演示文稿属性 - 在 C# 中访问或修改 PowerPoint 演示文稿属性
尝试 Aspose.Slides 元数据 在线应用程序,查看如何通过 Aspose.Slides API 处理文档属性:
如前所述,Aspose.Slides for .NET 支持两种类型的文档属性,即 内置 和 自定义 属性。因此,开发人员可以使用 Aspose.Slides for .NET API 访问这两种属性。Aspose.Slides for .NET 提供了一个类 IDocumentProperties,它表示与演示文稿文件关联的文档属性,通过 Presentation.DocumentProperties 属性进行访问。开发人员可以使用 Presentation 对象暴露的 IDocumentProperties 属性访问演示文稿文件的文档属性,如下所述:
Microsoft PowerPoint 提供了向演示文稿文件添加某些属性的功能。这些文档属性允许一些有用的信息与文档(演示文稿文件)一起存储。文档属性分为以下两种:
- 系统定义(内置)属性
- 用户定义(自定义)属性
内置 属性包含有关文档的一般信息,例如文档标题、作者姓名、文档统计信息等。自定义 属性是由用户定义的 名称/值 对,其中名称和值均由用户定义。使用 Aspose.Slides for .NET,开发人员可以访问和修改内置属性以及自定义属性的值。Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 允许管理演示文稿文件的文档属性。您需要做的就是点击 Office 图标,然后选择 Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 的 准备 | 属性 | 高级属性 菜单项。在选择 高级属性 菜单项后,将出现一个对话框,允许您管理 PowerPoint 文件的文档属性。在 属性对话框 中,您可以看到许多选项卡,如 常规、摘要、统计、内容和自定义。所有这些选项卡允许配置与 PowerPoint 文件相关的不同信息。自定义 选项卡用于管理 PowerPoint 文件的自定义属性。
这些通过 IDocumentProperties 对象暴露的属性包括:Creator(作者)、描述、关键词、创建(创建日期)、修改(修改日期)、打印(最后打印日期)、LastModifiedBy、关键词、SharedDoc(是否在不同的生产者之间共享?)、PresentationFormat、Subject 和 Title
// The path to the documents directory. | |
string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_PresentationProperties(); | |
// Instantiate the Presentation class that represents the presentation | |
Presentation pres = new Presentation(dataDir + "AccessBuiltin Properties.pptx"); | |
// Create a reference to IDocumentProperties object associated with Presentation | |
IDocumentProperties documentProperties = pres.DocumentProperties; | |
// Display the builtin properties | |
System.Console.WriteLine("Category : " + documentProperties.Category); | |
System.Console.WriteLine("Current Status : " + documentProperties.ContentStatus); | |
System.Console.WriteLine("Creation Date : " + documentProperties.CreatedTime); | |
System.Console.WriteLine("Author : " + documentProperties.Author); | |
System.Console.WriteLine("Description : " + documentProperties.Comments); | |
System.Console.WriteLine("KeyWords : " + documentProperties.Keywords); | |
System.Console.WriteLine("Last Modified By : " + documentProperties.LastSavedBy); | |
System.Console.WriteLine("Supervisor : " + documentProperties.Manager); | |
System.Console.WriteLine("Modified Date : " + documentProperties.LastSavedTime); | |
System.Console.WriteLine("Presentation Format : " + documentProperties.PresentationFormat); | |
System.Console.WriteLine("Last Print Date : " + documentProperties.LastPrinted); | |
System.Console.WriteLine("Is Shared between producers : " + documentProperties.SharedDoc); | |
System.Console.WriteLine("Subject : " + documentProperties.Subject); | |
System.Console.WriteLine("Title : " + documentProperties.Title); |
// The path to the documents directory. | |
string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_PresentationProperties(); | |
// Instantiate the Presentation class that represents the Presentation | |
Presentation presentation = new Presentation(dataDir + "ModifyBuiltinProperties.pptx"); | |
// Create a reference to IDocumentProperties object associated with Presentation | |
IDocumentProperties documentProperties = presentation.DocumentProperties; | |
// Set the builtin properties | |
documentProperties.Author = "Aspose.Slides for .NET"; | |
documentProperties.Title = "Modifying Presentation Properties"; | |
documentProperties.Subject = "Aspose Subject"; | |
documentProperties.Comments = "Aspose Description"; | |
documentProperties.Manager = "Aspose Manager"; | |
// Save your presentation to a file | |
presentation.Save(dataDir + "DocumentProperties_out.pptx", SaveFormat.Pptx); |
