Apply Styles to GridWeb

Applying Preset or Custom Styles to Aspose.Cells.GridWeb

Preset Styles

To save the efforts of developers, Aspose.Cells.GridWeb offers some preset styles. Simply select a style from the list to apply the style.

Styles Color Scheme
Standard Silver
Colorful1 Rose
Colorful2 Blue
Professional1 Cyan
Professional2 Cyan again
Traditional1 Dark
Traditional2 Gray
Custom Customized
When a particular style is selected, it changes the whole appearance of the GridWeb control. Developers can select a Preset Style to be applied on Grid during design time but this task can also be accomplished at runtime using the flexible API of Aspose.Cells.GridWeb.

To select a preset style:

  1. Add Aspose.Cells.GridWeb control to a web form.
  2. Select a preset style to be applied on the control.

The GridWeb control provides the PresetStyle property to which developers can assign any desired preset style.

The output of the below code snippet is shown below.

GridWeb control with Colorful1 style applied on it


// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Applying Colorful1 style on the GridWeb control
GridWeb1.PresetStyle =PresetStyle.Colorful1;

Header Bar Style

If you take a look at the GridWeb control, you’ll notice two header bars. One for columns (that is A, B, C, D etc.) and other for rows (that is 1, 2, 3, 4 etc.). Aspose.Cells.GridWeb allows developers to control the appearance of these header bars. Developers may set the style of header bars either at design time or runtime.

The output the example code below is shown here.

Modified style of Header Bar


// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Setting header bar properties, BackColor, ForeColor, Font & BorderWidth
GridWeb1.HeaderBarStyle.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Brown;
GridWeb1.HeaderBarStyle.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Yellow;
GridWeb1.HeaderBarStyle.Font.Bold = true;
GridWeb1.HeaderBarStyle.Font.Name = "Century Gothic";
GridWeb1.HeaderBarStyle.BorderWidth = new Unit(2, UnitType.Point);

Tab Bar Style

It’s possible to set the style of the tab bar.

Modified styles of active & non-active tab bars


In the above figure, Sheet4 is the active tab so its appearance is different from the other tabs, as defined by the example code below.

// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Setting Tab properties, BackColor, ForeColor
GridWeb1.TabStyle.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Yellow;
GridWeb1.TabStyle.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Blue;
// Setting active tab properties, BackColor, ForeColor
GridWeb1.ActiveTabStyle.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Blue;
GridWeb1.ActiveTabStyle.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Yellow;

Reusable Customized Style File

Aspose.Cells.GridWeb also supports to persist its appearance or style settings to a file. When you have set all the appearance properties of the GridWeb control, you may save these properties or settings to a disk file. This approach is very useful for developers to save their time and efforts by re-using their old style configurations from a style file instead of setting all style (or appearance) properties of the control one by one.

Saving Style File

Once you have finished setting style properties, you can save your style configuration settings in the form of an XML file (it is because that Style file is stored as an XML file) by calling SaveCustomStyleFile method of the GridWeb control.

// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Setting header bar properties, BackColor, ForeColor, Font & BorderWidth
GridWeb1.HeaderBarStyle.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Brown;
GridWeb1.HeaderBarStyle.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Yellow;
GridWeb1.HeaderBarStyle.Font.Bold = true;
GridWeb1.HeaderBarStyle.Font.Name = "Century Gothic";
GridWeb1.HeaderBarStyle.BorderWidth = new Unit(2, UnitType.Point);
// Setting Tab properties, BackColor, ForeColor
GridWeb1.TabStyle.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Yellow;
GridWeb1.TabStyle.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Blue;
// Setting Active Tab properties, BackColor, ForeColor
GridWeb1.ActiveTabStyle.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Blue;
GridWeb1.ActiveTabStyle.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Yellow;
// Saving style information to an XML file
GridWeb1.SaveCustomStyleFile((this.Master as Site).GetDataDir() + "\\GridWebBasics\\CustomPresetStyle_out.xml");

Loading Style File

To apply style settings from an existing style file to GridWeb control, developers can set the path of style file to CustomStyleFileName property of the control. But, before doing that it is must to set the PresetStyle property of control to Custom. It is because that style file contains custom style information that is already defined by a developer.

// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Setting the PresetStyle of the control to Custom
GridWeb1.PresetStyle = PresetStyle.Custom;
// Setting the path of style file to load style information from this file to the control
GridWeb1.CustomStyleFileName = (this.Master as Site).GetDataDir() + "\\GridWebBasics\\CustomStyle1.xml";

Standard Format of XML Style Template

 <ViewerStyleTemplate SelectCellColor="Black" FrameTableStyle-BorderStyle="Solid" FrameTableStyle-LayoutFixed="Fixed" FrameTableStyle-BorderWidth="1px" FrameTableStyle-BorderColor="Gray" FrameTableStyle-BorderCollapse="Collapse" FrameTableStyle-BackColor="White" SelectCellBgColor="#EEEEFF" HeaderBarWidth="30pt" ScrollBarBaseColor="" HeaderBarStyle-LeftBorderStyle-BorderStyle="Solid" HeaderBarStyle-LeftBorderStyle-BorderWidth="1px" HeaderBarStyle-LeftBorderStyle-BorderColor="White" HeaderBarStyle-VerticalAlign="Middle" HeaderBarStyle-RightBorderStyle-BorderStyle="Solid" HeaderBarStyle-RightBorderStyle-BorderWidth="1px" HeaderBarStyle-RightBorderStyle-BorderColor="Gray" HeaderBarStyle-BorderWidth="1px" HeaderBarStyle-Font-Size="10pt" HeaderBarStyle-Font-Names="Arial" HeaderBarStyle-BorderColor="Gray" HeaderBarStyle-BorderStyle="Solid" HeaderBarStyle-HorizontalAlign="Center" HeaderBarStyle-ForeColor="Black" HeaderBarStyle-TopBorderStyle-BorderStyle="Solid" HeaderBarStyle-TopBorderStyle-BorderWidth="1px" HeaderBarStyle-TopBorderStyle-BorderColor="White" HeaderBarStyle-BackColor="#E0E0E0" HeaderBarStyle-BottomBorderStyle-BorderStyle="Solid" HeaderBarStyle-BottomBorderStyle-BorderWidth="1px" HeaderBarStyle-BottomBorderStyle-BorderColor="Gray" HeaderBarStyle-Wrap="False" ActiveHeaderColor="Black" HeaderBarTableStyle-LayoutFixed="Fixed" HeaderBarTableStyle-BorderWidth="0px" HeaderBarTableStyle-BorderCollapse="Separate" HeaderBarHeight="15pt" ActiveTabStyle-Height="15pt" ActiveTabStyle-BorderWidth="1px" ActiveTabStyle-Font-Size="10pt" ActiveTabStyle-Font-Names="Arial" ActiveTabStyle-BorderColor="Gray" ActiveTabStyle-BorderStyle="Solid" ActiveTabStyle-ForeColor="Black" ActiveTabStyle-BackColor="White" ActiveTabStyle-Wrap="False" ActiveCellColor="Black" DefaultGridLineColor="Silver" ViewTableStyle-LayoutFixed="Fixed" ViewTableStyle-BorderWidth="0px" ViewTableStyle-BorderCollapse="Collapse" ActiveCellBgColor="#DDDDFF" TabStyle-Height="15pt" TabStyle-BorderWidth="1px" TabStyle-Font-Size="10pt" TabStyle-Font-Names="Arial" TabStyle-BorderColor="Gray" TabStyle-BorderStyle="Solid" TabStyle-ForeColor="Black" TabStyle-BackColor="#E0E0E0" TabStyle-Wrap="False" ActiveHeaderBgColor="#F2F2F2" ScrollBarArrowColor="" BottomTableStyle-LayoutFixed="Fixed" BottomTableStyle-Height="20pt" BottomTableStyle-BorderWidth="0px" BottomTableStyle-BorderCollapse="Collapse" BottomTableStyle-TopBorderStyle-BorderStyle="Solid" BottomTableStyle-TopBorderStyle-BorderWidth="1px" BottomTableStyle-TopBorderStyle-BorderColor="Gray" BottomTableStyle-BackColor="#F0F0F0" />