Appendix C. Typical Templates

This section contains examples of templates for typical scenarios. Every example is given using one of the following data source objects:

  • manager, an instance of the Manager class
  • managers, an enumeration of instances of the Manager class
  • contracts, an enumeration of instances of the Contract class
  • clients, an enumeration of instances of the Client class

The Manager, Contract, and Client classes are defined as follows.

public class Manager
	public String Name { get { ... } }
	public int Age { get { ... } }
	public byte[] Photo { get { ... } }
	public Country Country { get { ... } }
	public IEnumerable<Contract> Contracts { get { ... } }

public class Country
	public String Name { get { ... } }

public class Contract
	public Manager Manager { get { ... } }
	public Client Client { get { ... } }
	public float Price { get { ... } }
	public DateTime Date { get { ... } }

public class Client
	public String Name { get { ... } }

Single-Row Template

Template Example

Single_Row_Template_Example-aspose-words-net Name: <<[manager.Name]>>
Age: <<[manager.Age]>>

Report Example

Single_Row_Report_Example-aspose-words-net Name: John Smith
Age: 37

In-Paragraph List Template

Template Example

We provide support for the following clients: <<foreach [in clients]>><<[IndexOf() != 0 ? ,  : “”]>><<[Name]>><</foreach>>

Report Example

We provide support for the following clients: A Company, B Ltd., C & D, E Corp., F & Partners, G & Co., H Group, I & Sons, J Ent.

Bulleted List Template

Template Example

We provide support for the following clients:
    * <<foreach [in clients]>><<[Name]>>

Report Example

We provide support for the following clients:
    * A Company
    * B Ltd.
    * C & D
    * E Corp.
    * F & Partners
    * G & Co.
    * H Group
    * I & Sons
    * J Ent.

Numbered List Template

Template Example

We provide support for the following clients:
    1. <<foreach [in clients]>><<[Name]>>

Report Example

We provide support for the following clients:
    1. A Company
    2. B Ltd.
    3. C & D
    4. E Corp.
    5. F & Partners
    6. G & Co.
    7. H Group
    8. I & Sons
    9. J Ent.

Multicolored Numbered List Template

Template Example

We provide support for the following clients:

1. <<foreach [in clients]>><<if [IndexOf() % 2 == 0]>><<[Name]>>

2. <<else>><<[Name]>>


Report Example

We provide support for the following clients:

1. A Company

2. B Ltd.

3. C & D

4. E Corp.

5. F & Partners

6. G & Co.

7. H Group

8. I & Sons

9. J Ent.

Common List Template

Template Example

<<foreach [in managers]>>

Report Example

John Smith
Tony Anderson
July James

In-Table List Template

Template Example

Manager Contract Price
 <<foreach [in managers]>><<[Name()]>> 
 <<[Contracts().sum(c => c.Price())]>><</foreach>> 
 <<[sum(m => m.Contracts().sum(c => c.Price()))]>> 

Report Example

Manager Contract Price
John Smith 2300000
Tony Anderson 1200000
July James 800000
Total: 4300000

In-Table List Template (Horizontal)

Template Example

Manager <<foreach [in managers] -horz>><<[Name]>> Total:
Contract Price <<[Contracts.Sum( c => c.Price)]>><</foreach>> <<[Sum( m => m.Contracts.Sum( c => c.getPrice()))]>>

Report Example

Manager John Smith Tony Anderson July James Total:
Contract Price 2300000 1200000 800000 4300000

In-Table List Template with Running (Progressive) Total

Template Example

<<var [total = 0.0]>>
Client Total Contract Price
<<foreach [in contracts]>><<[Client.Name]>> <<var [total = total + Price]>><<[total]>><</foreach>>

Report Example

Client Total Contract Price
A Company 1200000
B Ltd. 1950000
C & D 2300000
E Corp. 2950000
F & Partners 3500000
G & Co. 3850000
H Group 4100000
I & Sons 4200000
J Ent. 4300000

In-Table List Template with Highlighted Rows

Template Example

Client Contract Price
<<foreach [in contracts]>><<if [Price >= 1000000]>><<[Client.Name]>> <<[Price]>>
<<else>><<[Client.Name]>> <<[Price]>><</if>><</foreach>>
Total: <<[Sum(c => c.Price)]>>

