Public API Changes in Aspose.Cells 16.11.0
Added APIs
Support for Globalization Settings
Aspose.Cells 16.11.0 has exposed the GlobalizationSettings class along with WorkbookSettings.GlobalizationSettings property in order to enforce the Aspose.Cells APIs to use custom labels for Subtotals. The GlobalizationSettings class has the following methods which can be overridden in the custom implementation to give desired names to the labels Total & Grand Total.
- GlobalizationSettings.getTotalName: Gets the total name of the function.
- GlobalizationSettings.getGrandTotalName: Gets the grand total name of the function.
Here is a simple custom class that extends GlobalizationSettings class and overrides its aforementioned methods to return custom labels for the consolidation function Average.
public class CustomSettings extends GlobalizationSettings
public String getTotalName(int functionType)
switch (functionType)
case ConsolidationFunction.AVERAGE:
return "AVG";
return super.getTotalName(functionType);
public String getGrandTotalName(int functionType)
switch (functionType)
case ConsolidationFunction.AVERAGE:
return "GRAND AVG";
return super.getGrandTotalName(functionType);
Following snippet loads an existing spreadsheet and adds the Subtotal of type Average on data already available in the worksheet. The CustomSettings class and its getTotalName & getGrandTotalName methods will be called at the time of adding Subtotal to the worksheet.
//Loads an existing spreadsheet containing some data
Workbook book = new Workbook(dir + "sample.xlsx");
//Assigns the GlobalizationSettings property of the WorkbookSettings class
//to the class created in first step
book.getSettings().setGlobalizationSettings(new CustomSettings());
//Accesses the 1st worksheet from the collection which contains data
//Data resides in the cell range A2:B9
Worksheet sheet = book.getWorksheets().get(0);
//Adds SubTotal of type Average to the worksheet
sheet.getCells().subtotal(CellArea.createCellArea("A2", "B9"), 0, ConsolidationFunction.AVERAGE, new int[] { 0,1 });
//Calculates Formulas
//Auto fits all columns
//Saves the workbook on disc + "output.xlsx");
The GlobalizationSettings class also offers the getOtherName method which is useful to get the name of “Other” labels for Pie charts. Here is a simple usage scenario of GlobalizationSettings.getOtherName method.
public class CustomSettings extends GlobalizationSettings
public String getOtherName()
String language = Locale.getDefault().getLanguage();
switch (language)
case "en":
return "Other";
case "fr":
return "Autre";
case "de":
return "Andere";
//Do other cases
return super.getOtherName();
The following snippet loads an existing spreadsheet containing a Pie chart, and renders the chart to image while utilizing the CustomSettings class created above.
//Loads an existing spreadsheet containing a pie chart
Workbook book = new Workbook(dir + "sample.xlsx");
//Assigns the GlobalizationSettings property of the WorkbookSettings class
//to the class created in first step
book.getSettings().setGlobalizationSettings(new CustomSettings());
//Accesses the 1st worksheet from the collection which contains pie chart
Worksheet sheet = book.getWorksheets().get(0);
//Accesses the 1st chart from the collection
Chart chart = sheet.getCharts().get(0);
//Refreshes the chart
//Renders the chart to image
chart.toImage(dir + "output.png", new ImageOrPrintOptions());
Added CellsFactory Class
Aspose.Cells 16.11.0 has exposed the CellsFactory class which currently has one method, that is; createStyle. The CellsFactory.createStyle method can be used to create an instance of Style class without adding it to the pool of workbook styles.
Here is simple usage scenario of CellsFactory.createStyle method.
//Initializes the CellsFactory class
CellsFactory factory = new CellsFactory();
//Creates an instance of Style
Style style = factory.createStyle();
Added Workbook.AbsolutePath Property
Aspose.Cells 16.11.0 has exposed the Workbook.AbsolutePath property allows to get or set the absolute workbook path stored in workbook.xml file. This property is useful while updating the external links only.
Added GridHyperlinkCollection.getHyperlink Method
Aspose.Cells.GridWeb 16.11.0 has exposed getHyperlink method to the GridHyperlinkCollection class that allows to get the instance of GridHyperlink by either passing an instance GridCell or a pair of integers corresponding to the row column indices.
Here is simple usage scenario of getHyperlink method.
//Gets the active worksheet from the collection
GridWorksheet sheet = gridWeb1.getWorkSheets().get(gridWeb1.getActiveSheetIndex());
//Accesses the GridHyperlinkCollection
GridHyperlinkCollection links = sheet.getHyperlinks();
//Gets hyperlink from cell A1
GridHyperlink link = links.getHyperlink(sheet.getCells().get("A1"));
//Gets hyperlink from cell D1
link = links.getHyperlink(0, 3);
Obsoleted APIs
Obsoleted Style Constructor
Please use cellsFactory.createStyle method as an alternative.
Deleted APIs
Deleted Cell.getConditionalStyle Method
Please use Cell.getConditionalFormattingResult method instead.
Deleted Cells.getMaxDataRowInColumn(int column) Method
Please use Cells.getLastDataRow(int) method as an alternative.
Deleted PageSetup.Draft Property
It is advised to use the PageSetup.PrintDraft property instead.
Deleted AutoFilter.FilterColumnCollection Property
Please consider using AutoFilter.FilterColumns property to achieve the same goal.
Deleted TickLabels.Rotation Property
Please use TickLabels.RotationAngle property instead.