Add or Remove Context Menu Items in GridWeb

Add Context Menu Item using ASP.NET Markup

The following ASP.NET markup adds context menu item in GridWeb.

For complete examples and data files, please go to
<acw:CustomCommandButton Command="MyContextMenuItemCommand" Text="ContextMenuItemText" CommandType="ContextMenuItem"></acw:CustomCommandButton>

Here is the full ASP.NET markup that creates a GridWeb with above context menu item. Please note the OnCustomCommand=“GridWeb1_CustomCommand” attribute. It is the event handler name that will be called when your context menu item will be clicked.

For complete examples and data files, please go to
<acw:GridWeb ID="GridWeb1" runat="server" XhtmlMode="True" EnableAJAX="true" OnCustomCommand="GridWeb1_CustomCommand" EnableClientColumnOperations="False" EnableClientFreeze="False" EnableClientMergeOperations="False" EnableClientRowOperations="False" EnableStyleDialogbox="False">
<acw:CustomCommandButton Command="MyContextMenuItemCommand" Text="ContextMenuItemText" CommandType="ContextMenuItem"></acw:CustomCommandButton>

The is how the context menu item looks like after being added using the above ASP.NET markup.


This is the event handler code which is executed when the context menu item is clicked. The code first checks the command name, if it matches our command, it adds a text in cell A1 of active GridWeb worksheet and sets the first column width to 40 units to make text visible.

// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Event Handler for custom command event of GridWeb
protected void GridWeb1_CustomCommand(object sender, string command)
if (command.Equals("MyContextMenuItemCommand"))
// Accessing the active sheet
GridWorksheet sheet = GridWeb1.WorkSheets[GridWeb1.ActiveSheetIndex];
// Putting value to "A1" cell
sheet.Cells["A1"].PutValue("My Custom Context Menu Item is Clicked.");
// Set first column width to make the text visible
sheet.Cells.SetColumnWidth(0, 40);

This is how the GridWeb looks when you click on the context menu item.


Add Context Menu Items in Aspose.Cells.GridWeb using Code

This code shows how to add context menu item inside a GridWeb using code.

// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Init context menu item command button
CustomCommandButton cmd = new CustomCommandButton();
cmd.CommandType = CustomCommandButtonType.ContextMenuItem;
cmd.Text = "MyNewContextMenuItem";
cmd.Command = "MyNewContextMenuItemCommand";
// Add context menu item command button to GridWeb

Remove Context Menu Items in Aspose.Cells.GridWeb using Code

This code shows how to remove context menu item using CustomCommandButtons.Remove() and CustomCommandButtons.RemoveAt() methods.

// For complete examples and data files, please go to
if (GridWeb1.CustomCommandButtons.Count > 1)
// Remove the 2nd custom command button or context menu item using remove at method
if (GridWeb1.CustomCommandButtons.Count >= 1)
// Access the 1st custom command button or context menu item and remove it
CustomCommandButton custbtn = GridWeb1.CustomCommandButtons[0];