Lägga till nya kalkylblad till arbetsboken och aktivera ett kalkylark
När du arbetar med en mallfil, ibland finns det behov av att lägga till extra kalkylblad i arbetsboken för att samla in data. De nya cellerna fylls med data på angivna positioner och platser i varje kalkylblad.
På samma sätt kan det vara nödvändigt att en specifik kalkylblad ska vara aktiv och visas först när filen öppnas i Microsoft Excel. Ett “aktivt kalkylark” är kalkylarket som du arbetar med i en arbetsbok. Namnet på fliken för det aktiva kalkylarket är fetstil förvalt.
Att lägga till kalkylblad och ställa in vilket kalkylblad som är aktivt är vanliga och enkla uppgifter som utvecklare behöver veta hur man utför. I den här artikeln utför vi dessa uppgifter med VSTO och Aspose.Cells for .NET.
Lägga till kalkylblad och aktivera ett kalkylark
För syftet med denna migrationspunkt:
- Lägg till nya kalkylblad i en befintlig Microsoft Excel-fil.
- Fyll data i cellerna på varje nytt kalkylblad.
- Aktivera ett ark i arbetsboken.
- Spara som en Microsoft Excel-fil.
Nedan finns parallella kodsfragment för VSTO (C#, VB) och Aspose.Cells for .NET (C#, VB), som visar hur man uppnår dessa uppgifter.
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Tools.Applications.Runtime;
using Excel = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel;
using Office = Microsoft.Office.Core;
using System.Reflection;
//Instantiate the Application object.
Excel.Application excelApp = new Excel.ApplicationClass();
//Specify the template excel file path.
string myPath = @"d:\test\My_Book1.xls";
//Open the excel file.
excelApp.Workbooks.Open(myPath, Missing.Value, Missing.Value,
Missing.Value, Missing.Value,
Missing.Value, Missing.Value,
Missing.Value, Missing.Value,
Missing.Value, Missing.Value,
Missing.Value, Missing.Value,
Missing.Value, Missing.Value);
//Declare a Worksheet object.
Excel.Worksheet newWorksheet;
//Add 5 new worksheets to the workbook and fill some data
//into the cells.
for (int i = 1; i < 6; i++)
//Add a worksheet to the workbook.
newWorksheet = Excel.Worksheet)excelApp.Worksheets.Add(Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value);
//Name the sheet.
newWorksheet.Name ="New_Sheet" + i.ToString();
//Get the Cells collection.
Excel.Range cells = newWorksheet.Cells;
//Input a string value to a cell of the sheet.
cells.set_Item(i, i,"New_Sheet" + i.ToString());
//Activate the first worksheet by default.
//Save As the excel file.
//Quit the Application.
Imports Microsoft.VisualStudio.Tools.Applications.Runtime
Imports Excel = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel
Imports Office = Microsoft.Office.Core
Imports System.Reflection
'Instantiate the Application object.
Dim excelApp As Excel.Application = New Excel.ApplicationClass()
'Specify the template excel file path.
Dim myPath As String = "d:\test\My_Book1.xls"
'Open the excel file.
excelApp.Workbooks.Open(myPath, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value)
'Declare a Worksheet object.
Dim newWorksheet As Excel.Worksheet
'Add 5 new worksheets to the workbook and fill some data
'into the cells.
Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To 5 Step 1
'Add a worksheet to the workbook.
newWorksheet = CType(excelApp.Worksheets.Add(Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value), Excel.Worksheet)
'Name the sheet.
newWorksheet.Name ="New_Sheet" & i.ToString()
'Get the Cells collection.
Dim cells As Excel.Range = newWorksheet.Cells
'Input a string value to a cell of the sheet.
cells.Item(i, i) = "New_Sheet" & i.ToString()
'Activate the first worksheet by default.
CType(excelApp.ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(1), Excel.Worksheet).Activate()
'Save As the excel file.
'Quit the Application.
Aspose.Cells for .NET
using Aspose.Cells;
//Instantiate an instance of license and set the license file
//through its path
Aspose.Cells.License license = new Aspose.Cells.License();
//Specify the template excel file path.
string myPath =@"d:\test\My_Book1.xls";
//Instantiate a new Workbook.
//Open the excel file.
Workbook workbook = new Workbook(myPath);
//Declare a Worksheet object.
Worksheet newWorksheet;
//Add 5 new worksheets to the workbook and fill some data
//into the cells.
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
//Add a worksheet to the workbook.
newWorksheet = workbook.Worksheets[workbook.Worksheets.Add()];
//Name the sheet.
newWorksheet.Name = "New_Sheet" + (i+1).ToString();
//Get the Cells collection.
Cells cells = newWorksheet.Cells;
//Input a string value to a cell of the sheet.
cells[i, i].PutValue("New_Sheet" + (i+1).ToString());
//Activate the first worksheet by default.
workbook.Worksheets.ActiveSheetIndex = 0;
//Save As the excel file.
Imports Aspose.Cells
'Instantiate an instance of license and set the license file
'through its path
Dim license As Aspose.Cells.License = New Aspose.Cells.License
'Specify the template excel file path.
Dim myPath As String ="d:\test\My_Book1.xls"
'Instantiate a new Workbook.
'Open the excel file.
Dim workbook As Workbook = New Workbook(myPath)
'Declare a Worksheet object.
Dim newWorksheet As Worksheet
'Add 5 new worksheets to the workbook and fill some data
'into the cells.
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To 4 Step 1
'Add a worksheet to the workbook.
newWorksheet = workbook.Worksheets(workbook.Worksheets.Add())
'Name the sheet.
newWorksheet.Name = "New_Sheet" + (i + 1).ToString()
'Get the Cells collection.
Dim cells As Cells = newWorksheet.Cells
'Input a string value to a cell of the sheet.
cells(i, i).PutValue("New_Sheet" + (i + 1).ToString())
'Activate the first worksheet by default.
workbook.Worksheets.ActiveSheetIndex = 0
'Save As the excel file.