What's new in Aspose.Words for C++

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This page describes the most interesting new Aspose.Words features introduced in recent releases.

Aspose.Words for C++ 24.9

Aspose.Words 24.9 introduces group shape insertion and StructuredDocumentTag insertion via DocumentBuilder, enhances radial chart rendering with graduations, improves digital signatures with XAdES-EPES support, adds Markdown underline recognition, and provides access to footnote/endnote separators.

Rendering and Printing

Graduations on Radial Charts

Rendering of graduations on radial charts has been implemented.

Converting, Loading and Saving Documents

Underline Formatting when Loading Markdown Files

The option to recognize underline formatting when loading Markdown documents has been incorporated by adding a new public property ImportUnderlineFormatting.

Digital Signatures

Sign Documents with XAdES-EPES

The ability to sign documents with XAdES-EPES level XML-DSig signatures has been introdused by adding a new public property XmlDsigLevel and a new public enumeration XmlDsigLevel.


  • A new public method InsertGroupShape has been added to group shapes.
  • A new public method InsertStructuredDocumentTag has been added to insert StructuredDocumentTags into a document.
  • Public access to footnote/endnote separators has been provided by adding a few public classes and properties.

Aspose.Words for C++ 24.5, 24.6, 24.7

Aspose.Words 24.5 expands options for assemblies, improves rendering capabilities, and expands some other options.

Aspose.Words 24.6 improves rendering options, enhances search and compare functionality, and expands several other features.

Aspose.Words 24.7 changes how you work with ActiveX, expands rendering capabilities, as well as exporting to Markdown and XLSX formats.

Supported Formats

Starting from version 24.7, export to PDF/UA-2 is supported to ensure accessibility for users with disabilities.

Rendering and Printing

Changes in Charts, Shapes and DrawingML 24.5

  • DrawingML effects rendering for SVG graphics, extending previous functionality limited to images, has been implemented.
  • Support for creating combo charts and adjusting properties such as gap width, overlap, and bubble scale within series groups has been introduced by adding the ChartSeriesGroup and ChartSeriesGroupCollection classes and the SeriesGroups property.
  • Functionality to manipulate the SoftEdge effect of shapes has been implemented by adding the SoftEdgeFormat class.
  • The ability to modify adjust values of shapes has been implemented by adding the AdjustmentCollection and Adjustment public classes and Adjustments property.

Changes in Charts, Shapes and Drawing 24.6

  • Charting capabilities have been enhanced. You can now create a wider variety of charts, including Treemaps, Sunbursts, Histograms, Pareto charts, Box & Whisker charts, Waterfalls, and Funnels. This allows you to visualize your data in a more diverse and informative way.
  • Color control for shadow formatting has been improved. You can gain more precise control over the appearance of your documents by accessing shadow colors.
  • Performance boost for background rendering has been improved. You can significantly speed up the rendering of backgrounds containing small elements thanks to native tiling technology.
  • Realistic gradients for shapes have been added. You can now create DML shapes with non-linear gradients, mimicking the visual style of Microsoft Word for a more polished look.

Chart Data Label Customization 24.7

The ability to customize chart data labels such as Orientation and Rotation has been added.

Custom Number Styling for List Levels 24.7

A setter for the public property CustomNumberStyleFormat has been added. You can now define a custom number styling for list levels.

Changes in working with ActiveX 24.7

  • The properties of ActiveX objects can now be modified, giving you more control over their behavior.
  • The ability to modify the value of the radio button ActiveX control to enable dynamic interaction has been added.
  • The ability to toggle an ActiveX checkbox to “checked” or “unchecked” has been added.

Loading and Saving Documents

The ability to control the export of links in Markdown format has been added through the implementation of the LinkExportMode property.

Search and Compare

Advanced Comparison Options 24.6

The ability to streamline data analysis workflows with improved comparison functionality has been added. This includes a new IgnoreStoreItemId option and a redesigned interface for advanced comparisons.


  • The function to eliminate empty pages from a document has been implemented by adding the RemoveBlankPages method. 24.5
  • The ability to check for the presence of VBA macros without loading a document has been provided by adding the HasMacros property. 24.5
  • A new DateTimeUtc property has been added – this provides a more precise timestamp for comments, improving organization and traceability. 24.6
  • The datetime format is now automatically detected for seamless export to XLSX format. 24.7
  • The public property IsProtected, which allows you to verify whether a VBA project is protected, has been added. 24.7

Aspose.Words for C++ 24.1, 24.2, 24.3, 24.4

Aspose.Words 24.1 improves the experience around managing stroke colors, enhances OLE objects, as well as introduces a new Bibliography Sources public API.

Aspose.Words 24.2 expanded Charts API and style management. This version of Aspose.Words also introduced the capability to specify SvgSaveOptions during rendering, more flexible control loading Markdown files, and working with reference text for footnotes and endnotes.

Aspose.Words 24.3 introduces Emulation of binary raster operations for WMF metafiles and also continues to expand the Charts API.

Aspose.Words 24.4 enhances some rendering options, as well as improves work with digital signatures.

Rendering and Printing

Stroke Color Control 24.1

The Stroke class has been extended with a set of new public properties related to managing stroke colors: ForeThemeColor and BackThemeColor, ForeTintAndShade and BackTintAndShade.

