Add a comment to a slide

OpenXML Presentation:

 string FilePath = @"..\..\..\..\Sample Files\";

string FileName = FilePath + "Add a comment to a slide.pptx"; 


"Zeeshan", "MZ",

"This is my programmatically added comment.");

// Adds a comment to the first slide of the presentation document.

// The presentation document must contain at least one slide.

private static void AddCommentToPresentation(string file, string initials, string name, string text)


using (PresentationDocument doc = PresentationDocument.Open(file, true))


    // Declare a CommentAuthorsPart object.

    CommentAuthorsPart authorsPart;

    // Verify that there is an existing comment authors part.

    if (doc.PresentationPart.CommentAuthorsPart == null)


        // If not, add a new one.

        authorsPart = doc.PresentationPart.AddNewPart<CommentAuthorsPart>();




        authorsPart = doc.PresentationPart.CommentAuthorsPart;


    // Verify that there is a comment author list in the comment authors part.

    if (authorsPart.CommentAuthorList == null)


        // If not, add a new one.

        authorsPart.CommentAuthorList = new CommentAuthorList();


    // Declare a new author ID.

    uint authorId = 0;

    CommentAuthor author = null;

    // If there are existing child elements in the comment authors list...

    if (authorsPart.CommentAuthorList.HasChildren)


        // Verify that the author passed in is on the list.

        var authors = authorsPart.CommentAuthorList.Elements<CommentAuthor>().Where(a => a.Name == name && a.Initials == initials);

        // If so...

        if (authors.Any())


            // Assign the new comment author the existing author ID.

            author = authors.First();

            authorId = author.Id;


        // If not...

        if (author == null)


            // Assign the author passed in a new ID

            authorId = authorsPart.CommentAuthorList.Elements<CommentAuthor>().Select(a => a.Id.Value).Max();



    // If there are no existing child elements in the comment authors list.

    if (author == null)



        // Add a new child element(comment author) to the comment author list.

        author = authorsPart.CommentAuthorList.AppendChild<CommentAuthor>

        (new CommentAuthor()


            Id = authorId,

            Name = name,

            Initials = initials,

            ColorIndex = 0



    // Get the first slide, using the GetFirstSlide method.

    SlidePart slidePart1 = GetFirstSlide(doc);

    // Declare a comments part.

    SlideCommentsPart commentsPart;

    // Verify that there is a comments part in the first slide part.

    if (slidePart1.GetPartsOfType<SlideCommentsPart>().Count() == 0)


        // If not, add a new comments part.

        commentsPart = slidePart1.AddNewPart<SlideCommentsPart>();




        // Else, use the first comments part in the slide part.

        commentsPart = slidePart1.GetPartsOfType<SlideCommentsPart>().First();


    // If the comment list does not exist.

    if (commentsPart.CommentList == null)


        // Add a new comments list.

        commentsPart.CommentList = new CommentList();


    // Get the new comment ID.

    uint commentIdx = author.LastIndex == null ? 1 : author.LastIndex + 1;

    author.LastIndex = commentIdx;

    // Add a new comment.

    Comment comment = commentsPart.CommentList.AppendChild<Comment>(

    new Comment()


        AuthorId = authorId,

        Index = commentIdx,

        DateTime = DateTime.Now


    // Add the position child node to the comment element.


    new Position() { X = 100, Y = 200 },

    new Text() { Text = text });

    // Save the comment authors part.


    // Save the comments part.




// Get the slide part of the first slide in the presentation document.

private static SlidePart GetFirstSlide(PresentationDocument presentationDocument)


// Get relationship ID of the first slide

PresentationPart part = presentationDocument.PresentationPart;

SlideId slideId = part.Presentation.SlideIdList.GetFirstChild<SlideId>();

string relId = slideId.RelationshipId;

// Get the slide part by the relationship ID.

SlidePart slidePart = (SlidePart)part.GetPartById(relId);

return slidePart;



In Aspose.Slides for .NET, the PPT slide comment collection is included in every Slide class. The CommentCollection class is used to hold the particular slide comments. The Comment class include information like author who added slide comment, his initials, time of creation, the position of slide comment on slide and the comment text. The CommentAuthor class is used to add the authors for slide comments on presentation level. The Presentation class holds the collection of authors for presentation in CommentAuthors class.

In the following example, we have added the code snippet for adding the slide comments.

 string FilePath = @"..\..\..\..\Sample Files\";

string FileName = FilePath + "Add a comment to a slide.pptx";

using (Presentation pres = new Presentation())


    //Adding Empty slide


    //Adding Autthor

    ICommentAuthor author = pres.CommentAuthors.AddAuthor("Zeeshan", "MZ");

    //Position of comments

    PointF point = new PointF();

    point.X = 1;

    point.Y = 1;

    //Adding slide comment for an author on slide

    author.Comments.AddComment("Hello Zeeshan, this is slide comment", pres.Slides[0], point, DateTime.Now);

    pres.Save(FileName, Aspose.Slides.Export.SaveFormat.Pptx);


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