Installing and Using Aspose.Slides Java (Maven) for Eclipse


Aspose.Slides Java (Maven) for Eclipse plugin can be easily installed from the Available Plugin tab in the Plugin dialog.

  • To open it, select Plugins from the Tools menu in Eclipse.


  • This adds the Aspose.Slides Maven Project in New Project wizard and Aspose.Slides Code Example in New File wizard of Eclipse IDE.


Aspose.Slides Maven Project (wizard)

To create Maven Project by wizard for using Aspose.Slides for Java API:

  1. Select New Project.
  2. Select Aspose.Slides Maven Project in the Maven category.
  3. Click Next.


  1. Provide Project Name, Location, GroupId, ArtifactId and Version for your Maven Project and click Finish.


  1. This will retrieve the Aspose.Slides for Java latest Maven Dependency reference from Aspose Cloud Maven Repository and configure it in pom.xml. If you have opted for Also Download Code Examples, downloading of the Code Examples will also begin from the Aspose.Slides for Java API Examples Repository.
  2. Following Maven Project will be created on your Eclipse IDE on completion of the wizard:


  1. The created Maven Project is configured to use Aspose.Slides for Java API and ready to be enhanced as per your Project requirements. If you have opted to download Code Examples, you can use Aspose.Slides Code Example (wizard) for importing needed Code Examples of Aspose.Slides for Java API into your project.

Aspose.Slides Code Example (wizard)

Aspose.Slides Code Example wizard allows you to try out many samples provided for Aspose.Slides for Java API.

To use examples, just:

  1. Click New File in Eclipse.
  2. Choose your project and then select Aspose.Slides Code Example in the Java category.
  3. Click Next.


  1. Expand the tree to select Code Example category and click Finish.


  1. This will copy the selected category Code Examples Java files into the project under com.aspose.slides.examples package. Also any required resources needed by the Code Examples will be copied into src/main/resources folder
  2. Review the example code, compile and run.
  3. You can now test other examples and start building your own application using Aspose.Slides for Java API