Bubble Chart
Bubble Chart Size Scaling
Aspose.Slides for Python via .NET provides support for Bubble chart size scaling. In Aspose.Slides for Python via .NET ChartSeries.bubble_size_scale and ChartSeriesGroup.bubble_size_scale properties have been added. Below sample example is given.
import aspose.slides.charts as charts
import aspose.slides as slides
with slides.Presentation() as pres:
chart = pres.slides[0].shapes.add_chart(charts.ChartType.BUBBLE, 100, 100, 400, 300)
chart.chart_data.series_groups[0].bubble_size_scale = 150
pres.save("Result.pptx", slides.export.SaveFormat.PPTX)
Represent Data as Bubble Chart Sizes
Property bubble_size_representation has been added to ChartSeries, ChartSeriesGroup classes. bubble_size_representation specifies how the bubble size values are represented in the bubble chart. Possible values are: BubbleSizeRepresentationType.AREA and BubbleSizeRepresentationType.WIDTH. Accordingly, BubbleSizeRepresentationType enum has been added to specify the possible ways to represent data as bubble chart sizes. Sample code is given below.
import aspose.slides.charts as charts
import aspose.slides as slides
with slides.Presentation() as pres:
chart = pres.slides[0].shapes.add_chart(charts.ChartType.BUBBLE, 50, 50, 600, 400, True)
chart.chart_data.series_groups[0].bubble_size_representation = charts.BubbleSizeRepresentationType.WIDTH
pres.save("Presentation_BubbleSizeRepresentation.pptx", slides.export.SaveFormat.PPTX)