Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes in Aspose.Slides for .NET 14.4.0
Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes
Added Interfaces, Classes, Methods and Properties
Aspose.Slides.ILayoutSlide.HasDependingSlides property had been added
The property Aspose.Slides.ILayoutSlide.HasDependingSlides returns true if there exists at least one slide that depends on this layout slide. For example:
ILayoutSlide layout = ...;
if (!layout.HasDependingSlides)
Aspose.Slides.ILayoutSlide.Remove() method
The method Aspose.Slides.ILayoutSlide.Remove() allows you to remove a layout from a presentation with minimum of code. For example:
ILayoutSlide layout = ...;
if (!layout.HasDependingSlides)
Aspose.Slides.ILayoutSlideCollection.Remove(ILayoutSlide) method
The method Aspose.Slides.ILayoutSlideCollection.Remove(ILayoutSlide) allows you to remove a layout from the collection. Code examples:
ILayoutSlide layout = ...;
if (!layout.HasDependingSlides)
IMasterSlide masterSlide = ...;
ILayoutSlide layout = ...;
if (!layout.HasDependingSlides)
The method Aspose.Slides.ILayoutSlideCollection.RemoveUnused() allows you to remove unused layout slides (layout slides whose HasDependingSlides is false). Code examples:
IMasterSlide masterSlide = ...;
Aspose.Slides.IMasterSlide.HasDependingSlides property
The property Aspose.Slides.IMasterSlide.HasDependingSlides returns true if there exists at least one slide that depends on this master slide. For example:
IMasterSlide masterSlide = ...;
if (!masterSlide.HasDependingSlides)
Aspose.Slides.ISlide.Remove() method
The method Aspose.Slides.ISlide.Remove() allows you to remove a slide from a presentation with minimum of code. For example:
ISlide slide = ...;
The property Aspose.Slides.SmartArt.ISmartArtNode.BulletFillFormat returns IFillFormat for a SmartArt node bullet if the layout provides bullets. It can be used to set the bullet image.
// The path to the documents directory. | |
string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_SmartArts(); | |
using (Presentation presentation = new Presentation()) | |
{ | |
ISmartArt smart = presentation.Slides[0].Shapes.AddSmartArt(10, 10, 500, 400, SmartArtLayoutType.VerticalPictureList); | |
ISmartArtNode node = smart.AllNodes[0]; | |
if (node.BulletFillFormat != null) | |
{ | |
Image img = (Image)new Bitmap(dataDir + "aspose-logo.jpg"); | |
IPPImage image = presentation.Images.AddImage(img); | |
node.BulletFillFormat.FillType = FillType.Picture; | |
node.BulletFillFormat.PictureFillFormat.Picture.Image = image; | |
node.BulletFillFormat.PictureFillFormat.PictureFillMode = PictureFillMode.Stretch; | |
} | |
presentation.Save(dataDir +"out.pptx", SaveFormat.Pptx); | |
} |
Aspose.Slides.SmartArt.ISmartArtNode.Level property
The property Aspose.Slides.SmartArt.ISmartArtNode.Level returns nested level for SmartArt nodes.
ISmartArtNode node = diagram.AllNodes[0];
if(node.Level == 1)
node.TextFrame.Text = "First level";
Aspose.Slides.SmartArt.ISmartArtNode.Position property
The property Aspose.Slides.SmartArt.ISmartArtNode.Position returns the position of a node among its siblings.
ISmartArtNode node = diagram.AllNodes[0];
if (node.ChildNodes.Count > 3)
Aspose.Slides.SmartArt.ISmartArtNode.Remove() method had been added
The Aspose.Slides.SmartArt.ISmartArtNode.Remove() method allows the removal of a node from a diagram.
ISmartArt node = diagram.AllNodes[0];
IGlobalLayoutSlideCollection interface and GlobalLayoutSlideCollection class
The IGlobalLayoutSlideCollection interface and the GlobalLayoutSlideCollection class have been added into the Aspose.Slides namespace.
The GlobalLayoutSlideCollection class implements the IGlobalLayoutSlideCollection interface.
The IGlobalLayoutSlideCollection interface represents a collection of all layout slides in a presentation. The IPresentation.LayoutSlides property is of the type IGlobalLayoutSlideCollection. IGlobalLayoutSlideCollection extends the ILayoutSlideCollection interface with methods for adding and cloning layout slides in context of uniting of the individual collections of master’s layout slides:
- ILayoutSlide AddClone(ILayoutSlide sourceLayout); – Can be used to add a copy of a specified layout slide to the presentation. This method keeps the source formatting (when cloning a layout between different presentations, the layout’s master can be cloned too. The internal registry is used to track automatically cloned masters to prevent the creation of multiple clones of the same master slide.)
- ILayoutSlide AddClone(ILayoutSlide sourceLayout, IMasterSlide destMaster); – Used to add a copy of a specified layout slide to a presentation. The new layout will be linked to the defined master in the destination presentation. This option is analogue to copying or pasting with the Use Destination Theme option in Microsoft PowerPoint.
