Integrating Manually with Visual Studio 2005 or 2008 Report Designer

Integrating Aspose.Slides for Reporting Services with Visual Studio

We recommend you use the MSI installer to install Aspose.Slides for Reporting Services because it performs all necessary installation tasks and configuration processes automatically. However, if the installation with MSI installer fails, then use the guide here.

This article also shows you how to install Aspose.Slides for Reporting Services on a computer with Business Intelligence Development Studio. This will enable you to export reports to Microsoft PowerPoint formats at design time from the Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 or 2008 Report Designer.

  1. Copy Aspose.Slides.ReportingServices.dll to the Visual Studio directory.

    • To integrate with Visual Studio 2005 Report Designer, copy Aspose.Slides.ReportingServices.dll to the C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\Common7\IDE\PrivateAssemblies directory.
    • To integrate with Visual Studio 2008 Report Designer, copy Aspose.Slides.ReportingServices.dll to the C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\IDE\PrivateAssemblies directory.
  2. Register Aspose.Slides for Reporting Services as a rendering extension.

  3. Open C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio \Common7\IDE\PrivateAssemblies\ RSReportDesigner.config (where is “8” for Visual Studio 2005 or “9.0” for Visual Studio 2008) and add these lines into the element:

 <Extension Name="ASPPT" Type="Aspose.Slides.ReportingServices.PptRenderer,Aspose.Slides.ReportingServices"/>

<Extension Name="ASPPS" Type="Aspose.Slides.ReportingServices.PpsRenderer,Aspose.Slides.ReportingServices"/>

<Extension Name="ASPPTX" Type="Aspose.Slides.ReportingServices.PptxRenderer,Aspose.Slides.ReportingServices"/>

<Extension Name="ASPPSX" Type="Aspose.Slides.ReportingServices.PpsxRenderer,Aspose.Slides.ReportingServices"/>

  1. Give Aspose.Slides for Reporting Services permissions to execute.
    1. Open C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio \Common7\IDE\PrivateAssemblies\RSPreviewPolicy.config (where is “8” for Visual Studio 2005 or “9.0” for Visual Studio 2008).
    2. Add this line as the last item in the second to outer element (which should be )




    <!--Start here.-->






        Description="This code group grants full trust to the AS4SSRS assembly.">







            e633d9cb4c4a6d8eda03c12f486e13a1a0cb1aa101ad94943236384cbbf5c679944b994de9546e493bf" />


    <!--End here.-->



  1. Verify that Aspose.Slides for Reporting Services was installed successfully.
  2. Run or restart Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 or 2008 Report Designer. You should notice new formats in the list of export formats.

New export formats appear in Report Designer.
