ASP - VBScript via COM Interop
Please check the article named Use Aspose.pdf for .NET via COM Interop.
Hello World! Example on VB Script
This is a simple ASP application that shows you how to create a PDF file with sample text using Aspose.PDF for .NET and VBScript via COM Interop.
<%@ LANGUAGE = VBScript %>
<% Option Explicit %>
<title> using Aspose.PDF for .NET in classical ASP sample</title>
<h3>creation of sample PDF document while using Aspose.PDF for .NET with classical ASP and VBScript</h3>
'set license
Dim lic
Set lic = CreateObject("Aspose.Pdf.License")
lic.SetLicense("D:\ASPOSE\Licences\Aspose.Total licenses\Aspose.Total.lic")
'Instantiate Pdf instance by calling its empty constructor
Dim pdf
Set pdf = CreateObject("Aspose.Pdf.Generator.Pdf")
'Create a new section in the Pdf object
Dim pdfsection
Set pdfsection = CreateObject("Aspose.Pdf.Generator.Section")
'Add section to Pdf object
' Create Text object
Dim SampleText
Set SampleText = CreateObject("Aspose.Pdf.Generator.Text")
'Add Text Segment to text object
Dim seg1
Set seg1 = CreateObject("Aspose.Pdf.Generator.Segment")
'Assign some content to the segment
seg1.Content = "HelloWorld using ASP and VBScript"
'Add segment (with red text color) to the paragraph
' Add Text paragraph to paragraphs collection of a section
' Save the PDF document
Extracting Text using VBScript
This VBScript sample extracts text from an existing PDF document via COM Interop.
Error rendering macro 'code' : Invalid value specified for parameter lang