Move a paragraph from one presentation to another

OpenXML Presentation

  string FilePath = @"..\..\..\..\Sample Files\";

string FileName = FilePath + "Move a Paragraph from One Presentation to Another 1.pptx";

string DestFileName = FilePath + "Move a Paragraph from One Presentation to Another 2.pptx";

MoveParagraphToPresentation(FileName, DestFileName);


// Moves a paragraph range in a TextBody shape in the source document

// to another TextBody shape in the target document.

public static void MoveParagraphToPresentation(string sourceFile, string targetFile)


// Open the source file as read/write.

using (PresentationDocument sourceDoc = PresentationDocument.Open(sourceFile, true))


    // Open the target file as read/write.

    using (PresentationDocument targetDoc = PresentationDocument.Open(targetFile, true))


        // Get the first slide in the source presentation.

        SlidePart slide1 = GetFirstSlide(sourceDoc);

        // Get the first TextBody shape in it.

        TextBody textBody1 = slide1.Slide.Descendants<TextBody>().First();

        // Get the first paragraph in the TextBody shape.

        // Note: "Drawing" is the alias of namespace DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Drawing

        Drawing.Paragraph p1 = textBody1.Elements<Drawing.Paragraph>().First();

        // Get the first slide in the target presentation.

        SlidePart slide2 = GetFirstSlide(targetDoc);

        // Get the first TextBody shape in it.

        TextBody textBody2 = slide2.Slide.Descendants<TextBody>().First();

        // Clone the source paragraph and insert the cloned. paragraph into the target TextBody shape.

        // Passing "true" creates a deep clone, which creates a copy of the 

        // Paragraph object and everything directly or indirectly referenced by that object.


        // Remove the source paragraph from the source file.


        // Replace the removed paragraph with a placeholder.

        textBody1.AppendChild<Drawing.Paragraph>(new Drawing.Paragraph());

        // Save the slide in the source file.


        // Save the slide in the target file.





// Get the slide part of the first slide in the presentation document.

public static SlidePart GetFirstSlide(PresentationDocument presentationDocument)


// Get relationship ID of the first slide

PresentationPart part = presentationDocument.PresentationPart;

SlideId slideId = part.Presentation.SlideIdList.GetFirstChild<SlideId>();

string relId = slideId.RelationshipId;

// Get the slide part by the relationship ID.

SlidePart slidePart = (SlidePart)part.GetPartById(relId);

return slidePart;



It’s not uncommon that developers need to extract the text from a presentation. To do so, you need to extract text from all the shapes on all the slides in a presentation. This article explains how to extract text from Microsoft PowerPoint PPTX presentations using Aspose.Slides. Whether extracting text from one slide or an entire presentation, Aspose.Slides uses the PresentationScanner Class and the static methods it exposes. They are all packed under the namespace Aspose.Slides.Util.

 string FilePath = @"..\..\..\..\Sample Files\";

string FileName = FilePath + "Move a Paragraph from One Presentation to Another 1.pptx";

string DestFileName = FilePath + "Move a Paragraph from One Presentation to Another 2.pptx";

MoveParagraphToPresentation(FileName, DestFileName);

// Moves a paragraph range in a TextBody shape in the source document

// to another TextBody shape in the target document.

public static void MoveParagraphToPresentation(string sourceFile, string targetFile)


    string Text = "";

    //Instantiate Presentation class that represents PPTX//Instantiate Presentation class that represents PPTX

    Presentation sourcePres = new Presentation(sourceFile);

    //Access first shape in first slide

    IShape shp = sourcePres.Slides[0].Shapes[0];

    if (shp.Placeholder != null)


        //Get text from placeholder

        Text = ((IAutoShape)shp).TextFrame.Text;

        ((IAutoShape)shp).TextFrame.Text = "";


    Presentation destPres = new Presentation(targetFile);

    //Access first shape in first slide

    IShape destshp = sourcePres.Slides[0].Shapes[0];

    if (destshp.Placeholder != null)


        //Get text from placeholder

        ((IAutoShape)destshp).TextFrame.Text += Text;


    sourcePres.Save(sourceFile, Aspose.Slides.Export.SaveFormat.Pptx);

    destPres.Save(targetFile, Aspose.Slides.Export.SaveFormat.Pptx);



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