
Do you have a large PDF document that you’d like to break down into smaller, more manageable files? With Aspose.PDF Splitter for .NET, you can easily achieve this task. In this article, we’ll explore the process of splitting a PDF document into multiple files using the Aspose.PDF plugin. Let’s dive into the code and walk through the steps.


You will need the following:

  • Visual Studio 2019 or later
  • Aspose.PDF for .NET 24.1 or later
  • A sample PDF file

Additionally, familiarize yourself with the SplitOptions class and its properties. You can find detailed information about this class in the API Reference. Note that each output FileDataSource represents a single page in the split PDF files.

Now, let’s explore the provided code and understand how to split a PDF document.

Code Walkthrough

The code below demonstrates a PDF splitting demo using the Aspose.PDF.Plugins:

using Aspose.Pdf.Plugins;
// ...........

// Set the input path of the PDF document to be split.
using var inputStream = File.OpenRead(Path.Combine(@"C:\Samples\", "sample.pdf"));

// Create a new instance of Splitter.
var splitter = new Splitter();

// Create options for splitting the document.
var options = new SplitOptions();

// Add input and output data sources to the options.
options.AddInput(new StreamDataSource(inputStream));

var document = new Aspose.Pdf.Document(inputStream);

for (int i = 1; i <= document.Pages.Count; i++)
   var pageNum = string.Format("{0,3}", i.ToString("D3"));
   options.AddOutput(new FileDataSource(Path.Combine(@"C:\Samples\", $"splitter_{pageNum}.pdf")));

// Process the options to split the document.
var result = splitter.Process(options);

Let’s break down the key steps:

  1. Set the Input PDF

    The code starts by specifying the input PDF document’s path to be split. This is done using the File.OpenRead method.

  2. Create an Object (Splitter and SplitOptions)

    The code creates an instance of the Splitter class to handle the splitting process. Additionally, an instance of the SplitOptions class is created to configure the splitting operation.

  3. Add Data Source (Input and Output)

    The input PDF document is added to the SplitOptions as an input data source using the AddInput method. For each page in the document, an output file path is added as an output data source using the AddOutput method.

  4. Run Process Method

    The splitting process is initiated by calling the Process method on the Splitter class, passing the configured SplitOptions. The result of the operation is stored in the result variable.

  5. Handle Result

    The code prints the result to the console, providing information about the splitting process.