Retrieve Visio Connectors and Font Information

Retrieving Connector Information

Aspose.Diagram for .NET provides mechanisms for retrieving information - ID and name - about pages and master. It also lets you get information about connectors, the elements that link shapes.

The Connect object represents a connector that joins two shapes on a Visio drawing page. The Connects property, exposed by the Page class supports a collection of Aspose.Diagram.Connect objects. This property can be used to retrieve ID and name information about a connector.

Programming Sample

The following piece of code retrieves the information for the connectors in a diagram.

Retrieving Font Information

Aspose.Diagram has mechanisms for retrieving information about the elements that make up a diagram, from pages, stencils, connectors and also fonts. This article shows how to find out which fonts are used in a diagram.

The Font object represents a typeface that is either applied to text in a document or available for use on the system. A Font object maps a name (for example, “Arial”) to the font ID (for example, 3) that Microsoft Visio stores in a Font cell in a Character section of a shape that contains text formatted with that font. Font IDs can change when a document is opened on different systems or when fonts are installed or removed.

Retrieving Font Programming Sample

The following piece of code retrieves font information from the Visio diagram.

Getting Default Font Directory

Aspose.Diagram for .NET API also allows getting default font directory path using GetDefaultFontDir() method of Diagram Class. The following piece of code retrieves default font directory from the Visio diagram.

Getting Unused Fonts

Aspose.Diagram for .NET API also allows getting unused fonts using GetUnusedStyles() method of Diagram Class. The following piece of code retrieves unused fonts from the Visio diagram.