Create and Read an Existing 3D Scene

Create an Empty 3D Scene and Save in Supported 3D File Formats

Aspose.3D API supports creating the new 3D scenes from the scratch and then save in any supported file format. Developers can also load an existing 3D Scene for the modification, addition or processing purposes.

Creating a 3D Scene Document

Please follow these steps to create a 3D Scene document using the Aspose.3D APIs:

  1. Create an instance of the Scene class that represents a 3D scene document.
  2. Generate a 3D Scene document by calling the Save method of the Scene class object.

Creating a 3D Scene Document: Programming Samples

import aspose.threed as a3d
# For complete examples and data files, please go to
# The path to the documents directory.
# Create an object of the Scene class
scene = a3d.Scene()
# Save 3D scene document
scene.Save("document.fbx", a3d.FileFormat.FBX7500ASCII)

Reading a 3D Scene

Using Aspose.3D API, developers can load all the supported 3D documents. The available constructors of the Scene class allow to do so and they accept a valid file path string. The supported readable file formats are as follows:

  1. FBX 7.7 (ASCII, Binary)
  2. FBX 7.6 (ASCII, Binary)
  3. FBX 7.5 (ASCII, Binary)
  4. FBX 7.4 (ASCII, Binary)
  5. FBX 7.3 (ASCII, Binary)
  6. FBX 7.2 (ASCII, Binary)
  7. STL (ASCII, Binary)
  8. WavefrontOBJ
  9. Discreet3DS
  10. Universal3D
  11. Collada
  12. glTF
  13. DXF
  14. PLY (ASCII, Binary)
  15. X (ASCII, Binary)
  16. XYZ
  17. Draco
  18. 3MF
  19. RVM (Text, Binary)
  20. ASE
  21. USDZ
  22. USD

Constructors of the Scene class detect 3D document format internally.

Reading a 3D Scene: Programming Samples

import aspose.threed as a3d
# For complete examples and data files, please go to
# The path to the documents directory.
# Initialize a Scene class object
scene = Scene()
# Load an existing 3D document"document.fbx")