Public API Changes in Aspose.Cells 8.0.0

Added MemorySetting to LoadOptions & WorkbookSettings

Starting from v8.0.0 of Aspose.Cells for Java we have provided the memory usage options for performance considerations. MemorySetting property is now available in LoadOptions & WorkbookSettings classes.


Demonstrates how to read an Excel file (having large size) in optimized mode.


 //Initialize LoadOptions

LoadOptions options = new LoadOptions();

//Set memory preferences


//Instantiate the Workbook with an object of LoadOptions

Workbook book = new Workbook(myDir + "large.xlsx", options);

Demonstrates how to write large Dataset to a worksheet in optimized mode.


 //Instantiate a new Workbook

Workbook book = new Workbook();

//Set the memory preferences for WorkbookSettings


//Input large data into the cells


Implementations of Row & Cell has changed

In previous versions, Row and Cell objects were kept in memory to represent corresponding row and cell in a Worksheet. The same instance was returned whenever RowCollection[int index] or Cells[int row, int column] were retrieved. For memory performance consideration, only properties and data of Row and Cell will be kept in the memory now onward. Hence, the Row & Cell object have become the wrapper of aforesaid properties.


Demonstrates how to compare the Cell and Row objects from now onward.






Because the Row and Cell objects are instantiated according to the invocation, they will not be kept and managed in memory by the Cells component. Therefore after some insertion and deletion operations, the Row & Column indexes may not be updated or even worse, these objects become invalid.


For instance the following code snippet will return invalid results using 8.0.0 and above,


 Cell cell = cells.get("A2");

System.out.println(cell.getName() + ":" + cell.getValue());

cells.insertRange(CellArea.createCellArea("A1", "A1"), ShiftType.DOWN);

System.out.println(cell.getName() + ":" + cell.getValue());

With new version the Cell object will become invalid or refer to A2 with some unwanted value. In order to avoid such situation, get the Row or Cell objects again from the cells collection to retrieve the correct result.


 Cell cell = cells.get("A2");

System.out.println(cell.getName() + ":" + cell.getValue());

cells.insertRange(CellArea.createCellArea("A1", "A1"), ShiftType.DOWN);

//Fetch the cell reference again

Cell cell = cells.get("A3");

System.out.println(cell.getName() + ":" + cell.getValue());

Cell.StringValue Behavior Changed

In previous versions, special pattern _ was ignored while formatting cell values, wheres the special character * always produced one character into the formatted result. From this version, we have changed the logic to handle special characters _ and * in order to make the formatted result same as of Excel application. For instance, the custom cell format “_($* #,##0.00_)” used to represent value 123 produced the result as “$ 123.00”. With new versions, Cell.StringValue will contain the result as “$123.00” which is the same behavior as Excel application exhibits while copying the cell to text or export to CSV.

Added CreatedTime to PdfSaveOptions

Now users can get or set PDF creation time while saving the spreadsheet to PDF while using PdfSaveOptions class.

Added ShowFormulas to Worksheet

From now onward, users may use Boolean property ShowFormulas offered by Worksheet to switch the view between formula and value of a given worksheet.

Added Ooxml to FileFormatType

A new constant Ooxml has been added to the FileFormatType class to represent the encrypted Office open XML file such as XLSX, DOCX, PPTX and more.

Obsoleted FilterColumnCollection of AutoFilter

With Aspose.Cells for Java, the getFilterColumnCollection method has been marked obsoleted. It is suggested to use AuotFilter.getFilterColumns method instead.

Replaced SeriesCollection.SecondCatergoryData with SeriesCollection.SecondCategoryData

We have basically corrected the typo error in method name for SeriesCollection.getSecondCatergoryData. You may use SeriesCollection.getSecondCategoryData method now onward, whereas the original method SeriesCollection.getSecondCatergoryData has been marked obsoleted.