Aspose.Slides for .NET 还允许开发人员为演示文稿文档属性添加自定义值。以下示例展示了如何为演示文稿设置自定义属性。
// The path to the documents directory. | |
string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_PresentationProperties(); | |
// Instantiate the Presentation class | |
Presentation presentation = new Presentation(); | |
// Getting Document Properties | |
IDocumentProperties documentProperties = presentation.DocumentProperties; | |
// Adding Custom properties | |
documentProperties["New Custom"] = 12; | |
documentProperties["My Name"] = "Mudassir"; | |
documentProperties["Custom"] = 124; | |
// Getting property name at particular index | |
String getPropertyName = documentProperties.GetCustomPropertyName(2); | |
// Removing selected property | |
documentProperties.RemoveCustomProperty(getPropertyName); | |
// Saving presentation | |
presentation.Save(dataDir + "CustomDocumentProperties_out.pptx", Aspose.Slides.Export.SaveFormat.Pptx); |
Aspose.Slides for .NET 还允许开发人员访问自定义属性的值。以下示例展示了如何访问和修改演示文稿的所有这些自定义属性。
// The path to the documents directory. | |
string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_PresentationProperties(); | |
// Instanciate the Presentation class that represents the PPTX | |
Presentation presentation = new Presentation(dataDir + "AccessModifyingProperties.pptx"); | |
// Create a reference to DocumentProperties object associated with Prsentation | |
IDocumentProperties documentProperties = presentation.DocumentProperties; | |
// Access and modify custom properties | |
for (int i = 0; i < documentProperties.CountOfCustomProperties; i++) | |
{ | |
// Display names and values of custom properties | |
System.Console.WriteLine("Custom Property Name : " + documentProperties.GetCustomPropertyName(i)); | |
System.Console.WriteLine("Custom Property Value : " + documentProperties[documentProperties.GetCustomPropertyName(i)]); | |
// Modify values of custom properties | |
documentProperties[documentProperties.GetCustomPropertyName(i)] = "New Value " + (i + 1); | |
} | |
// Save your presentation to a file | |
presentation.Save(dataDir + "CustomDemoModified_out.pptx", Aspose.Slides.Export.SaveFormat.Pptx); |
Aspose.Slides for .NET 提供了一种检查演示文稿是否被修改或创建的功能。以下示例展示了如何检查演示文稿是否被创建或修改。
// The path to the documents directory. | |
string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_PresentationProperties(); | |
IPresentationInfo info = | |
PresentationFactory.Instance.GetPresentationInfo(Path.Combine(RootFolder, "props.pptx")); | |
IDocumentProperties props = info.ReadDocumentProperties(); | |
string app = props.NameOfApplication; | |
string ver = props.AppVersion; |
Aspose.Slides 提供了 LanguageId 属性(由 PortionFormat 类暴露),允许您为 PowerPoint 文档设置校对语言。校对语言是检查 PowerPoint 中拼写和语法的语言。
以下 C# 代码展示了如何为 PowerPoint 设置校对语言:
using (Presentation pres = new Presentation(pptxFileName))
AutoShape autoShape = (AutoShape)pres.Slides[0].Shapes[0];
IParagraph paragraph = autoShape.TextFrame.Paragraphs[0];
Portion newPortion = new Portion();
IFontData font = new FontData("SimSun");
IPortionFormat portionFormat = newPortion.PortionFormat;
portionFormat.ComplexScriptFont = font;
portionFormat.EastAsianFont = font;
portionFormat.LatinFont = font;
portionFormat.LanguageId = "zh-CN"; // 设置校对语言的 Id
newPortion.Text = "1。";
以下 C# 代码展示了如何为整个 PowerPoint 演示文稿设置默认语言:
LoadOptions loadOptions = new LoadOptions();
loadOptions.DefaultTextLanguage = "en-US";
using (Presentation pres = new Presentation(loadOptions))
// 添加新的带文本的矩形形状
IAutoShape shp = pres.Slides[0].Shapes.AddAutoShape(ShapeType.Rectangle, 50, 50, 150, 50);
shp.TextFrame.Text = "新文本";
// 检查第一个部分的语言