Add Cell Data Validations

Create Data Validation in a GridCell of GridWeb

The following sample code creates a Data Validation in a cell B3. If you enter any value which is not between 20 and 40, the cell B3 will show Validation Error in the form of Red XXXX as shown in this screenshot.


// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Access first worksheet
GridWorksheet sheet = GridWeb1.WorkSheets[0];
// Access cell B3
GridCell cell = sheet.Cells["B3"];
// Add validation inside the gridcell
// Any value which is not between 20 and 40 will cause error in a gridcell
GridValidation val = cell.CreateValidation(GridValidationType.WholeNumber, true);
val.Formula1 = "=20";
val.Formula2 = "=40";
val.Operator = GridOperatorType.Between;
val.ShowError = true;
val.ShowInput = true;