Create a presentation document


 string FilePath = @"..\..\..\..\Sample Files\";

string FileName = FilePath + "Create a presentation document.pptx";


public static void CreatePresentation(string filepath)


    // Create a presentation at a specified file path. The presentation document type is pptx, by default.

    PresentationDocument presentationDoc = PresentationDocument.Create(filepath, PresentationDocumentType.Presentation);

    PresentationPart presentationPart = presentationDoc.AddPresentationPart();

    presentationPart.Presentation = new Presentation();


    //Close the presentation handle



private static void CreatePresentationParts(PresentationPart presentationPart)


    SlideMasterIdList slideMasterIdList1 = new SlideMasterIdList(new SlideMasterId() { Id = (UInt32Value)2147483648U, RelationshipId = "rId1" });

    SlideIdList slideIdList1 = new SlideIdList(new SlideId() { Id = (UInt32Value)256U, RelationshipId = "rId2" });

    SlideSize slideSize1 = new SlideSize() { Cx = 9144000, Cy = 6858000, Type = SlideSizeValues.Screen4x3 };

    NotesSize notesSize1 = new NotesSize() { Cx = 6858000, Cy = 9144000 };

    DefaultTextStyle defaultTextStyle1 = new DefaultTextStyle();

    presentationPart.Presentation.Append(slideMasterIdList1, slideIdList1, slideSize1, notesSize1, defaultTextStyle1);

    SlidePart slidePart1;

    SlideLayoutPart slideLayoutPart1;

    SlideMasterPart slideMasterPart1;

    ThemePart themePart1;

    slidePart1 = CreateSlidePart(presentationPart);

    slideLayoutPart1 = CreateSlideLayoutPart(slidePart1);

    slideMasterPart1 = CreateSlideMasterPart(slideLayoutPart1);

    themePart1 = CreateTheme(slideMasterPart1);

    slideMasterPart1.AddPart(slideLayoutPart1, "rId1");

    presentationPart.AddPart(slideMasterPart1, "rId1");

    presentationPart.AddPart(themePart1, "rId5");


private static SlidePart CreateSlidePart(PresentationPart presentationPart)


    SlidePart slidePart1 = presentationPart.AddNewPart<SlidePart>("rId2");

    slidePart1.Slide = new Slide(

            new CommonSlideData(

                new ShapeTree(

                    new P.NonVisualGroupShapeProperties(

                        new P.NonVisualDrawingProperties() { Id = (UInt32Value)1U, Name = "" },

                        new P.NonVisualGroupShapeDrawingProperties(),

                        new ApplicationNonVisualDrawingProperties()),

                    new GroupShapeProperties(new TransformGroup()),

                    new P.Shape(

                        new P.NonVisualShapeProperties(

                            new P.NonVisualDrawingProperties() { Id = (UInt32Value)2U, Name = "Title 1" },

                            new P.NonVisualShapeDrawingProperties(new ShapeLocks() { NoGrouping = true }),

                            new ApplicationNonVisualDrawingProperties(new PlaceholderShape())),

                        new P.ShapeProperties(),

                        new P.TextBody(

                            new BodyProperties(),

                            new ListStyle(),

                            new Paragraph(new EndParagraphRunProperties() { Language = "en-US" }))))),

            new ColorMapOverride(new MasterColorMapping()));

    return slidePart1;


private static SlideLayoutPart CreateSlideLayoutPart(SlidePart slidePart1)


    SlideLayoutPart slideLayoutPart1 = slidePart1.AddNewPart<SlideLayoutPart>("rId1");

    SlideLayout slideLayout = new SlideLayout(

    new CommonSlideData(new ShapeTree(

      new P.NonVisualGroupShapeProperties(

      new P.NonVisualDrawingProperties() { Id = (UInt32Value)1U, Name = "" },

      new P.NonVisualGroupShapeDrawingProperties(),

      new ApplicationNonVisualDrawingProperties()),

      new GroupShapeProperties(new TransformGroup()),

      new P.Shape(

      new P.NonVisualShapeProperties(

        new P.NonVisualDrawingProperties() { Id = (UInt32Value)2U, Name = "" },

        new P.NonVisualShapeDrawingProperties(new ShapeLocks() { NoGrouping = true }),

        new ApplicationNonVisualDrawingProperties(new PlaceholderShape())),

      new P.ShapeProperties(),

      new P.TextBody(

        new BodyProperties(),

        new ListStyle(),

        new Paragraph(new EndParagraphRunProperties()))))),

    new ColorMapOverride(new MasterColorMapping()));

    slideLayoutPart1.SlideLayout = slideLayout;

    return slideLayoutPart1;


private static SlideMasterPart CreateSlideMasterPart(SlideLayoutPart slideLayoutPart1)


    SlideMasterPart slideMasterPart1 = slideLayoutPart1.AddNewPart<SlideMasterPart>("rId1");