DrawingML Charts API Extension 24.2 / 24.3 / 24.4

The DrawingML Charts API continues to be expanded.

Embed Fonts Declared in @font-face Rules 24.4

Added an ability to embed fonts declared in @font-face rules into the resulting document’s font definitions has been introduced by adding a new SupportFontFaceRules property.

Work with Glow and Reflection Formatting 24.4

The ability to work with glow and reflection formatting for a drawing object has been implemented.

Loading and Saving Documents

Specify SvgSaveOptions During Rendering 24.2

The capability to specify SvgSaveOptions during rendering has been added using the ShapeRenderer.Save and OfficeMathRenderer.Save methods.

Preserve Empty Lines when Loading Markdown files 24.2

The ability to preserve empty lines when loading Markdown files has been added.


  • The capability to modify the text of the TextBox OLE control has been introduced by adding a new Text property to the new TextBoxControl class. 24.1
  • The Bibliography Sources public API was implemented through the adding a new namespace Aspose.Words.Bibliography with its new classes and enumerations, and through the adding a new Bibliography property to the Document class. 24.1
  • New public properties Priority, UnhideWhenUsed, and SemiHidden for enhanced style management have been added to the Style class. 24.2
  • The functionality to retrieve the actual reference mark text for footnotes and endnotes has been enhanced with the ActualReferenceMark property and the UpdateActualReferenceMarks method. 24.2
  • Emulation of binary raster operations for WMF metafiles has been implemented. 24.3
  • The capability to define signature options for documents within SaveOptions has been enabled by adding a new DigitalSignatureDetails class with new public members, as well as adding new properties to the OoxmlSaveOptions, DocSaveOptions and OdtSaveOptions classes. 24.4

Aspose.Words for C++ 23.9, 23.10, 23.11, 23.12

Aspose.Words 23.9 expands rendering options, metafile rendering emulation, and markdown save options.

Aspose.Words 23.10 improves rendering, expands options for loading and saving documents, and allows users to merge documents in new ways.

Aspose.Words 23.11 enhances the work with revisions, XLSX format and fonts on chart legend with additional options.

Aspose.Words 23.12 introduces new properties and enumerations for working with PDF and OOXML documents, as well as support for WebP images.

Rendering and Printing

Customizing Axes Titles in DrawingML Charts 23.9

The capability to customize axis titles in DrawingML charts has been introduced by the implementation of a new public class ChartAxisTitle and Title property.

Determining the Vertical Position of Fonts within a Paragraph 23.9

It is now possible to define the vertical position of fonts within a paragraph using the new public BaselineAlignment property and the new BaselineAlignment enumeration.

Foreground Color Control 23.10

The ability to retrieve the foreground color without modifiers has been added to the Fill and Stroke classes via the BaseForeColor property.

Expanding the Functionality of Charts 23.10

The functionality of the ChartDataPointCollection, ChartSeries, and ChartFormat classes has been expanded with new methods and properties.

Automatically Adjust and Fit an Image into a Shape 23.10

A simple way to automatically adjust and fit an image within a particular shape has been provided through the new FitImageToShape method.

Default Font Formatting for DrawingML Chart Legend Entries 23.11

The ability to specify default font formatting for legend entries of DrawingML charts has been added via the Font property. This feature facilitates a more streamlined and consistent appearance for chart elements, improving the overall document aesthetics.

Specify Page Layout when Opening PDF in Reader 23.12

The ability to specify the page layout to be used when opening a document in a PDF reader has been added through the introduction of a new PageLayout property to the PdfSaveOptions class and the introduction of a new PdfPageLayout enumeration.

Loading and Saving Documents

Specifying a Folder Name to Construct Image URIs in Markdown 23.9

The MarkdownSaveOptions class has been expanded by including the ImagesFolderAlias property, which allows to specifies the name of the folder used to construct image URIs written into the Markdown document.

Reduce PDF Output Size 23.10

Various PDF rendering optimizations to reduce output size when utilizing OptimizeOutput settings have been implemented.

The feature to recognize hyperlinks when loading TXT documents has been implemented by adding a new DetectHyperlinks property.


  • Metafile rendering emulation to determine rasterization size has been implemented, specifically for WMF pen width and EMF cosmetic pen width. To achieve this, the ScaleWmfFontsToMetafileSize property was replaced with the EmulateRenderingToSizeOnPage property and the EmulateRenderingToSizeOnPageResolution property was added. 23.9
  • A simplified method for inserting one document into another document at the current cursor position has been introduced using the InsertDocumentInline method. 23.10
  • The ability to access and modify style properties has been added through the introduction of the new Locked property. 23.10
  • A generic type parameter has been added to the methods of the CompositeNode class. 23.10
  • A way to control when a certain revision should be accepted/rejected or not has been implemented by using the Accept and Reject methods. This enhancement grants users finer control over the revision process. 23.11
  • The ability to write all sections of a document onto the same XLSX worksheet has been provided through the new XlsxSectionMode enumeration type and the new SectionMode property. 23.11
  • A way to control how ZIP64 format extensions will be used for OOXML documents has been implemented through the new Zip64Mode property of the OoxmlSaveOptions class and the new Zip64Mode enumeration. 23.12
  • Support for WebP image has been introduced. Please note that this feature is only available for .NetStandart and .NET6+ versions. 23.12

See Also