- ILayoutSlide Add(IMasterSlide master, SlideLayoutType layoutType, string layoutName); – Used to add a new layout slide to a presentation. Supported layout types: Title, TitleOnly, Blank, TitleAndObject, VerticalText, VerticalTitleAndText, TwoObjects, SectionHeader, TwoTextAndTwoObjects, TitleObjectAndCaption, PictureAndCaption, Custom. Layout name can be generated atomatically. An added layout of the type SlideLayoutType.Custom contains no placeholders and no shapes. An analogue of this method is the IMasterLayoutSlideCollection.Add(SlideLayoutType, string) method accessed with the IMasterSlide.LayoutSlides property.
Interface IMasterLayoutSlideCollection and class MasterLayoutSlideCollection
The IMasterLayoutSlideCollection interface and MasterLayoutSlideCollection class had been added to the Aspose.Slides namespace. The MasterLayoutSlideCollection class implements the IMasterLayoutSlideCollection interface.
The IMasterLayoutSlideCollection interface represents a collections of all layout slides of a defined master slide. It extends the ILayoutSlideCollection interface with methods for adding, inserting, removing or cloning layout slides in the context of the individual collections of a master’s layout slides:
// Method signature:
ILayoutSlide AddClone(ILayoutSlide sourceLayout);
// Code example that attaches copy of the sourceLayout to the destMasterSlide:
IMasterSlide destMasterSlide = ...;
The method can be used to add a copy of a specified layout slide to the end of the collection. The new layout will be linked with the parent master slide for this layout slides collection. So this is analogue of copying or pasting with the Use Destination Theme option in PowerPoint. Analogue of this method is the method IGlobalLayoutSlideCollection.AddClone(ILayoutSlide, IMasterSlide) accessed with the IPresentation.LayoutSlides property.
- ILayoutSlide InsertClone(int index, ILayoutSlide sourceLayout); – Used to insert a copy of a specified layout slide to specified position of the collection. New layout will be linked with parent master slide for this layout slides collection. So this is analogue of copying and pasting with the Use Destination Theme option in PowerPoint.
- ILayoutSlide Add(SlideLayoutType layoutType, string layoutName);
- ILayoutSlide Insert(int index, SlideLayoutType layoutType, string layoutName); – Used to add or inserts a new layout slide. Supported layout types: Title, TitleOnly, Blank, TitleAndObject, VerticalText, VerticalTitleAndText, TwoObjects, SectionHeader, TwoTextAndTwoObjects, TitleObjectAndCaption, PictureAndCaption, Custom. The layout name can be generated atomatically. Added layout of the SlideLayoutType.Custom type contains no placeholders and no shapes. Analogue of this method is the IGlobalLayoutSlideCollection.Add(IMasterSlide, SlideLayoutType, string) method accessed with the IPresentation.LayoutSlides property.
- void RemoveAt(int index); – Used to remove the layout at the specified index of the collection.
- void Reorder(int index, ILayoutSlide layoutSlide); – Used to move layout slide from the collection to the specified position.
Changed Methods and Properties
Signature of the Aspose.Slides.ISlideCollection.AddClone(ISlide, IMasterSlide) method
The signature of the ISlideCollection method: ISlide AddClone(ISlide sourceSlide, IMasterSlide destMaster);
is obsolete now and is replaced with signature
ISlide AddClone(ISlide sourceSlide, IMasterSlide destMaster, bool allowCloneMissingLayout)
The allowCloneMissingLayout parameter specifies what to do if there is no appropriate layout in the destMaster for the new (cloned) slide. The appropriate layout is the layout with the same type or name as the layout of the source slide. If there is no appropriate layout in the specified master then the layout of the source slide will be cloned (if allowCloneMissingLayout is true) or a PptxEditException will be thrown (if allowCloneMissingLayout is false).
Call of the obsolete method like
AddClone(sourceSlide, destMaster);
assumes allowCloneMissingLayout is equal to false (that is, PptxEditException will be thrown if there is no appropriate layout). Functionally identical call that uses new signature looks like this: AddClone(sourceSlide, destMaster, false);
If you want missing layouts to be automatically cloned instead PptxEditException throwing then pass the allowCloneMissingLayout parameter as true.
The same refers to the ISlideCollection method:
ISlide InsertClone(int index, ISlide sourceSlide, IMasterSlide destMaster);
is also obsolete now and is replaced with signature
ISlide InsertClone(int index, ISlide sourceSlide, IMasterSlide destMaster, bool allowCloneMissingLayout);
Type of the Aspose.Slides.IMasterSlide.LayoutSlides property
The type of the Aspose.Slides.IMasterSlide.LayoutSlides property has been changed from ILayoutSlideCollection to the new IMasterLayoutSlideCollection interface. The IMasterLayoutSlideCollection interface is a descendant of the ILayoutSlideCollection so existing code needs no adaptations.
Type of the Aspose.Slides.IPresentation.LayoutSlides property has been changed
The type of the Aspose.Slides.IPresentation.LayoutSlides property has been changed from ILayoutSlideCollection to the new IGlobalLayoutSlideCollection interface. The IGlobalLayoutSlideCollection interface is a descendant of the ILayoutSlideCollection so existing code needs no adaptations.