Alignment Settings

Configuring Alignment Settings

Alignment settings in Microsoft Excel

Anyone who has used Microsoft Excel to format cells will be familiar with the alignment settings in Microsoft Excel.

As you can see from the above figure, there are different kinds of alignment options:

  • Text alignment(horizontal & vertical)
  • Indentation.
  • Orientation.
  • Text control.
  • Text direction.

All of these alignment settings are fully supported by Aspose.Cells and are discussed in more detail below.

Alignment settings in Aspose.Cells

Aspose.Cells provides GetStyle and SetStyle methods for the Cell class that are used to get and set a cell’s formatting. The Style class provides useful properties for configuring alignment settings.

Select any text alignment type using the TextAlignmentType enumeration. The pre-defined text alignment types in the TextAlignmentType enumeration are:

Text Alignment Types Description
Bottom Represents bottom text alignment
Center Represents center text alignment
CenterAcross Represents center across text alignment
Distributed Represents distributed text alignment
Fill Represents fill text alignment
General Represents general text alignment
Justify Represents justify text alignment
Left Represents left text alignment
Right Represents right text alignment
Top Represents top text alignment
JustifiedLow Aligns the text with an adjusted kashida length for Arabic text.
ThaiDistributed Distributes Thai text especially, because each character is treated as a word.

Horizontal , Vertical Alignment and Indentation

Use the HorizontalAlignment property to align the text horizontally and VerticalAlignment property to align the text vertically. It is possible to set the indentation level of the text in a cell with the IndentLevel property and tt only effects when Horizontal alignment is left or right.


Set the orientation (rotation) of the text in a cell with the RotationAngle property.

Text Control

The following section discusses how to control text by setting text wrapping, shrink to fit and other formatting options.

Wrapping Text

Wrapping text in a cell makes it easier to read: the height of the cell adjusts to fit all the text, instead of cutting it off or spilling over into adjacent cells. Set text wrapping on or off with the IsTextWrapped property.

Shrinking to Fit

An option to wrapping text in a field is to shrink the text size to fit a cell’s dimensions. This is done by setting the ShrinkToFit property. to true.

Merging Cells

Like Microsoft Excel, Aspose.Cells supports merging several cells into one. Aspose.Cells provides two approaches to this task. One way is to call the Merge method. The method takes the following parameters to merge the cells:

  • First row: the first row from where to start merging.
  • First column: the first column from where to start merging.
  • Number of rows: the number of rows to merge.
  • Number of columns: the number of columns to merge.

Text Direction

It is possible to set the reading order of text in cells. The reading order is the visual order in which characters, words, etc. are displayed. For example, English is a left to right language while Arabic is a right to left language.

The reading order is set with the TextDirection property. Aspose.Cells provides pre-defined text direction types in the TextDirectionType enumeration.

Text Direction Types Description
Context The reading order consistent with the language of the first entered character
LeftToRight Left to right reading order
RightToLeft Right to left reading order

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