PHP via COM Interop
Configure your PHP to work with COM. See For more information, please check the article named Use Aspose.pdf for .NET via COM Interop
Hello World! Example
This is a simple application that shows you how to create a new PDF file and add text to the PDF file using Aspose.PDF for .NET in PHP via COM Interop.
echo "<h2>Calling Aspose.PDF for .NET from PHP using COM Interoperatibility</h2>";
echo "<h3>PDF to Excel Conversion</h3>";
//set license
$lic = new COM("Aspose.Pdf.License");
//Load Pdf Document
$helper = new COM("Aspose.Pdf.ComHelper");
$pdf = $helper->OpenFile($input);
// Save the PDF document to desired file format by passing SaveFormat enum value for the format in this case we pass 9 for excel.
$output = "C:/temp/test_php.xls";