Public API Changes in Aspose.Cells 16.12.0

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Added APIs

Support for Pivot Tables

The second release of Aspose.Cells for C++ supports creation as well as the manipulation of the Pivot Tables. Aspose.Cells for C++ provides the IPivotTable class which represents a Pivot Table object whereas IPivotTableCollection represents a collection of Pivot Tables. The IPivotTableCollection can be accessed via the IWorksheet object and a new Pivot Table can be added to the collection while using the IPivotTableCollection.Add method.

The following code snippet demonstrates how simple is to use Aspose.Cells for C++ API to create Pivot Tables from scratch.


 //Load the sample excel file

intrusive_ptr<IWorkbook> wb = Factory::CreateIWorkbook();

//Access first worksheet

intrusive_ptr<IWorksheet> ws = wb->GetIWorksheets()->GetObjectByIndex(0);

//Add source data for pivot table

intrusive_ptr<String> str = new String("Fruit");

ws->GetICells()->GetObjectByIndex(new String("A1"))->PutValue(str);

str = new String("Quantity");

ws->GetICells()->GetObjectByIndex(new String("B1"))->PutValue(str);

str = new String("Price");

ws->GetICells()->GetObjectByIndex(new String("C1"))->PutValue(str);

str = new String("Apple");

ws->GetICells()->GetObjectByIndex(new String("A2"))->PutValue(str);

str = new String("Orange");

ws->GetICells()->GetObjectByIndex(new String("A3"))->PutValue(str);

ws->GetICells()->GetObjectByIndex(new String("B2"))->PutValue(3);

ws->GetICells()->GetObjectByIndex(new String("B3"))->PutValue(4);

ws->GetICells()->GetObjectByIndex(new String("C2"))->PutValue(2);

ws->GetICells()->GetObjectByIndex(new String("C3"))->PutValue(1);

//Add pivot table

int idx = ws->GetIPivotTables()->Add(new String("A1:C3"), new String("E5"), new String("MyPivotTable"));

//Access created pivot table

intrusive_ptr<IPivotTable> pt = ws->GetIPivotTables()->GetObjectByIndex(idx);

//Manipulate pivot table rows, columns and data fields

pt->AddFieldToArea(PivotFieldType_Row, pt->GetIBaseFields()->GetObjectByIndex(0));

pt->AddFieldToArea(PivotFieldType_Data, pt->GetIBaseFields()->GetObjectByIndex(1));

pt->AddFieldToArea(PivotFieldType_Data, pt->GetIBaseFields()->GetObjectByIndex(2));

pt->AddFieldToArea(PivotFieldType_Column, pt->GetIDataField());

//Set pivot table style


//Save the output excel file


Besides creating new Pivot Tables, Aspose.Cells for C++ APIs also support to manipulate existing Pivot Tables. The API currently supports to change the data at the source range of the Pivot Table and then refresh it. Once the Pivot Table has been manipulated as desired, it is best to use the IPivotTable.RefreshData and IPivotTable.CalculateData methods to refresh the Pivot Table against the updated data source.

The following code snippet uses the Aspose.Cells for C++ API to manipulate an existing Pivot Table.


 //Load the sample excel file

intrusive_ptr wb = Factory::CreateIWorkbook(samplePath);

//Access first worksheet

intrusive_ptr ws = wb->GetIWorksheets()->GetObjectByIndex(0);

//Change value of cell B3 which is inside the source data of pivot table

intrusive_ptr str = new String("Cup");

ws->GetICells()->GetObjectByIndex(new String("B3"))->PutValue(str);

//Get the value of cell H8 before refreshing pivot table

intrusive_ptr val = ws->GetICells()->GetObjectByIndex(new String("H8"))->GetStringValue();

printf("Before refreshing Pivot Table value of cell H8: %s\r\n%", val->charValue());

//Access pivot table, refresh and calculate it

intrusive_ptr pt = ws->GetIPivotTables()->GetObjectByIndex(0);



//Get the value of cell H8 after refreshing pivot table

val = ws->GetICells()->GetObjectByIndex(new String("H8"))->GetStringValue();

printf("After refreshing Pivot Table value of cell H8: %s\r\n%", val->charValue());

//Save the output excel file


Support for Conditional Formatting Rules

Aspose.Cells for C++ now provides the ability to add conditional formatting rules to the worksheet by exposing the IFormatCondition class. The aforementioned class further provides the following methods to apply the conditional formatting rules as per application requirements.

