Access to entities inside block objects

How to access to entities inside block objects

Issue: How to access to entities inside block objects (CADNET-552).

Tips: To do this, you need to access the entities inside the block objects, you need to access the blocks in the drawing, then you need to use the CadBlockEntity class to access.


using (CadImage cadImage = (CadImage)Image.Load(GetPath(fileName)))
for (int i = 0; i < cadImage.Entities.Length; i++)
if (cadImage.Entities[i].TypeName == CadEntityTypeName.INSERT)
CadBlockEntity block = cadImage.BlockEntities[(cadImage.Entities[i] as CadInsertObject).Name];
foreach (CadBaseEntity baseEntity in block.Entities)
System.Console.WriteLine("Type = " + baseEntity.TypeName);