Report Example

Client Contract Price
A Company 1200000
B Ltd. 750000
C & D 350000
E Corp. 650000
F & Partners 550000
G & Co. 350000
H Group 250000
I & Sons 100000
J Ent. 100000
Total: 4300000

In-Table List Template (Horizontal) with Highlighted Columns

Template Example

Manager <<foreach [in managers] -horz>><<if [Contracts.Sum( c => c.Price) >= 2000000] -horz>><<[Name]>> <<else>><<[Name]>> Total:
Contract Price <<[Contracts.Sum( c => c.Price)]>> <<[Contracts.Sum( c => c.Price)]>><</if>><</foreach>> <<[Sum( m => m.Contracts.Sum( c => c.Price))]>>

Report Example

Manager John Smith Tony Anderson July James Total:
Contract Price 2300000 1200000 800000 4300000

In-Table List Template with Alternate Content

Template Example

Client Contract Price
<<if [!Any()]>>No data
<<else>><<foreach [in contracts]>><<[Client.Name]>> <<[Price]>><</foreach>>
Total: <<[Sum(c => c.Price)]>><</if>>

Report Example 1

Client Contract Price
No data

Report Example 2

Client Contract Price
A Company 1200000
B Ltd. 750000
C & D 350000
E Corp. 650000
F & Partners 550000
G & Co. 350000
H Group 250000
I & Sons 100000
J Ent. 100000
Total: 4300000

In-Table List Template (Horizontal) with Alternate Content

Template Example

Manager <<if [!Any()] -horz>>No data <<else>><<foreach [in managers] -horz>><<[Name]>> Total:
Contract Price <<[Contracts.Sum( c => c.Price)]>><</foreach>> <<[Sum( m => m.Contracts.Sum( c => c.Price))]>><</if>>

Report Example 1

Client No data
Contract Price

Report Example 2

Manager John Smith Tony Anderson July James Total:
Contract Price 2300000 1200000 800000 4300000

Common Master-Detail Template

Template Example

<<foreach [in managers]>>
Clients: <<foreach [in Contracts() ]>><<[indexOf() != 0 ? “, " : “"]>><<[Client().Name()]>><</foreach>>

Report Example

John Smith
Clients: A Company, B Ltd., C & D
Tony Anderson
Clients: E Corp., F & Partners
July James
Clients: G & Co., H Group, I & Sons, J Ent.

In-Table Master-Detail Template

Template Example

Manager/Client Contract Price
 <<foreach [in managers]>><<[Name()]>> 
 <<[Contracts().sum(c => c.Price())]>> 
 <<foreach [in Contracts()]>> <<[Client().Name()]>> 
 <<[Sum(m => m.Contracts().Sum(c => c.Price()))]>> 

Report Example

Manager/Client Contract Price
John Smith 2300000
A Company 1200000
B Ltd. 750000
C & D 350000
Tony Anderson 1200000
E Corp. 650000
F & Partners 550000
July James 800000
G & Co. 350000
H Group 250000
I & Sons 100000
J Ent. 100000
Total: 4300000

Pie Chart Template

Template Example


Initial Chart Series Data


Report Example


Sunburst Chart Template

Template Example


Initial Chart Series Data


Report Example


Treemap Chart Template

Template Example


Initial Chart Series Data


Report Example


Histogram Chart Template

Template Example


Report Example


Scatter Chart Template

Template Example


Initial Chart Series Data


Report Example

// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// The path to the documents directory.
string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_LINQ();
string fileName = "ScatterChart.docx";
// Load the template document.
Document doc = new Document(dataDir + fileName);
// Create a Reporting Engine.
ReportingEngine engine = new ReportingEngine();
// Execute the build report.
engine.BuildReport(doc, Common.GetContracts(), "contracts");
dataDir = dataDir + RunExamples.GetOutputFilePath(fileName);
// Save the finished document to disk.

Bubble Chart Template

Template Example


Initial Chart Series Data


Report Example


In-Table Template with Filtering, Grouping, and Ordering

Template Example

Manager Contract Price
<<foreach [in contracts .Where(c => c.Date.Year == 2015).GroupBy(c => c.Manager).OrderBy(g => g.Key.Name)]>><<[Key.Name]>>
<<[Sum(c => c.Price)]>><</foreach>>

Report Example

Manager Contract Price
John Smith 2300000
July James 800000
Tony Anderson 1200000

Chart Template with Filtering, Grouping, and Ordering

Template Example


Report Example