  • IFormatCondition.GetIAboveAverage
  • IFormatCondition.GetIColorScale
  • IFormatCondition.GetIDataBar
  • IFormatCondition.GetIIconSet
  • IFormatCondition.GetITop10

The following sample code shows how to add a conditional formatting rule of type Cell Value on cells A1 and B2.


 //Create an empty workbook

intrusive_ptr wb = Factory::CreateIWorkbook();

//Access first worksheet

intrusive_ptr ws = wb->GetIWorksheets()->GetObjectByIndex(0);

//Adds an empty conditional formatting

int idx = ws->GetIConditionalFormattings()->Add();

intrusive_ptr fcs = ws->GetIConditionalFormattings()->GetObjectByIndex(idx);

//Set the conditional format range

intrusive_ptr ca = ICellArea::CreateICellArea(new String("A1"), new String("A1"));


ca = ICellArea::CreateICellArea(new String("B2"), new String("B2"));


//Add condition and set the background color

idx = fcs->AddCondition(FormatConditionType_CellValue, OperatorType_Between, new String("=A2"), new String("100"));

intrusive_ptr fc = fcs->GetObjectByIndex(idx);


//User friendly message to test the output excel file.

StringPtr msgStr = new String("Red color in cells A1 and B2 is because of Conditional Formatting.");

ws->GetICells()->GetObjectByIndex(new String("A10"))->PutValue(msgStr);

//Save the output excel file


Aspose.Cells for C++ now supports adding hyperlinks to the worksheet cells. In order to provide this feature, the Aspose.Cells for C++ 16.12.0 has exposed the IHyperlinkCollection class which is accessible via the IWorksheet object whereas a hyperlink can be added to the collection while using the IHyperlinkCollection.Add method as demonstrated below.


 //Create a new workbook

intrusive_ptr wb = Factory::CreateIWorkbook();

//Get the first worksheet

intrusive_ptr wsc = wb->GetIWorksheets();

intrusive_ptr ws = wsc->GetObjectByIndex(0);

//Add hyperlink in cell C7 and make use of its various methods

intrusive_ptr hypLnks = ws->GetIHyperlinks();

int idx = hypLnks->Add(new String("C7"), 1, 1, new String(""));

intrusive_ptr lnk = hypLnks->GetObjectByIndex(idx);

lnk->SetTextToDisplay(new String("Aspose"));

lnk->SetScreenTip(new String("Link to Aspose Website"));

//Save the workbook in xlsx format

wb->Save(dirPath->Append(new String("output.xlsx")), SaveFormat_Xlsx);

Support for Document Properties

Excel application supports 2 types of document properties as listed below.

  • System defined (built-in) properties: Built-in properties contain general information about the document like document title, author name, document statistics and so on.
  • User-defined (custom) properties: Custom properties defined by the end user in the form of name value pair.

Aspose.Cells for C++ supports managing both types of document properties, built-in and custom. Aspose.Cells’ IWorkbook class represents an Excel file. In order to access the built-in document properties, use IWorkbook.GetBuiltInDocumentProperties whereas the custom document properties can be accessed while using the IWorkbook.GetCustomDocumentProperties method.

The following sample code loads an existing sample spreadsheet and reads the built-in document properties such as Title, Subject and custom property by the name MyCustom1.


 //Load the sample excel file

intrusive_ptr wb = Factory::CreateIWorkbook(samplePath);

//Read built-in title and subject properties

StringPtr strTitle = wb->GetIBuiltInDocumentProperties()->GetTitle();

StringPtr strSubject = wb->GetIBuiltInDocumentProperties()->GetSubject();

printf("Title: %s\r\n", strTitle->charValue());

printf("Subject: %s\r\n", strSubject->charValue());


//Modify built-in title and subject properties

strTitle = new String("Aspose.Cells New Title");

strSubject = new String("Aspose.Cells New Subject");



//Read the custom property

StringPtr strCustomPropName = new String("MyCustom1");

StringPtr strCustomPropValue = wb->GetICustomDocumentProperties()->GetObjectByIndex(strCustomPropName)->ToString();

printf("MyCustom1: %s\r\n", strCustomPropValue->charValue());

//Add a new custom property

strCustomPropName = new String("MyCustom5");

strCustomPropValue = new String("This is my custom five.");

wb->GetICustomDocumentProperties()->AddIDocumentProperty(strCustomPropName, strCustomPropValue);

//Save the output excel file


Support for ListObjects

An Excel table is a matrix of cells containing any number of rows and columns whereas the same table is referred to be as a List Object in Aspose.Cells for C++ APIs. The Aspose::Cells::Tables namespace contains all the necessary classes that deals with the operations related to the List Objects. Most worth mentioning classes are IListObject and IListObjectCollection which allow to create and format List Objects and so on.