    SlideMaster slideMaster = new SlideMaster(

    new CommonSlideData(new ShapeTree(

      new P.NonVisualGroupShapeProperties(

      new P.NonVisualDrawingProperties() { Id = (UInt32Value)1U, Name = "" },

      new P.NonVisualGroupShapeDrawingProperties(),

      new ApplicationNonVisualDrawingProperties()),

      new GroupShapeProperties(new TransformGroup()),

      new P.Shape(

      new P.NonVisualShapeProperties(

        new P.NonVisualDrawingProperties() { Id = (UInt32Value)2U, Name = "Title Placeholder 1" },

        new P.NonVisualShapeDrawingProperties(new ShapeLocks() { NoGrouping = true }),

        new ApplicationNonVisualDrawingProperties(new PlaceholderShape() { Type = PlaceholderValues.Title })),

      new P.ShapeProperties(),

      new P.TextBody(

        new BodyProperties(),

        new ListStyle(),

        new Paragraph())))),

    new P.ColorMap() { Background1 = D.ColorSchemeIndexValues.Light1, Text1 = D.ColorSchemeIndexValues.Dark1, Background2 = D.ColorSchemeIndexValues.Light2, Text2 = D.ColorSchemeIndexValues.Dark2, Accent1 = D.ColorSchemeIndexValues.Accent1, Accent2 = D.ColorSchemeIndexValues.Accent2, Accent3 = D.ColorSchemeIndexValues.Accent3, Accent4 = D.ColorSchemeIndexValues.Accent4, Accent5 = D.ColorSchemeIndexValues.Accent5, Accent6 = D.ColorSchemeIndexValues.Accent6, Hyperlink = D.ColorSchemeIndexValues.Hyperlink, FollowedHyperlink = D.ColorSchemeIndexValues.FollowedHyperlink },

    new SlideLayoutIdList(new SlideLayoutId() { Id = (UInt32Value)2147483649U, RelationshipId = "rId1" }),

    new TextStyles(new TitleStyle(), new BodyStyle(), new OtherStyle()));

    slideMasterPart1.SlideMaster = slideMaster;

    return slideMasterPart1;


private static ThemePart CreateTheme(SlideMasterPart slideMasterPart1)


    ThemePart themePart1 = slideMasterPart1.AddNewPart<ThemePart>("rId5");

    D.Theme theme1 = new D.Theme() { Name = "Office Theme" };

    D.ThemeElements themeElements1 = new D.ThemeElements(

    new D.ColorScheme(

      new D.Dark1Color(new D.SystemColor() { Val = D.SystemColorValues.WindowText, LastColor = "000000" }),

      new D.Light1Color(new D.SystemColor() { Val = D.SystemColorValues.Window, LastColor = "FFFFFF" }),

      new D.Dark2Color(new D.RgbColorModelHex() { Val = "1F497D" }),

      new D.Light2Color(new D.RgbColorModelHex() { Val = "EEECE1" }),

      new D.Accent1Color(new D.RgbColorModelHex() { Val = "4F81BD" }),

      new D.Accent2Color(new D.RgbColorModelHex() { Val = "C0504D" }),

      new D.Accent3Color(new D.RgbColorModelHex() { Val = "9BBB59" }),

      new D.Accent4Color(new D.RgbColorModelHex() { Val = "8064A2" }),

      new D.Accent5Color(new D.RgbColorModelHex() { Val = "4BACC6" }),

      new D.Accent6Color(new D.RgbColorModelHex() { Val = "F79646" }),

      new D.Hyperlink(new D.RgbColorModelHex() { Val = "0000FF" }),

      new D.FollowedHyperlinkColor(new D.RgbColorModelHex() { Val = "800080" })) { Name = "Office" },

      new D.FontScheme(

      new D.MajorFont(

      new D.LatinFont() { Typeface = "Calibri" },

      new D.EastAsianFont() { Typeface = "" },

      new D.ComplexScriptFont() { Typeface = "" }),

      new D.MinorFont(

      new D.LatinFont() { Typeface = "Calibri" },

      new D.EastAsianFont() { Typeface = "" },

      new D.ComplexScriptFont() { Typeface = "" })) { Name = "Office" },

      new D.FormatScheme(

      new D.FillStyleList(

      new D.SolidFill(new D.SchemeColor() { Val = D.SchemeColorValues.PhColor }),

      new D.GradientFill(

        new D.GradientStopList(

        new D.GradientStop(new D.SchemeColor(new D.Tint() { Val = 50000 },

          new D.SaturationModulation() { Val = 300000 }) { Val = D.SchemeColorValues.PhColor }) { Position = 0 },

        new D.GradientStop(new D.SchemeColor(new D.Tint() { Val = 37000 },

         new D.SaturationModulation() { Val = 300000 }) { Val = D.SchemeColorValues.PhColor }) { Position = 35000 },

        new D.GradientStop(new D.SchemeColor(new D.Tint() { Val = 15000 },

         new D.SaturationModulation() { Val = 350000 }) { Val = D.SchemeColorValues.PhColor }) { Position = 100000 }


        new D.LinearGradientFill() { Angle = 16200000, Scaled = true }),

      new D.NoFill(),

      new D.PatternFill(),

      new D.GroupFill()),

      new D.LineStyleList(

      new D.Outline(

        new D.SolidFill(

        new D.SchemeColor(

          new D.Shade() { Val = 95000 },

          new D.SaturationModulation() { Val = 105000 }) { Val = D.SchemeColorValues.PhColor }),

        new D.PresetDash() { Val = D.PresetLineDashValues.Solid })


