Capture the Viewports of 3D Scene and Render to a Texture or Window

Capturing and Rendering the Viewports of 3D Scene

The CreateRenderTexture and CreateRenderWindow methods exposed by the RenderFactory class can be used to create a new render target that renders the scene to a texture or Window.

Programming Sample

This code example captures a viewport of 3D Scene and renders it in two different ways.

// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Load an existing 3D scene
Scene scene = Scene.FromFile("scene.obj");
// Create an instance of the camera
Camera camera = new Camera();
scene.RootNode.CreateChildNode("camera", camera).Transform.Translation = new Vector3(2, 44, 66);
// Set the target
camera.LookAt = new Vector3(50, 12, 0);
// Create a light
scene.RootNode.CreateChildNode("light", new Light() { Color = new Vector3(Color.White), LightType = LightType.Point }).Transform.Translation = new Vector3(26, 57, 43);
// The CreateRenderer will create a hardware OpenGL-backend renderer
// And some internal initializations will be done.
// When the renderer left using the scope, the unmanaged hardware resources will also be disposed
using (var renderer = Renderer.CreateRenderer())
renderer.EnableShadows = false;
// Create a new render target that renders the scene to texture(s)
// Use default render parameters
// And one output targets
// Size is 1024 x 1024
// This render target can have multiple render output textures, but here we only need one output.
// The other textures and depth textures are mainly used by deferred shading in the future.
// But you can also access the depth texture through IRenderTexture.DepthTeture
// Use CreateRenderWindow method to render in window, like:
// Window = renderer.RenderFactory.CreateRenderWindow(new RenderParameters(), Handle);
using (IRenderTexture rt = renderer.RenderFactory.CreateRenderTexture(new RenderParameters(), 1, 1024, 1024))
// This render target has one viewport to render, the viewport occupies the 100% width and 100% height
Viewport vp = rt.CreateViewport(camera, new RelativeRectangle() { ScaleWidth = 1, ScaleHeight = 1 });
// Render the target and save the target texture to external file
((ITexture2D)rt.Targets[0]).Save(RunExamples.GetOutputFilePath("file-1viewports_out.png"), ImageFormat.Png);
// Now let's change the previous viewport only uses the half left side(50% width and 100% height)
vp.Area = new RelativeRectangle() { ScaleWidth = 0.5f, ScaleHeight = 1 };
// And create a new viewport that occupies the 50% width and 100% height and starts from 50%
// Both of them are using the same camera, so the rendered content should be the same
rt.CreateViewport(camera, new RelativeRectangle() { ScaleX = 0.5f, ScaleWidth = 0.5f, ScaleHeight = 1 });
// But this time let's increase the field of view of the camera to 90 degree so it can see more part of the scene
camera.FieldOfView = 90;
((ITexture2D)rt.Targets[0]).Save(RunExamples.GetOutputFilePath("file-2viewports_out.png"), ImageFormat.Png);