The following sample code loads the sample spreadsheet file and then creates a List Object (table) in a range A1:H10, then make use of its various methods to show the subtotal.


 //Load the sample excel file

intrusive_ptr<IWorkbook> wb = Factory::CreateIWorkbook(samplePath);

//Access first worksheet

intrusive_ptr<IWorksheet> ws = wb->GetIWorksheets()->GetObjectByIndex(0);

//Add table i.e. list object

int idx = ws->GetIListObjects()->Add(new String("A1"), new String("H10"), true);

//Access the newly added list object

intrusive_ptr<IListObject> lo = ws->GetIListObjects()->GetObjectByIndex(idx);

//Make use of its display methods




//Set its style


//Set total functions of 3rd, 4th and 5th columns




//Save the output excel file


Support for Row & Column Grouping

Aspose.Cells for C++ API can be used to group rows & columns while using the ICells class which is basically the collection of all cells in a given worksheet. The ICells class offers the GroupRows and GroupColumns methods in order to group rows and columns respectively.

The following code snippet demonstrates the simple usage scenario of both aforementioned methods.


 //Create an empty workbook

intrusive_ptr wb = Factory::CreateIWorkbook();

//Add worksheet for grouping rows

intrusive_ptr grpRows = wb->GetIWorksheets()->GetObjectByIndex(0);

grpRows->SetName(new String("GroupRows"));

//Add worksheet for grouping columns

int idx = wb->GetIWorksheets()->Add();

intrusive_ptr grpCols = wb->GetIWorksheets()->GetObjectByIndex(idx);

grpCols->SetName(new String("GroupColumns"));

//Add sample values in both worksheets

for (int i = 0; i<50; i++)


	intrusive_ptr str = new String("Text");

	grpRows->GetICells()->GetObjectByIndex(i, 0)->PutValue(str);

	grpCols->GetICells()->GetObjectByIndex(0, i)->PutValue(str);


//Grouping rows at first level

grpRows->GetICells()->GroupRows(0, 10);

grpRows->GetICells()->GroupRows(12, 22);

grpRows->GetICells()->GroupRows(24, 34);

//Grouping rows at second level

grpRows->GetICells()->GroupRows(2, 8);

grpRows->GetICells()->GroupRows(14, 20);

grpRows->GetICells()->GroupRows(28, 30);

//Grouping rows at third level

grpRows->GetICells()->GroupRows(5, 7);

//Grouping columns at first level

grpCols->GetICells()->GroupColumns(0, 10);

grpCols->GetICells()->GroupColumns(12, 22);

grpCols->GetICells()->GroupColumns(24, 34);

//Grouping columns at second level

grpCols->GetICells()->GroupColumns(2, 8);

grpCols->GetICells()->GroupColumns(14, 20);

grpCols->GetICells()->GroupColumns(28, 30);

//Grouping columns at third level

grpCols->GetICells()->GroupColumns(5, 7);

//Save the output excel file


Support for Themes

Aspose.Cells for C++ APIs now support to use and manipulate the themes offered by Excel application.

Ability to Apply the Custom Theme Colors

The following snippet tries to create a new theme with custom colors for the workbook.


 //Create a workbook

intrusive_ptr<IWorkbook> wb = Factory::CreateIWorkbook();

//Create array of custom theme colors

intrusive_ptr<Array1D<Color*>> clrs = new Array1D<Color*>(12);


clrs->SetValue(Color::GetRed(), 0);


clrs->SetValue(Color::GetRed(), 1);


clrs->SetValue(Color::GetRed(), 2);


clrs->SetValue(Color::GetRed(), 3);


clrs->SetValue(Color::GetRed(), 4);


clrs->SetValue(Color::GetGreen(), 5);


clrs->SetValue(Color::GetGreen(), 6);


clrs->SetValue(Color::GetGreen(), 7);


clrs->SetValue(Color::GetGreen(), 8);


clrs->SetValue(Color::GetBlue(), 9);


clrs->SetValue(Color::GetBlue(), 10);

//Followed Hyperlink

clrs->SetValue(Color::GetBlue(), 11);

//Apply custom theme colors on workbook

wb->CustomTheme(new String("AnyTheme"), clrs);

//Save the workbook


Support for Manipulation of Theme Colors

The following sample code shows how to read and modify theme colors of the workbook. The sample code loads an existing spreadsheet, read its theme colors i.e. Accent1-Accent6, and modifies the colors before saving the spreadsheet.


