Delete all the comments by an author


 string FilePath = @"..\..\..\..\Sample Files\";

string FileName = FilePath + "Delete all the comments by an author.pptx";

string author = "Zeeshan Shafqat";

DeleteCommentsByAuthorInPresentation(FileName, author);

// Remove all the comments in the slides by a certain author.

public static void DeleteCommentsByAuthorInPresentation(string fileName, string author)


if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(author))

    throw new ArgumentNullException("File name or author name is NULL!");

using (PresentationDocument doc = PresentationDocument.Open(fileName, true))


    // Get the specifed comment author.

    IEnumerable<CommentAuthor> commentAuthors =


        .Where(e => e.Name.Value.Equals(author));

    // Iterate through all the matching authors.

    foreach (CommentAuthor commentAuthor in commentAuthors)


        UInt32Value authorId = commentAuthor.Id;

        // Iterate through all the slides and get the slide parts.

        foreach (SlidePart slide in doc.PresentationPart.SlideParts)


            SlideCommentsPart slideCommentsPart = slide.SlideCommentsPart;

            // Get the list of comments.

            if (slideCommentsPart != null && slide.SlideCommentsPart.CommentList != null)


                IEnumerable<Comment> commentList =

                    slideCommentsPart.CommentList.Elements<Comment>().Where(e => e.AuthorId == authorId.Value);

                List<Comment> comments = new List<Comment>();

                comments = commentList.ToList<Comment>();

                foreach (Comment comm in comments)


                    // Delete all the comments by the specified author.



                // If the commentPart has no existing comment.

                if (slideCommentsPart.CommentList.ChildElements.Count == 0)

                    // Delete this part.




        // Delete the comment author from the comment authors part.






 string FilePath = @"..\..\..\..\Sample Files\";

string FileName = FilePath + "Delete all the comments by an author.pptx";

string author = "MZ";

DeleteCommentsByAuthorInPresentation(FileName, author);

// Remove all the comments in the slides by a certain author.

public static void DeleteCommentsByAuthorInPresentation(string fileName, string author)


    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(author))

        throw new ArgumentNullException("File name or author name is NULL!");

    //Instantiate a PresentationEx object that represents a PPTX file

    using (Presentation pres = new Presentation(fileName))


      ICommentAuthor[] authors=  pres.CommentAuthors.FindByName(author);

      ICommentAuthor thisAuthor = authors[0];

      for (int i = thisAuthor.Comments.Count - 1; i >= 0;i-- )




      pres.Save(fileName, Aspose.Slides.Export.SaveFormat.Pptx);  



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