How to Run the Examples

Software Requirements

Please make sure you have Python 3.5 or later installed on yout PC.

Download and Run the Examples

All examples of Aspose.Finance for Python via .NET are hosted on GitHub. You can either clone the repository using your favorite GitHub client or download the ZIP file from here.

After getting a copy of the repository, you may find that:

  • All the examples are located in the Examples folder.
  • All the examples are unit tests.

To run the examples, open your favorite command prompt:

  • Change the directory to the dirrectory with example of interest.
  • Run the example with Python.

Please feel free to reach out using our Forums if you have any issues setting up or running the examples.


If you like to add or improve an example, we encourage you to contribute to the project. All examples and showcase projects in this repository are open source and can be freely used in your own applications.

To contribute, you can fork the repository, edit the source code, and create a pull request. We will review the changes and include them in the repository if found helpful.