DGN Drawing

Drawing DGN Format As Part of DWG

Aspose.CAD for .NET allows developers to export a DWG file with embedded DGN inside. Following is the code demonstrating how to access the DGN inside a DWG file while exporting the DWG file.

Sample Code

// The path to the documents directory.
string MyDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_ConvertingCAD();
string[] sourceFilePaths = new[]
MyDir + "conic_pyramid.dxf",
MyDir + "Bottom_plate.dwg"
foreach (var sourceFilePath in sourceFilePaths)
string extension = Path.GetExtension(sourceFilePath);
using (CadImage cadImage = (CadImage)Aspose.CAD.Image.Load(sourceFilePath))
List<string> layouts = GetNotEmptyLayouts(cadImage, extension);
const double Epsilon = 0.00001;
foreach (string layout in layouts)
System.Console.WriteLine("Layout= " + layout);
using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(MyDir + "layout_" + extension + "_" + layout + ".jpg", FileMode.Create))
JpegOptions jpegOptions = new JpegOptions();
CadRasterizationOptions options = new CadRasterizationOptions();
options.Layouts = new string[] { layout };
CadLayout l = cadImage.Layouts[layout];
if ((Math.Abs(l.MaxExtents.Y) < Epsilon && Math.Abs(l.MaxExtents.X) < Epsilon)
|| (Math.Abs(l.MaxExtents.Y + 1E+20) < Epsilon
|| Math.Abs(l.MaxExtents.X + 1E+20) < Epsilon)
|| (Math.Abs(l.MinExtents.Y - 1E+20) < Epsilon
|| Math.Abs(l.MinExtents.X - 1E+20) < Epsilon))
// do nothing, we can automatically detect size
// we can not rely on PlotPaperUnits here too because it is PlotInInches by default
double sizeExtX = l.MaxExtents.X - l.MinExtents.X;
double sizeExtY = l.MaxExtents.Y - l.MinExtents.Y;
if (l.PlotPaperUnits == CadPlotPaperUnits.PlotInInches)
options.PageHeight = CommonHelper.INtoPixels(sizeExtY, CommonHelper.DPI);
options.PageWidth = CommonHelper.INtoPixels(sizeExtX, CommonHelper.DPI);
if (l.PlotPaperUnits == CadPlotPaperUnits.PlotInMillimeters)
options.PageHeight = CommonHelper.MMtoPixels(sizeExtY, CommonHelper.DPI);
options.PageWidth = CommonHelper.MMtoPixels(sizeExtX, CommonHelper.DPI);
options.PageHeight = (float)sizeExtY;
options.PageWidth = (float)sizeExtX;
jpegOptions.VectorRasterizationOptions = options;
cadImage.Save(fs, jpegOptions);
private static List<string> GetNotEmptyLayouts(Image cadImage, string extension)
List<string> nonEmptyLayouts = new List<string>();
if (cadImage == null)
return nonEmptyLayouts;
switch (extension)
case ".dwg":
nonEmptyLayouts = GetNotEmptyLayoutsForDwg((CadImage)cadImage);
case ".dxf":
nonEmptyLayouts = GetNotEmptyLayoutsForDxf((CadImage)cadImage);
return nonEmptyLayouts;
private static List<string> GetNotEmptyLayoutsForDwg(CadImage cadImage)
List<string> notEmptyLayouts = new List<string>();
foreach (CadLayout layout in cadImage.Layouts.Values)
foreach (CadBlockTableObject tableObject in cadImage.BlocksTables)
if (string.Equals(tableObject.HardPointerToLayout.Value, layout.ObjectHandle, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
if (cadImage.BlockEntities.ContainsKey(tableObject.BlockName))
CadBlockEntity cadBlockEntity = cadImage.BlockEntities[tableObject.BlockName];
if (cadBlockEntity.Entities.Length > 0)
return notEmptyLayouts;
private static List<string> GetNotEmptyLayoutsForDxf(CadImage cadImage)
List<string> notEmptyLayouts = new List<string>();
Dictionary<string, string> layoutBlockHandles = new Dictionary<string, string>();
foreach (CadLayout layout in cadImage.Layouts.Values)
if (layout.BlockTableRecordHandle != null)
layoutBlockHandles.Add(layout.BlockTableRecordHandle, layout.LayoutName);
foreach (CadBaseEntity entity in cadImage.Entities)
if (layoutBlockHandles.ContainsKey(entity.SoftOwner.Value))
string layoutName = layoutBlockHandles[entity.SoftOwner.Value];
if (!notEmptyLayouts.Contains(layoutName))
return notEmptyLayouts;