 //Load the sample excel file

intrusive_ptr<IWorkbook> wb = Factory::CreateIWorkbook(samplePath);

//Read these theme colors i.e. Accent1 till Accent6

intrusive_ptr<Color> clr_Accent1 = wb->GetThemeColor(ThemeColorType_Accent1);

intrusive_ptr<Color> clr_Accent2 = wb->GetThemeColor(ThemeColorType_Accent2);

intrusive_ptr<Color> clr_Accent3 = wb->GetThemeColor(ThemeColorType_Accent3);

intrusive_ptr<Color> clr_Accent4 = wb->GetThemeColor(ThemeColorType_Accent4);

intrusive_ptr<Color> clr_Accent5 = wb->GetThemeColor(ThemeColorType_Accent5);

intrusive_ptr<Color> clr_Accent6 = wb->GetThemeColor(ThemeColorType_Accent6);

//Print all of them. ffff00 means Yellow

printf("Accent1: %x\r\n", clr_Accent1->ToArgb());

printf("Accent2: %x\r\n", clr_Accent2->ToArgb());

printf("Accent3: %x\r\n", clr_Accent3->ToArgb());

printf("Accent4: %x\r\n", clr_Accent4->ToArgb());

printf("Accent5: %x\r\n", clr_Accent5->ToArgb());

printf("Accent6: %x\r\n", clr_Accent6->ToArgb());

//Set all of them to Red

wb->SetThemeColor(ThemeColorType_Accent1, Color::GetRed());

wb->SetThemeColor(ThemeColorType_Accent2, Color::GetRed());

wb->SetThemeColor(ThemeColorType_Accent3, Color::GetRed());

wb->SetThemeColor(ThemeColorType_Accent4, Color::GetRed());

wb->SetThemeColor(ThemeColorType_Accent5, Color::GetRed());

wb->SetThemeColor(ThemeColorType_Accent6, Color::GetRed());

//Reading one of them after modifying, it will be ff0000 which means Red

printf("\r\nReading one of them after modifying, it will be ff0000 which means Red\r\n\r\n");

clr_Accent6 = wb->GetThemeColor(ThemeColorType_Accent6);

printf("Accent6: %x\r\n", (clr_Accent6->ToArgb())&0xffffff);

//Save the output excel file


Ability to Copy Themes Across Workbooks

The following sample code shows how to copy theme from one workbook to another, which could be useful in applying built-in or custom themes on multiple spreadsheets.


 //Read excel file that has Damask theme applied on it

intrusive_ptr<IWorkbook> damask = Factory::CreateIWorkbook(damaskPath);

//Read your sample excel file

intrusive_ptr<IWorkbook> wb = Factory::CreateIWorkbook(samplePath);

//Copy theme from source file


//Save the workbook in xlsx format

wb->Save(outputPath, SaveFormat_Xlsx);

Renamed APIs

With the release of Aspose.Cells for C++ 16.12.0, we have renamed a few method in order to keep the interfaces unified. The list of all renamed APIs is as follow.

Renamed ICell::SetStyle method to ICell::SetIStyle

Renamed ICell::SetCharacters method to ICell::SetIFontSettings

Renamed ICellsColor::SetThemeColor method to ICellsColor::SetIThemeColor

Renamed ICells::SetStyle method to ICells::SetIStyle

Renamed ICellsHelper::GetDPI_i method to ICellsHelper::GetDPI

Renamed ICellsHelper::SetDPI_i method to ICellsHelper::SetDPI

Renamed ICellsHelper::GetVersion_i method to ICellsHelper::GetVersion

Renamed ICellsHelper::IsProtectedByRMS_i method to ICellsHelper::IsProtectedByRMS