          Width = 9525,

          CapType = D.LineCapValues.Flat,

          CompoundLineType = D.CompoundLineValues.Single,

          Alignment = D.PenAlignmentValues.Center


      new D.Outline(

        new D.SolidFill(

        new D.SchemeColor(

          new D.Shade() { Val = 95000 },

          new D.SaturationModulation() { Val = 105000 }) { Val = D.SchemeColorValues.PhColor }),

        new D.PresetDash() { Val = D.PresetLineDashValues.Solid })


          Width = 9525,

          CapType = D.LineCapValues.Flat,

          CompoundLineType = D.CompoundLineValues.Single,

          Alignment = D.PenAlignmentValues.Center


      new D.Outline(

        new D.SolidFill(

        new D.SchemeColor(

          new D.Shade() { Val = 95000 },

          new D.SaturationModulation() { Val = 105000 }) { Val = D.SchemeColorValues.PhColor }),

        new D.PresetDash() { Val = D.PresetLineDashValues.Solid })


          Width = 9525,

          CapType = D.LineCapValues.Flat,

          CompoundLineType = D.CompoundLineValues.Single,

          Alignment = D.PenAlignmentValues.Center


      new D.EffectStyleList(

      new D.EffectStyle(

        new D.EffectList(

        new D.OuterShadow(

          new D.RgbColorModelHex(

          new D.Alpha() { Val = 38000 }) { Val = "000000" }) { BlurRadius = 40000L, Distance = 20000L, Direction = 5400000, RotateWithShape = false })),

      new D.EffectStyle(

        new D.EffectList(

        new D.OuterShadow(

          new D.RgbColorModelHex(

          new D.Alpha() { Val = 38000 }) { Val = "000000" }) { BlurRadius = 40000L, Distance = 20000L, Direction = 5400000, RotateWithShape = false })),

      new D.EffectStyle(

        new D.EffectList(

        new D.OuterShadow(

          new D.RgbColorModelHex(

          new D.Alpha() { Val = 38000 }) { Val = "000000" }) { BlurRadius = 40000L, Distance = 20000L, Direction = 5400000, RotateWithShape = false }))),

      new D.BackgroundFillStyleList(

      new D.SolidFill(new D.SchemeColor() { Val = D.SchemeColorValues.PhColor }),

      new D.GradientFill(

        new D.GradientStopList(

        new D.GradientStop(

          new D.SchemeColor(new D.Tint() { Val = 50000 },

            new D.SaturationModulation() { Val = 300000 }) { Val = D.SchemeColorValues.PhColor }) { Position = 0 },

        new D.GradientStop(

          new D.SchemeColor(new D.Tint() { Val = 50000 },

            new D.SaturationModulation() { Val = 300000 }) { Val = D.SchemeColorValues.PhColor }) { Position = 0 },

        new D.GradientStop(

          new D.SchemeColor(new D.Tint() { Val = 50000 },

            new D.SaturationModulation() { Val = 300000 }) { Val = D.SchemeColorValues.PhColor }) { Position = 0 }),

        new D.LinearGradientFill() { Angle = 16200000, Scaled = true }),

      new D.GradientFill(

        new D.GradientStopList(

        new D.GradientStop(

          new D.SchemeColor(new D.Tint() { Val = 50000 },

            new D.SaturationModulation() { Val = 300000 }) { Val = D.SchemeColorValues.PhColor }) { Position = 0 },

        new D.GradientStop(

          new D.SchemeColor(new D.Tint() { Val = 50000 },

            new D.SaturationModulation() { Val = 300000 }) { Val = D.SchemeColorValues.PhColor }) { Position = 0 }),

        new D.LinearGradientFill() { Angle = 16200000, Scaled = true }))) { Name = "Office" });


    theme1.Append(new D.ObjectDefaults());

    theme1.Append(new D.ExtraColorSchemeList());

    themePart1.Theme = theme1;

    return themePart1;



 string FilePath = @"..\..\..\..\Sample Files\";

string FileName = FilePath + "Create a presentation document.pptx";


public static void CreatePresentation(string filepath)


    //Instantiate a Presentation object that represents a PPT file

    using (Presentation pres = new Presentation())


        //Instantiate SlideExCollection calss

        ISlideCollection slds = pres.Slides;

        //Add an empty slide to the SlidesEx collection


        //Save your presentation to a file




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