Extract Images using PdfExtractor
Extract Images from the Whole PDF to Files (Facades)
PdfExtractor class allows you to extract images from a PDF file. First off, you need to create an object of PdfExtractor class and bind input PDF file using BindPdf method. After that, call ExtractImage method to extract all the images into memory. Once the images are extracted, you can get those images with the help of HasNextImage and GetNextImage methods. You need to loop through all the extracted images using a while loop. In order to save the images to disk, you can call the overload of the GetNextImage method which takes file path as argument. The following code snippet shows you how to extract images from the whole PDF to files.
public static void ExtractImagesWholePDF()
// Open input PDF
PdfExtractor pdfExtractor = new PdfExtractor();
pdfExtractor.BindPdf(_dataDir + "sample_cats_dogs.pdf");
// Extract all the images
// Get all the extracted images
while (pdfExtractor.HasNextImage())
pdfExtractor.GetNextImage(_dataDir + DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString() + "_out.jpg");
Extract Images from the Whole PDF to Streams (Facades)
PdfExtractor class allows you to extract images from a PDF file into streams. First off, you need to create an object of PdfExtractor class and bind input PDF file using BindPdf method. After that, call ExtractImage method to extract all the images into memory. Once the images are extracted, you can get those images with the help of HasNextImage and GetNextImage methods. You need to loop through all the extracted images using a while loop. In order to save the images to stream, you can call the overload of the GetNextImage method which takes Stream as argument. The following code snippet shows you how to extract images from the whole PDF to streams.
public static void ExtractImagesWholePDFStreams()
// Open input PDF
PdfExtractor pdfExtractor = new PdfExtractor();
pdfExtractor.BindPdf(_dataDir + "sample_cats_dogs.pdf");
// Extract images
// Get all the extracted images
while (pdfExtractor.HasNextImage())
// Read image into memory stream
MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream();
// Write to disk, if you like, or use it otherwise.
FileStream fileStream = new
FileStream(_dataDir + DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString() + "_out.jpg", FileMode.Create);
Extract Images from a Particular Page of a PDF (Facades)
You can extract images from a particular page of a PDF file. In order to do that, you need to set StartPage and EndPage properties to the particular page you want to extract images from. First of all, you need to create an object of PdfExtractor class and bind input PDF file using BindPdf method. Secondly, you have to set StartPage * and EndPage properties. After that, call ExtractImage method to extract all the images into memory. Once the images are extracted, you can get those images with the help of HasNextImage and GetNextImage methods. You need to loop through all the extracted images using a while loop. You can either save the images to disk or stream. You only need to call the appropriate overload of GetNextImage method. The following code snippet shows you how to extract images from a particular page of PDF to streams.
public static void ExtractImagesParticularPage()
// Open input PDF
PdfExtractor pdfExtractor = new PdfExtractor();
pdfExtractor.BindPdf(_dataDir + "sample_cats_dogs.pdf");
// Set StartPage and EndPage properties to the page number to
// You want to extract images from
pdfExtractor.StartPage = 2;
pdfExtractor.EndPage = 2;
// Extract images
// Get extracted images
while (pdfExtractor.HasNextImage())
// Read image into memory stream
MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream();
// Write to disk, if you like, or use it otherwise.
FileStream fileStream = new
FileStream(_dataDir + DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString() + "_out.jpg", FileMode.Create);
Extract Images from a Range of Pages of a PDF (Facades)
You can extract images from a range of pages of a PDF file. In order to do that, you need to set StartPage and EndPage properties to the range of pages you want to extract images from. First of all, you need to create an object of PdfExtractor class and bind input PDF file using BindPdf method. Secondly, you have to set StartPage and EndPage properties. After that, call ExtractImage method to extract all the images into memory. Once the images are extracted, you can get those images with the help of HasNextImage and GetNextImage methods. You need to loop through all the extracted images using a while loop. You can either save the images to disk or stream. You only need to call the appropriate overload of GetNextImage method. The following code snippet shows you how to extract images from a range of pages of PDF to streams.
public static void ExtractImagesRangePages()
// Open input PDF
PdfExtractor pdfExtractor = new PdfExtractor();
pdfExtractor.BindPdf(_dataDir + "sample_cats_dogs.pdf");
// Set StartPage and EndPage properties to the page number to
// You want to extract images from
pdfExtractor.StartPage = 2;
pdfExtractor.EndPage = 2;
// Extract images
// Get extracted images
while (pdfExtractor.HasNextImage())
// Read image into memory stream
MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream();
// Write to disk, if you like, or use it otherwise.
FileStream fileStream = new
FileStream(_dataDir + DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString() + "_out.jpg", FileMode.Create);
Extract Images using Image Extraction Mode (Facades)
PdfExtractor class allows you to extract images from a PDF file. Aspose.PDF supports two extraction modes; first is ActuallyUsedImage which extract the images actually used in the PDF document. Second mode is DefinedInResources which extract the images defined in the resources of the PDF document (default extraction mode). First, you need to create an object of PdfExtractor class and bind input PDF file using BindPdf method. After that, specify the image extraction mode using PdfExtractor.ExtractImageMode property. Then call ExtractImage method to extract all the images into memory depending on the mode you specified. Once the images are extracted, you can get those images with the help of HasNextImage and GetNextImage methods. You need to loop through all the extracted images using a while loop. In order to save the images to disk, you can call the overload of the GetNextImage method which takes file path as argument.
The following code snippet shows you how to extract images from PDF file using ExtractImageMode option.
public static void ExtractImagesImageExtractionMode()
// Open input PDF
PdfExtractor extractor = new PdfExtractor();
extractor.BindPdf(_dataDir + "sample_cats_dogs.pdf");
// Specify Image Extraction Mode
//extractor.ExtractImageMode = ExtractImageMode.ActuallyUsed;
extractor.ExtractImageMode = ExtractImageMode.DefinedInResources;
// Extract Images based on Image Extraction Mode
// Get all the extracted images
while (extractor.HasNextImage())
extractor.GetNextImage(_dataDir + DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString() + "_out.png", System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png);
For checking if Pdf contains Text Or Images use next code snippet:
public static void CheckIfPdfContainsTextOrImages()
// Instantiate a memoryStream object to hold the extracted text from Document
MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
// Instantiate PdfExtractor object
PdfExtractor extractor = new PdfExtractor();
// Bind the input PDF document to extractor
extractor.BindPdf(_dataDir + "FilledForm.pdf");
// Extract text from the input PDF document
// Save the extracted text to a text file
// Check if the MemoryStream length is greater than or equal to 1
bool containsText = ms.Length >= 1;
// Extract images from the input PDF document
// Calling HasNextImage method in while loop. When images will finish, loop will exit
bool containsImage = extractor.HasNextImage();
// Now find out whether this PDF is text only or image only
if (containsText && !containsImage)
Console.WriteLine("PDF contains text only");
else if (!containsText && containsImage)
Console.WriteLine("PDF contains image only");
else if (containsText && containsImage)
Console.WriteLine("PDF contains both text and image");
else if (!containsText && !containsImage)
Console.WriteLine("PDF contains neither text or nor image");