Addition of image as background into DXF

How to add an image as a background in DXF

Issue: How to add an image as a background in DXF.

Tips: To do this, create a CadRasterImageDef object for the background image, create a CadRasterImage object to insert the background for the drawing, add a CadRasterImage object to the drawing entities.


CadRasterImageDef rasterImageDef = new CadRasterImageDef("background.jpg", 0, 0);
rasterImageDef.ObjectHandle = "RefID";
rasterImageDef.SoftOwner = cadImage.Layouts["Model"].BlockTableRecordHandle;
rasterImageDef.FileName = "background.jpg";
// inserts RasterImage inside dxf
CadRasterImage rasterImage = new CadRasterImage(
new Cad3DPoint(2700, 1300, 0), new Cad3DPoint(0.5, 0, 0), new Cad3DPoint(0, 0.5, 0));
rasterImage.ObjectHandle = newObjectID;
rasterImage.SoftOwner = cadImage.Layouts["Model"].BlockTableRecordHandle;
rasterImage.LayerName = "0";
rasterImage.ImageDefReference = "RefID";
rasterImage.DisplayFlags = 1;
rasterImage.InsertionPoint.X = 2700;
rasterImage.InsertionPoint.Y = 1300;
rasterImage.UVector.X = 0.5;
rasterImage.VVector.Y = 0.5;
List<CadBaseEntity> entities = new List<CadBaseEntity>(cadImage.Entities);
rasterImage); // add to the beginning to fill image with background, entities will be above
cadImage.Entities = entities.ToArray();
List<CadBaseObject> objects = new List<CadBaseObject>(cadImage.Objects);
cadImage.Objects = objects.ToArray();