Lägg till villkorliga ikoner med celltexten

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Följande är ett exempel som skapar en XLSX-fil från grunden och lägger till villkorliga ikoner till celler med text utan att tillämpa villkorlig formatering.

När koden körs läggs bilder från den villkorliga ikonuppsättningen till i cellområdet “B2:C4” enligt nedan.



// For complete examples and data files, please go to https://github.com/aspose-cells/Aspose.Cells-for-Java
// The path to the documents directory.
String dataDir = Utils.getDataDir(AddConditionalIconsSet.class);
// Instantiate an instance of Workbook
Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
// Get the first worksheet (default worksheet) in the workbook
Worksheet worksheet = workbook.getWorksheets().get(0);
// Get the cells
Cells cells = worksheet.getCells();
// Set the columns widths (A, B and C)
worksheet.getCells().setColumnWidth(0, 24);
worksheet.getCells().setColumnWidth(1, 24);
worksheet.getCells().setColumnWidth(2, 24);
// Input date into the cells
cells.get("A2").setValue("Total Turnover (Sales at List)");
cells.get("A3").setValue("Total Gross Margin %");
cells.get("A4").setValue("Total Net Margin %");
cells.get("B1").setValue("UA Contract Size Group 4");
cells.get("C1").setValue("UA Contract Size Group 3");
// Get the conditional icon's image data
byte[] imagedata = ConditionalFormattingIcon.getIconImageData(IconSetType.TRAFFIC_LIGHTS_31, 0);
// Create a stream based on the image data
ByteArrayInputStream stream = new ByteArrayInputStream(imagedata);
// Add the picture to the cell based on the stream
worksheet.getPictures().add(1, 1, stream);
// Get the conditional icon's image data
byte[] imagedata1 = ConditionalFormattingIcon.getIconImageData(IconSetType.ARROWS_3, 2);
// Create a stream based on the image data
ByteArrayInputStream stream1 = new ByteArrayInputStream(imagedata1);
// Add the picture to the cell based on the stream
worksheet.getPictures().add(1, 2, stream1);
// Get the conditional icon's image data
byte[] imagedata2 = ConditionalFormattingIcon.getIconImageData(IconSetType.SYMBOLS_3, 0);
// Create a stream based on the image data
ByteArrayInputStream stream2 = new ByteArrayInputStream(imagedata2);
// Add the picture to the cell based on the stream
worksheet.getPictures().add(2, 1, stream2);
// Get the conditional icon's image data
byte[] imagedata3 = ConditionalFormattingIcon.getIconImageData(IconSetType.STARS_3, 0);
// Create a stream based on the image data
ByteArrayInputStream stream3 = new ByteArrayInputStream(imagedata3);
// Add the picture to the cell based on the stream
worksheet.getPictures().add(2, 2, stream3);
// Get the conditional icon's image data
byte[] imagedata4 = ConditionalFormattingIcon.getIconImageData(IconSetType.BOXES_5, 1);
// Create a stream based on the image data
ByteArrayInputStream stream4 = new ByteArrayInputStream(imagedata4);
// Add the picture to the cell based on the stream
worksheet.getPictures().add(3, 1, stream4);
// Get the conditional icon's image data
byte[] imagedata5 = ConditionalFormattingIcon.getIconImageData(IconSetType.FLAGS_3, 1);
// Create a stream based on the image data
ByteArrayInputStream stream5 = new ByteArrayInputStream(imagedata5);
// Add the picture to the cell based on the stream
worksheet.getPictures().add(3, 2, stream5);
// Save the Excel file
workbook.save(dataDir + "outfile_cond_icons1.xlsx");