Getting Started

System Requirements

Aspose.Cells for Java supports the following Java versions:

  • J2SE 6.0 (1.6)
  • J2SE 7.0 (1.7)
  • or above

More details


Install Aspose Cells for Java from Maven Repository

Maven is the easiest way to download and install Aspose.Cells for Java.

  1. Specify Aspose Maven Repository configuration/location in your Maven pom.xml.
  2. Define Aspose.Cells for Java API dependency in your pom.xml.

More step for details

Install Aspose Cells for Java manually

  1. Download aspose-cells jars into a folder.
  2. Enter the folder, install the JAR packages manually with Eclipse or Intellij.

Install Aspose Cells for Java with Eclipse:

Eclipse install Aspose Cells for Java

Install Aspose Cells for Java with Intellij:

IntelliJ install Aspose Cells for Java

Creating the Hello World Application

The steps below creates the Hello World application using the Aspose.Cells API:

// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Create workbook
Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
// Add worksheet
// Set cell value
workbook.getWorksheets().get("HelloWorldPage").getCells().get(0, 0).setValue("HelloWorldCell");
// Save workbook"HelloWorld.xlsx");