmlUtils.unmarshalString(SAMPLE_SHAPE, Context.jcPML) );


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