Accessing Document Properties
Aspose.Words - Accessing Document Properties
Document properties allow some useful information to be stored along with the document. There is a system (built-in) and user-defined (custom) properties. Built-in properties contain such things as document title, author’s name, document statistics, and so on. Custom properties are just name-value pairs where the user defines both the name and value.
You can use document properties in your document automation project to store some useful info along with the document such as when the document was received/processed/time stamped and so on.
Document doc = new Document(dataDir + "document.doc");
System.out.println("============ Built-in Properties ============");
for (DocumentProperty prop : doc.getBuiltInDocumentProperties())
System.out.println(MessageFormat.format("{0} : {1}", prop.getName(), prop.getValue()));
System.out.println("============ Custom Properties ============");
for (DocumentProperty prop : doc.getCustomDocumentProperties())
System.out.println(MessageFormat.format("{0} : {1}", prop.getName(), prop.getValue()));
FileFormatInfo info = FileFormatUtil.detectFileFormat(dataDir + "document.doc");
System.out.println("The document format is: " + FileFormatUtil.loadFormatToExtension(info.getLoadFormat()));
System.out.println("Document is encrypted: " + info.isEncrypted());
System.out.println("Document has a digital signature: " + info.hasDigitalSignature());
docx4j - Accessing Document Properties
Shows how to access a docx’s:
- Core properties (Dublin Core title, creator etc)
- Extended properties (app.xml)
- Custom properties (where you can store your own data, as shown here)
WordprocessingMLPackage wordMLPackage = WordprocessingMLPackage.load(new;
// Let's look at the core properties docPropsCorePart = wordMLPackage.getDocPropsCorePart();
org.docx4j.docProps.core.CoreProperties coreProps = (org.docx4j.docProps.core.CoreProperties)docPropsCorePart.getJaxbElement();
// Title of the document
// Note: Word for Mac 2010 doesn't set title
String title = "Missing";
List<String> list = coreProps.getTitle().getValue().getContent();
if (list.size() > 0)
title = list.get(0);
System.out.println("'dc:title' is " + title);
// Extended properties docPropsExtendedPart = wordMLPackage.getDocPropsExtendedPart();
org.docx4j.docProps.extended.Properties extendedProps = (org.docx4j.docProps.extended.Properties)docPropsExtendedPart.getJaxbElement();
// Document creator Application
System.out.println("'Application' is " + extendedProps.getApplication() + " v." + extendedProps.getAppVersion());
// Custom properties docPropsCustomPart = wordMLPackage.getDocPropsCustomPart();
System.out.println("No Document Custom Properties.");
org.docx4j.docProps.custom.Properties customProps = (org.docx4j.docProps.custom.Properties)docPropsCustomPart.getJaxbElement();
for (org.docx4j.docProps.custom.Properties.Property prop: customProps.getProperty() )
// At the moment, you need to know what sort of value it has.
// Could create a generic Object getValue() method.
if (prop.getLpwstr()!=null)
System.out.println(prop.getName() + " = " + prop.getLpwstr());
System.out.println(prop.getName() + ": \n " + XmlUtils.marshaltoString(prop, true, Context.jcDocPropsCustom));