Aspose.Cells.GridDesktop - Desktop Grid Control
Aspose.Cells.GridDesktop – Desktop Grid Control
Import/Export Features
- Import content from Excel spreadsheets.
- Import data directly from a DataTable object.
- Export content to Excel spreadsheets.
Worksheet Features
- Add, insert or remove worksheets.
- Rename worksheets.
- Sort worksheet data.
Row & Column Features
- Add, insert or remove rows and columns.
- Hide or show rows and columns.
- Freeze or unfreeze rows and columns.
Cell Features
- Supports number format settings.
- Control the text alignment.
- Manage the border settings.
- Control the font settings.
- Merge or split cells.
Formatting Features
- Control the behavior, look and feel of the grid.
- Apply a focused cell’s style and font to other cells using the Format Painter.
- Manipulate data and cell styles easily.
Utility Features
- Add or remove cell comments.
- Insert or remove pictures.
- Add or remove hyperlinks.
- Add or remove validation rules.
- Add or remove controls (like CheckBox, ComboBox etc.) in cells.
- Keyboard navigation of cells.
Security Features
- Protect your cells by locking or hiding them.
Advance Features
- Supports creating and calculating formulas.
- Perform your desired actions under different grid events.
Supported Microsoft Excel Versions
- Microsoft Excel 97
- Microsoft Excel 2000
- Microsoft Excel XP
- Microsoft Excel 2003
- Microsoft Excel 2007
- Microsoft Excel 2010
- Microsoft Excel 2013
Platforms Supported
- Windows Forms