Cylinder ile king orking

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Oustomize ffffset Top

Aspose.3D for Python via .NET allows customizing Offset Top of a cylinder. In order to use this functionality, you can use offset property of Cylinder class. The following code snippet shows how to customize Offset Top:

! Todo: image_alt_text

The left one has offset_top set to (5, 3, 0), it’s easy to see the top cap has moved and the whole torso also gets affected.

Customize hearhearhearottom

Aspose.3D for Python via .NET allows customizing shear bottom of a cylinder. In order to use this functionality, you can use shear_bottom property of Cylinder class. The following code snippet shows how to customize Shear Bottom:

! Todo: image_alt_text

The left cylinder has shear_bottom to (0, 0.83) while the right one is an ordinal cylinder.

Create Fan-Cylinder

Aspose.3D for Python via .NET allows creating a fan cylinder. In order to use this functionality, you can set generate_fan_cylinder property of Cylinder class to True. The following code snippet shows how to use this functionality:

! Todo: image_alt_text

The left cylinder has generate_fan_cylinder = False and the right one has generate_fan_cylinder = True.