Convert a Document

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The ability to easily and reliably convert documents from one format to another is one of the main feature areas of Aspose.Words. Such a conversion is nothing more than a combination of loading and saving operations.

Almost any task that you want to perform with Aspose.Words involves loading or saving a document in some format. As mentioned in previous sections, the LoadFormat enumeration specifies all load or import formats supported by Aspose.Words, and the SaveFormat enumeration specifies all save or export formats supported by Aspose.Words. Thus, Aspose.Words can convert a document from any supported load format into any supported save format. As a rule, such a conversion requires several stages of calculation. However from the user perspective conversion from a document format to another one is itself very simple, and can be accomplished with just two steps:

  1. Load your document into a Document object using one of its constructors.
  2. Invoke one of the save methods on the Document object and specify the desired output format.

The current section describes popular conversions, as well as ideas for working with some combinations of formats when loading and saving. Using the examples of this section, you can understand that the conversion process itself is quite universal, and there is no point in describing all the possible options, since there are several hundred of them due to the large number of formats supported by Aspose.Words for Python via .NET.

Convert Word to PDF

Convert Image to PDF

Convert Web Formats to PDF

  • Convert Markdown to PDF
  • Convert HTML to PDF
  • Convert MHT (MHTML) to PDF
  • and others

Convert Other Formats to PDF

  • Convert RTF to PDF
  • Convert ODT to PDF
  • Convert TXT to PDF
  • Convert Mobi to PDF
  • and others

Convert PDF to Word

Convert PDF to Image

Convert PDF to Web Formats

  • Convert PDF to Markdown
  • Convert PDF to HTML
  • Convert PDF to EPUB
  • and others

Convert PDF to Other Formats

  • Convert PDF to RTF
  • Convert PDF to XPS
  • and others

Convert a Document to an Image

Convert a Document to Markdown

Convert a Document to HTML