Renamed ICellsHelper::IsProtectedByRMS_i method to ICellsHelper::IsProtectedByRMS

Renamed ICellsHelper::CellNameToIndex_i method to ICellsHelper::CellNameToIndex

Renamed ICellsHelper::CellIndexToName_i method to ICellsHelper::CellIndexToName

Renamed ICellsHelper::ColumnIndexToName_i method to ICellsHelper::ColumnIndexToName

Renamed ICellsHelper::ColumnNameToIndex_i method to ICellsHelper::ColumnNameToIndex

Renamed ICellsHelper::RowIndexToName_i method to ICellsHelper::RowIndexToName

Renamed ICellsHelper::RowNameToIndex_i method to ICellsHelper::RowNameToIndex

Renamed ICellsHelper::ConvertR1C1FormulaToA1_i method to ICellsHelper::ConvertR1C1FormulaToA1

Renamed ICellsHelper::ConvertA1FormulaToR1C1_i method to ICellsHelper::ConvertA1FormulaToR1C1

Renamed ICellsHelper::GetDateTimeFromDouble_i method to ICellsHelper::GetDateTimeFromDouble

Renamed ICellsHelper::GetDoubleFromDateTime_i method to ICellsHelper::GetDoubleFromDateTime

Renamed ICellsHelper::DetectLoadFormat_i method to ICellsHelper::DetectLoadFormat

Renamed ICellsHelper::DetectFileFormat_i method to ICellsHelper::DetectFileFormat

Renamed ICellsHelper::GetFontDir_i method to ICellsHelper::GetFontDir

Renamed ICellsHelper::SetFontDir_i method to ICellsHelper::SetFontDir

Renamed ICellsHelper::GetFontDirs_i method to ICellsHelper::GetFontDirs

Renamed ICellsHelper::SetFontDirs_i method to ICellsHelper::SetFontDirs

Renamed ICellsHelper::GetFontFiles_i method to ICellsHelper::GetFontFiles

Renamed ICellsHelper::SetFontFiles_i method to ICellsHelper::SetFontFiles

Renamed ICellsHelper::GetStartupPath_i method to ICellsHelper::GetStartupPath

Renamed ICellsHelper::SetStartupPath_i method to ICellsHelper::SetStartupPath

Renamed ICellsHelper::GetAltStartPath_i method to ICellsHelper::GetAltStartPath

Renamed ICellsHelper::SetAltStartPath_i method to ICellsHelper::SetAltStartPath

Renamed ICellsHelper::GetLibraryPath_i method to ICellsHelper::GetLibraryPath

Renamed ICellsHelper::SetLibraryPath_i method to ICellsHelper::SetLibraryPath

Renamed ICellsHelper::GetUsedColors_i method to ICellsHelper::GetUsedColors

Renamed ICellsHelper::AddAddInFunction_i method to ICellsHelper::AddAddInFunction

Renamed ICellsHelper::MergeFiles_i method to ICellsHelper::MergeFiles

Renamed IColumnCollection::GetByIndex_i method to IColumnCollection::GetIColumn

Renamed IFileFormatUtil::DetectFileFormat_i method to IFileFormatUtil::DetectFileFormat

Renamed IFileFormatUtil::ExtensionToSaveFormat_i method to IFileFormatUtil::ExtensionToSaveFormat

Renamed IFileFormatUtil::IsTemplateFormat_i method to IFileFormatUtil::IsTemplateFormat

Renamed IFileFormatUtil::LoadFormatToExtension_i method to IFileFormatUtil::LoadFormatToExtension

Renamed IFileFormatUtil::LoadFormatToSaveFormat_i method to IFileFormatUtil::LoadFormatToSaveFormat

Renamed IFileFormatUtil::SaveFormatToExtension_i method to IFileFormatUtil::SaveFormatToExtension

Renamed IFileFormatUtil::SaveFormatToLoadFormat_i method to IFileFormatUtil::SaveFormatToLoadFormat

Renamed IRange::SetStyle method to IRange::SetIStyle

Renamed IFindOptions::SetRange method to IFindOptions::SetIRange

Renamed ILoadOptions::SetLoadDataOptions method to ILoadOptions::SetILoadDataOptions

Renamed IWorkbook::SetSettings method to IWorkbook::SetISettings

Renamed IWorkbook::SetDefaultStyle method to IWorkbook::SetDefaultIStyle